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Questions about Elemental Science Biology - Logic Stage

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We are thinking of using this next year for 5th grade. I know from reading reviews that some of the study involves the outdoors. If one were to live in a region with a very long winter, would they have to adjust the schedule to accommodate chapters that required outdoor study? I am open to adjusting to some degree but am concerned there might be too many chapters that cannot be done during winter when "winter" is most of the school year.


I also read that we will need snails. What to do if you do not have snails where you live? The nearest pet store is two hours away, so that is not really an option. They might be around here, but I have never seen one. Can you mail snails?

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I did rearrange the biology, but only because I tried to align it to my high schoolers' biology schedule. It wasn't perfect, but we had a great first quarter! I didn't find too many outside projects, except during the plant study and a couple during our animal study. We did animals in the fall and moved plants into the spring, so that worked out well for us. As for snails, we have a ton of slugs in the area so we used a slug instead of a snail. Another week needed worms.... I don't know about mailing snails though.

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We did rearrange the units due to priorities and seasons, no biggie at all to switch them around. There weren't that many outdoor things, the worm one and plants. Honestly i skipped the snail one because 1. it was too much effort to get snails 2. I didn't really see a valid reason to do the experiment, it didn't seem to serve a purpose IMO.


This is the first year that we fully completed a whole science curriculum, woohoo. Overall it was a good, solid program. :)

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We moved some things around, too, because of our weather. Waited on plants until the spring & the worm one right before that. I don't remember many others that needed outdoor stuff. Skipped the snail one here as well. Just take a look. It is easy to switch around a couple of the units either to the fall or late spring.

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