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A Sunday Chat

Jean in Newcastle

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Sudoku is a favorite of my 13 year old.


Low key father's day today. We are getting ready for a long run to the airport to pick dd up. We wanted a nap first.


Her hubby has begun his internship with Lockheed Martin and if her surgeon approves her for work on the 1st, she's going back to her medic job here until they know if LM is offering him a full time position. So, he's in New Jersey, and she's coming home to Michigan for 2 months.


Dh's birthday was yesterday, and our 25th was this past 11th. Since dad came home from the hospital on the 10th and mom has needed assistance with him, we've just not planned much. Next year we'll make up for it. Seasons in life...



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Coming back to put in my own answers.


I have these really soft and nice looking pajamas that I love to lounge in. I tend to reach for the chips but lately my go-to snack are eggs because they fit my diet.


We are sort of celebrating Father's Day but are mostly celebrating my dh's birthday.


I love EASY Sudoku and crossword puzzles. I like the brain exercise but I don't like to make my brain sweat!

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I wear jeans/yoga pants or shorts to lounge. And a t-shirt. To munch on...right now it's strawberries and snap peas. Dh and youngest son are out bowling to celebrate Father's Day. Ds and I also made pancakes for breakfast while dh slept in.The other boys are out of town at "Grandpa Camp" with my father. Sudoku and crosswords are all right, but I prefer other pencil puzzles. ~Cat

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Wearing stretch jeans and a lightweight fleece top when I'm in a comfy mood. I think fleece is the comfiest of all.


I just grabbed a Hawaiian Roll to munch on.


Our Father's Day celebration was yesterday as my husband works today. The kids are baking brownies and chocolate chip cookies for him to make up for some of the times that he comes home and it's all gone. They'd have to make a lot more batches to truly make up for it!


I spent the day shopping with my daughter for a recital dress. Wound up at White House Black Market and was pleased with both the selection and service. Best of all, two music majors were working so they knew exactly what was needed. I'm still in shock from spending more on a belt (not on sale) than on her dress (on sale), but it saved me a lot of running around and a probable out of town trip.


Crossword puzzles.

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Hi everyone! Today grab your most comfy clothes and come to chill. What do you wear when you are lounging around the house? And what do you reach for to munch on?


I love to lounge in my lands end exercise pants and cute t-shirt...comfy! Todays munch was water crackers with cream cheese and pineapple habanero sauce..yum!


Are you celebrating Father's Day in some way at your house? Yesterday I took dh to Bonefish for dinner. The kids called, sent pictures on facebook, a new shirt and cigar and our dd make him a Paula Deen red velvet cake. We are making his favorite dinner of roasted veggies, steak and couscous.


And today's totally random question: Do you like crossword puzzles or Sudoku? Crossword puzzles here.

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Hi everyone! Today grab your most comfy clothes and come to chill. What do you wear when you are lounging around the house? And what do you reach for to munch on?


Are you celebrating Father's Day in some way at your house?


And today's totally random question: Do you like crossword puzzles or Sudoku?


Just clothes. Sometimes if I'm cool I'll put a bathrobe over my clothes instead of a sweater.


Today Dh made me breakfast as I sat on the comfy couch and read, "The Magician's Nephew". Soon we are going to the board game store to play board games and they will buy me a new board game of my choice.


I don't think I'm suppose to know, but the massage table is set up in the basement for me.


(Since DH is always sick with allergies on Mother's day we switched them. He got a day pretty much simliar to the above for Mother's Day. Minus the trip to the board game store. He wasn't in the mood to go out)


I don't like crossword puzzles of Sudoku. But I did recently learn how to solve a Rubix's cube. I can know do it reliable in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

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Suduko, but I like Kakuro even better, though it's a lot harder.


I'm usually in sweat pants and a t-shirt (or hoodie if it's cold) to lounge around.


Dh let me sleep in a little bit since I haven't been able to much lately and I start working tomorrow. Dinner was a really really yummy pork roast cooked in the crockpot with carrots and red potatoes. Dh prepared it since he does all the cooking around here.


