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Getting rid of rabbits


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We have our house on the market and a potential buyer has asked what is digging holes around a storage building. We know rabbits live under there and have let them know that. They claim they are ready to make an offer, but only if we can get rid of the rabbits and fill the holes. Although this seems like a picky thing to be a sticking point, we are trying to accommodate them. Our neighborhood has tons of rabbits so I don't know what getting this particular group out will do, they will come back. But, maybe they will stay gone long enough to sell. Does anyone know of a good way to get them out from under the building and keep them out? I really don't want them to die under there!

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A cat? Ours is pretty good at controlling the bunny population. But I guess you don't have time for that. Run a hose on full blast down the burrow? That's how we chased off an armadillo once. Might work with rabbits.


You might need to hire someone who specializes in wildlife pest control.

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Interesting. Maybe UK rabbits are a bolder breed than U.S. rabbits?


Interestingly, they are either Norman rabbits or Roman rabbits. Rabbits are not native to Britain, but bizarrely there has been a dispute as to whether they were brought in as livestock by the Romans or the Normans. the Roman hypothesis has been strengthened, however. Warlike and invasive either way. And unafraid of (our) dog.



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Interestingly, they are either Norman rabbits or Roman rabbits. Rabbits are not native to Britain, but bizarrely there has been a dispute as to whether they were brought in as livestock by the Romans or the Normans. the Roman hypothesis has been strengthened, however. Warlike and invasive either way. And unafraid of (our) dog.




Love it! Is there, by chance, an Asterix comic about rabbits?


(Yes, I know Asterix is set in Gaul. It just popped into mind.)

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Mississippi rabbits don't fear dogs either. I have seen at least one and possibly two adults and a baby rabbit in our yard and we have five dogs. Yesterday evening I took one of our big dogs out at an unusual hour and a rabbit just sat there staring at her for a few minutes before the dog chased it into the underbrush.

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We have two pet rabbits. We compost their manure and have found that their droppings are actually a deterrent to the wild rabbits. By using the compost, made from their droppings, around our garden, it keeps other rabbits out.


Do you know anyone with pet rabbits, or a shelter or rescue, that has rabbit manure? I would try dumping rabbit droppings down the holes around your storage building.

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Thank you for all the suggestions! I told our realtor that if they are really that concerned about rabbits they may want to look at other neighborhoods because we have so many. We also have deer, fox and the occasional coyote but I won't mention that! However, they are insistent that they want this house if we can take care of that. We have had some strange things asked of us while trying to sell this house, but this one is stumping me! I am ready to be finished with this process so I will do what it takes.


Unfortunately, we don't have a fence so an outdoor dog isn't a possibility. I think we will start with the water hose and see if we can force them out and then just fill the holes. I don't think we know anyone with a pet rabbit but I may ask around. DH called a critter control company today and they can come out and trap them, but they think a new group will dig new holes move right in.

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I'm glad we aren't in that situation. We live in a mobile home park and there are rabbits all over the place. There is no way one person could get rid of all these rabbits... we are also near a field so I think it would be pointless to try.

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I wish someone would tell 'our' rabbits this. They lollop around quite happily in our dog-smelling garden.



They don't care here either. Our English mastiff had his bum handed to him by a bunny about the size of my shoe last weekend. I totally would have won AFV if I'd been able t get that on my iPhone video. Poor dog freaked out and tried running into the house and encountered the cats sunbathing in the doorway and then the dog tried to climb my 3rd son like he was the last tree in the flood.


I'd just tell them you can't get rid of rabbits outside. *shrug* that's such a weird request. That's like asking to get rid of birds bc of bird pool on the patio furniture. I guess it's possible, in theory and temporarily, but it's kind of futile.

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I'd just tell them you can't get rid of rabbits outside. *shrug* that's such a weird request. That's like asking to get rid of birds bc of bird pool on the patio furniture. I guess it's possible, in theory and temporarily, but it's kind of futile.


It sounds like rabbits are part of the "charm" of the neighbourhood. Nature right at your backdoor! It's the reality of where you live.


I wish I had known about the nature bit when we bought our house because it's was nature inside the door in the form of wee mice.

