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running, hip flexor soreness


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I started running again. I started at 2 miles plus .5 walk/cool down a few weeks ago. Last week I was doing 3.5 plus .5 walk/cool down. Because I mostly go out alone in the dark I am doing this on my street which makes a .5 mile loop--so it gets a little boring. The loop is not flat, so I get some incline and decline. Yesterday, I was able to run later so I went out on trails and did 3.5 miles plus 1 mile walk--I did this faster than my very early runs on my street loop.


I've had some pain which I think is related to hip flexor muscles. Both legs. It's not going away. In the past with any different exercise program I would get soreness, but I'd keep working out and the soreness would go away. I just figured it was related to muscle groups that hadn't worked enough in a while.


What should I do. With other muscle pain I've worked through it and it just went away. I'm thinking I will swim today. Will swimming be a problem. The pool I'm going to has a hot tub/spa, can I get in the spa after a swim (I like the jets on my old back). I was hoping to join a 5 mile run on Saturday (with a group that going slow and interspersing walking)


Am I just getting old. How do I deal with that. I don't want to stop moving.


I was hoping to quickly work toward a 10K.

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Do you do any stretching before you run? My right hip flexor gets really tight, so I do a lunge stretch before I run (and I should do it throughout the day, but I forget!).


Put one foot on the floor in front of you, then stretch the other leg behind you so the knee is resting on the floor. Make sure the knee of the front leg is perpendicular to the ground, not pushed forward over the toes. Holding this position, reach your arm (the one that's on the same side as the rear-stretching leg) forward at a 45-degree angle. Your quad, hip, and arm should be in a long, stretched-out line.


Hold that steady for 10 or 15 seconds, then switch legs/arms and repeat on the other side. Do it several times per leg and several times throughout the day.


When mine gets really tight, my chiropractor loosens it up and I start over trying to keep ahead of it myself. This stretch works well, but only if I keep at it!


Hope that helps! Great job on the running!

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I just took up running for the first time about two months ago. In retrospect, there is no doubt that I did too much too soon. As a result, I have had a whole line of various pain issues starting with abdominal muscles (yeah, figure that out) down to knee and ankle pain. I cannot say that any or all of this will translate to be helpful for the specific problems you are having, but three things I have done has resulted in the elimination of all running-related pain:


1. Getting off the road and onto trails. This lessens the pounding of my entire body so I can run more frequently and further than I can on road/pavement. Even a gravel road is an improvement.

2. Ice ice ICE. I have been icing for 20 minutes a few times each day on the problem areas.

3. Stretching. This made the most immediate difference. I had been stretching after running every time but I found that my newly recruited running muscles need far more stretching. On a suggestion from a friend, I started doing yoga at home using the following site: http://www.doyogawit..._classes

There are many to choose from, some geared towards runners. I do one of the shorter videos for runners after running and longer videos on non-running days.


I have many runner friends and they all alternate running with other activities. Swimming is an excellent choice so you are on the right track there.

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Good suggestions from others. Ibuprofin is good for relieving muscle pain. Good running form can help prevent a lot of injuries. Is there a place you can join a "Learn to Run" program to get some information on running form and setting up a training program that is gradual?


I LOVE running, but when I started back doing it after a multi-year break I hurt my foot by doing too much too soon. I've also improved my running form and haven't had any injuries after doing two marathons and several half marathons.


Hope you're feeling better soon. Keep on running and cross-training!

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