We hung around outside for a little while but mostly watching movies since we have HBO for a few days. Dh is watching golf, while I'm reading and feeling depressed because I've evidently hit the point where I have no choice but to wear my glasses if I'm going to be reading for more than a few minutes.

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Sweats and t-shirt for comfy clothes.


I was talking with the neighbor, so dh took the kids on a very long bike ride. We will watch a show on t.v. tonight as a family. Kids got dh a singing card.


I don't like crossword puzzles or soduku. Just give me a book to read and I am one happy camper.


ETA: I do like word searches :)

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It's not Fathers Day here. That's the second Sunday in September, I think, and a day I ignore.


I wear whatever is around that isn't my best and snack on whatever is around. At the moment, that is chocolate covered marshmellows. I haven't had these in years. Mmm. Junk food. I'd prefer sleep, but one must make do.


Sudoku is ok, crosswords are only ok if I have a chance of working out the answers. I almost believe no one can do cryptic crosswords, but someone must be able to or they wouldn't run them in the newspapers decade after decade, would they?

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Long shorts & t-shirt is my normal around the house clothes, ok it is my going out of house clothes too


I love all kinds of snack foods, just depends on my mood. Mostly I prefer salty.


We went to visit my stepdad and dh's father then went out to eat Mexican.


I like crosswords & Sudoku but I am not very good at either.

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Shorts and a t-shirt in summer, comfy sweat pants and t-shirt or sweatshirt in winter.


For Father's Day, we all took a family vote and informed my husband that he had been selected to remove the slime mold from our mulch to the garbage can. I did get a bag for him to put in in, though. It had to do done today because garbage goes out tomorrow and we did not want the slime mold sitting in the garage, the garbage cans have to be stored in the garage here.


We did wish him happy Father's Day, though!


We are going to watch Horatio Hornblower for a family movie tonight instead of Little House on the Prairie. He likes Hornblower better than Little House, although he likes both.

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We are celebrating Father's Day with...my husband working overtime to cover other people's vacations. I am making him a big dinner though- BBQ chicken with onions and peppers, homemade mac and cheese, sauteed greens and baby broccoli and roasted corn with jalapeno. We woke up too late for me to do a big breakfast so I handed him a bowl of cereal while he rushed around getting ready for work. We stayed up way too late last night together. I need to walk over to the store and get some flowers or something to jazz up the dinner table.

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I like to lounge in tshirts and shorts or jeans and fleece tops.


I'll snack on whatever is available :D


I've been not feeling well since Friday evening (sinus thing, I think---wrong time for seasonal allergies for me). I told dh we'd celebrate Father's Day next weekend. He and the kids went to sil's house for an extended family BBQ this afternoon. I stayed at home, drank my decaf unsweetened iced tea, and planned dd's American history for next school year. The house was soooooooooooooooo quiet :)


Sudoku! I have apps on the ipad and my phone, plus we have books all over the house. Crossword puzzles make me crazy. Dh likes those unscramble-the-letters-to-make-words games (can't think of the name----blame the sinus meds!). I hate those.

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Clothes for lounging: summer- shorts, t-shirt, bare feet. winter- yoga pants/fleece, long sleeve tee, sweater or fleece vest, warm socks.


Munchies: air popped popcorn drizzled with butter, lightly sprinked with salt, sometimes with spices like pepper or curry powder.


Crossword puzzles! I keep a puzzle book in the car for times I have to wait. I like the ones that give my brain a workout, but not ones that are too culturally modern with the clues. I really like to try the cryptic crosswords. I don't get Sudoku.


Father's day was hard on dh, the van is giving us troubles so we had to cancel a family outing planned for tomorrow. He spent the day working on the yard. We did give him a nice gift and my daughter and grandson were here.

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I like to lounge in yoga pants and t shirts with fuzzy socks if my feet are chilly. I don't enjoy Sudoku, but like the occasional crossword puzzle.