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They don't care here either. Our English mastiff had his bum handed to him by a bunny about the size of my shoe last weekend. I totally would have won AFV if I'd been able t get that on my iPhone video. Poor dog freaked out and tried running into the house and encountered the cats sunbathing in the doorway and then the dog tried to climb my 3rd son like he was the last tree in the flood.


I'd just tell them you can't get rid of rabbits outside. *shrug* that's such a weird request. That's like asking to get rid of birds bc of bird pool on the patio furniture. I guess it's possible, in theory and temporarily, but it's kind of futile.



Too funny about your dog! I agree that it is futile and they haven't made an offer yet so I am not too willing to do much work towards it until they do. We have two showings today and someone is coming for a second time tomorrow. Hopefully we will sell to someone who is less concerned about the wildlife!

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Under the circumstances, I would not got to heroic efforts to get rid if the rabbits. These may be the sort if folks that call you after the facts when new rabbits move in.


However, if you want to try, maybe contact the local zoo and see if they'll give you some scat from one of their large predators. It may perfume your yard til it dries out but it might scare off the rabbits.

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Buy a dog, if you do not already own one. Once a dog spends time in your yard, the rabbits will avoid the scent and not return.


Do the potential buyers know about the neighborhood "animal demographics"?


Very not true. Our dogs kill many rabbits in our fence every year because the rabbits feel that the other 8 acres of unfenced property is not enough so they come into the fenced dog area. Stupid critters.


For the op, you could contact a pest removal service and ask for some advice.

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We have a rabbit living in our front yard. It tortures my dog without mercy. It is smart enough not to go into the fenced backyard. It loves to sit outside my dogs favorite window and nibble on weeds. It just sits there and stares at the dog as he whines and trembles. I can almost hear it saying "neener neener you can't get me".


That said, I doubt I would be making heroic efforts to get rid of the rabbits. The buyer needs to get a grip. They will probably return at some point.

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How about some rabbit repellant? You can probably pick some up at your local Agway or Tractor Supply. It's pretty inexpensive.



We have rabbits living under our (very low) deck. Rabbit repellant did nothing. I can't keep them out of the yard but I try to cover-up the holes while they're out to get them to relocate to someone else's deck :D.

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We have used the deterrent pellets before for ground squirrels. They took a couple of weeks to work them off our lawn (large yard) but it did work. I think the rabbit ones should work fine. You could also try having your DH urinate around the rabbit holes.

Now there's a picture! Can you imagine the conversation with the buyers?

"So, how did you get rid of the rabbits?"

"Well, DH applied a little urine..." :lol:

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Too funny! However, urine works great as a pest repellent, especially adult male urine first thing in the morning! And it is free!


911 What is your emergency?


There's a man outside exposing himself to some rabbits! You better send an officer right away!

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Maybe fox urine in a couple holes (leave them an escape route out one hole. I would see if you could put it further down into the holes over time. Maybe on a cotton ball tossed in, or attached to a wire that will bend down the hole a bit. No idea if it would work, but it may be worth a try. You can buy fox urine online at Amazon or some larger farm stores.

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Thank you for all the suggestions! I told our realtor that if they are really that concerned about rabbits they may want to look at other neighborhoods because we have so many. We also have deer, fox and the occasional coyote but I won't mention that! However, they are insistent that they want this house if we can take care of that. We have had some strange things asked of us while trying to sell this house, but this one is stumping me! I am ready to be finished with this process so I will do what it takes.


Unfortunately, we don't have a fence so an outdoor dog isn't a possibility. I think we will start with the water hose and see if we can force them out and then just fill the holes. I don't think we know anyone with a pet rabbit but I may ask around. DH called a critter control company today and they can come out and trap them, but they think a new group will dig new holes move right in.


I'm surprised your realtor even passed this on to you. Mine once told me that unless it was in writing it wasn't an offer. Your response to your realtor to them should be, "If you make an offer and put it in the contract, then we will address it." With a good solid offer, you can hire a pest control company. Probably get a certificate of removal from them and everything. But I wouldn't spend any money on a nonoffer.

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We did end up telling them that we would do what we could once we had a contract in place. They came back with a few other cosmetic changes and they wanted them done before they would make an offer. No way! We haven't heard anything from them yet. Thank you for all the help!

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