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Overheard from neighbor kid at our house....


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I remember being young, maybe 5th or 6th grade or so, and my parents allowing me to move our little black-and-white TV into my room for the evening while they had a dinner party. Oh joy oh rapture! Dukes of Hazzard, B.J. and the Bear...


Sorry, no point here. Just reminiscing :).

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Then there's our home. Both dds have tvs with a Roku in their rooms and I don't think they've been turned on more than two or three times since we put them there two years ago. I sometimes feel we would have been fine purchasing a one room home since we all hang out in the same space all the time.

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We just had a TV conversation last night... Hubby was figuring out what he wanted to get from Netflix (we're on the one disc at a time deal) and opted for Greatest American Hero. He then explained the show to us (youngest -17- and me). I told youngest that Dad had to explain it because I had never seen it.


Youngest said, "Mom, you never watched any TV when you were young..."


I told him I did so watch some TV (Hogan's Heroes, A Team, MacGyver, Christmas Specials, and a couple of other things), but in general, my sister always had the TV on and would watch shows I just didn't care for (Dallas, Happy Days, Wonder Woman, etc).


Then I mentioned this was back in the day when it was NORMAL to only have one TV in the house (we only have one - never had a desire for more).


He said it wouldn't be too long before just having one is normal again (due to computers this time).


None of mine have been big TV watchers. I'm glad.

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Funny....I remember a friend saying the same thing about *me* when I was a kid, 30+ years ago. And having a TV in your room was not at all common then. We were not in an area that could get cable so we only got two fuzzy TV stations anyway. I remember being baffled....like what am I going to do with a useless plastic box in my room?


It also makes me think of some current assumptions. My dd was invited to an American Girl party a few years ago. The invite said to bring your favorite AG doll for a tea and dress-up party (this was not at the store, just a house party). Dd did not have an AG doll so I called the mom to ask if it was OK for her to bring a different doll. The mother was absolutely flabbergasted that any 8 yo girl would not own one. She was really flustered. After composing herself, she offered one of her dd's many AG dolls for my dd to borrow. In the end dd decided not to go to the party because she was worried people would make fun of her:( I assured her they would not but I was not going to force her to go, so we politely declined. Later I learned that another girl was in the same situation but had brought a similar-sized doll (not an AG doll)....and was teased, badly. I am glad I honored dd's request to decline:(

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