We didn't really celebrate Father's Day today. That has been moved to tomorrow. My mom and her husband flew in on the 6th because dd17 graduated high school on the 7th. I wanted that weekend to be all about her, but didn't want Mom to miss dd20's baby shower, so we had to schedule it for today. Dd has school Tuesday through Saturday, and works every day except Sunday, so Father's Day was the only choice before Mom was insisting she must return home. We had a lovely time. Dd selected a shabby chic ladies' tea as her theme, so we had pale pink tablecloths with gorgeous lace overlays, mason jar centerpieces decorated with pale gray ribbon and An oversized flower which we half filled with pink and cream potpourri and topped with wax flameless candles. We had all sorts of dainties to nibble, played a few little games, and had a nice visit with everyone.


Everyone here is snacking on the leftover goodies.

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My preferred outfit of choice is always jeans and a t-shirt. I usually have a cardigan on also since I run cold. No fathers day activities except church although the kids all made dh cards this morning. Snacks: SALT! I'm not a sugar fan so it's nuts, cheese, olives and my favorite buttered popcorn sprinkled with dill, salt, Parmesan and nutritional yeast. Which could explain the extra 10lbs I am currently packing. :)


Crosswords, I've never played Sudoku because I don't get it.....not that I've ever read instructions. :)

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I lounge in whatever I'm wearing that day which in the summer is usually cropped pants, a shirt, and bare feet. I rarely change clothes. We don't keep much snack food in the house - if I had it I'd go for ice cream or buttered popcorn or something with melted cheese on it. As it is, I keep graham crackers, goldfish, and regular crackers on hand for the kids to have for snacks, but they don't appeal to me much.


We had church this morning - dh was working sound and ds was playing double bass, so they were there all morning. We had a simple lunch of croissants, cheese, cherry tomatoes, and strawberry banana smoothies. Dh went on a bike ride with the kids while I did some work for dinner - a berry pie and roast beef with marsala mushroom sauce. I can't believed everyone liked it - even my 8yo picky eater. After dinner we watched Kung Fu Panda 2 and had pie. After the little ones were in bed, dh, ds, and I watched the last hour of Schindler's List which we started last night. Dh is going to watch some Star Trek before bed to clear his head.


I like Sudoku when on a car trip. I don't often have the mental focus to do puzzles at home, although we do have a jigsaw puzzle in the works.

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Sweats/fleecy pants and t-shirt, fleecy aloe socks


Chips and salsa


Dc gave dh his presents after breakfast. He and I went to farmer's market for bbq fixings. He and dc are watching Dark Night Rises right now.


My mom loves crossword puzzles; I need to do more of them. Never really got into Sudoku but I do love word search puzzles. One of my favorites from childhood.

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Usually I'm wearing shorts or capris and a cami or sleeveless top. ETA: I usually am munching on peanuts, almonds, or tortilla chips.


I slept almost all day today. DH and the kids went over to his parents and celebrated Father's Day with the relatives. I joined them for church in the evening.


I LOVE Sudoku, although Cryptoquotes are my favorite puzzle. Crosswords - eh, I can take them or leave them.

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I usually lounge in shorts and a T-shirt in summer. Usually one of my dh's T-shirts because they are bigger. In the cooler months, I wear pajama pants and a T-shirt.


Hmmmmm, I'm not a muncher, more of a 3-square meals kind of gal. I guess if I was forced I'd choose popcorn with a little salt only, no butter.


Father's Day was pretty much non-existent around here. We all told dh we love him and happy F-Day. I made pork roast with gravy, steamed carrots, green beans, garlic mashed potatoes, and yeast rolls for lunch with Symphony Brownies for dessert. That seemed to make him happy! Dh is a preacher so holidays that fall on Sunday are tough!


I don't like Sudoku or crossword puzzles. I like those logic puzzle magazines that you can buy in some stores. I must say though that I haven't seen them in a while, but I love them for long trips.

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