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A birthday gift for homeschooling?

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My mother and stepfather like to purchase a "big" family gift for my two boys (going to be 11 & 7) for their summer birthdays, Christmas, etc.


Last year they got a fantastic outdoor swingset/fort for their birthdays, and a computer for Christmas. She is asking what to get them this year


and I'm trying to think of something that can be used educationally, because our budget gets tight. We are doing Chemistry next year, so I thought


maybe a Thames & Kosmos Chem 3000 set... any ideas??


We are constantly studying geography, will be working through middle ages next year, and my kids are HUGE naturalists!



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I also like the idea of the chemistry materials. A good quality microscope can be an investment as well.


Hmmm....... Shared, educational present ideas.......


Setting up a tinkering shop


Teaching Company courses


Season passes to local fine and performing arts events


Lego robotics kits


Membership to local museum


What if you asked for supplies for your nature studies, loops, binoculars, nature guides, display shelves, etc.?



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I would love to have a projector (the type that takes information from your computer and puts onto the wall).

This would be great for school and home.

You can put internet pictures on the wall for everyone to see and watch movies on Sat night. (I would even have outdoor movies in the summer)

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DS10 got that Chem set for Christmas, along with the deluxe set of chemistry hardware from Home Science Tools. http://www.hometrainingtools.com/deluxe-chemistry-glassware-labware-kit/p/CE-KITDLX/


These are awesome. BUT. Be aware that from the very first experiment, kiddo will need to use the burner. FLAMES! I didn't realize that (should have been able to puzzle it out, if I'd used my thinking cap, LOL). I was kind of bummed to have to supervise the whole dealio right from the start. I was interested in this being his baby, and DS10 is very responsible, but live flame? Uh-uh. And DS7 and live flame. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL NO way.


On the other hand, if you are going to supervise and teach/assist, this would be a fantastic gift. :)

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Oh, and for the naturalist side, one of the best gifts I ever gave my kids...


Camelbak Mules (or Mini Mules depending on how big your 7 yo is) packed to the gills with watercolor/colored pencils, Moleskine notebooks, hand lens, binoculars, ziploc bags and little jars to take finds/samples home, first aid kids, whistles (in case they get lost), mirrors (in case they get really super lost...for days LOL), wipes, a reusable container or two for snacks, little field guides, etc.


If they are feeling very spendy, a digital camera would be great to throw in the bag too.

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Most chemistry for that age can be done with home supplies. Look at the free middle school chemistry curriculum from the ACS (american chemical society).


You know if they're that generous and what you need doesn't quite hit you off the bat, what you might do is suggest they set up a trust fund or savings account or something. In a few years the price of everything is going to go up, up, up and the things they'll want to do get more and more $$. If they set aside $1K a year, then in a few years you could take the kids and go on 2 week trip somewhere (Egypt, Europe, what have you). Or suggest they save part of it for a senior trip or a gap year experience or some kind of missions trip (if you're religious).


Online classes for high school tend to run $600 a year. It's worth saving for. Yes there are things I'd want, like they're the perfect age for a really big Snap Circuits set. But maybe just do half in presents and the other half save for later.

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