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Calling all seasonal allergy experts!


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My nose is driving me INSANE.


I have never had seasonal allergies before. However, during my entire adult life I have had what I can only describe as an "over active nose." If the sun comes out, my nose runs. If I am cold, my nose runs...which is pretty much all winter. Every single time I get sick, the nose is the first and last symptom and always in overdrive. When I exercise outside and it is below 50 degrees, my nose runs. You get the point.


In mid-April of this year it started running all of the time and has not stopped. So, two months now. We have been on several trips and have stayed in other hotels and houses. No change, which rules out my damp, ancient house as the source of the problem (I think). I know it is "allergy season" although I cannot really say I know when that really begins and ends. I am just assuming it is allergies even though this season has never been problematic before. I started taking Claritin and it really took the edge off. This further convinced me that it must be allergies.


The Claritin seems to take a few days to really start working. It does not eliminate the runny nose completely but does allow me to do things without having to have a tissue in my hand all of the time. I have tried going off of it twice now and at first it seems like I am fine....but after a few days I am back to constant running, so I have started it back up. I am currently on the third try going off and sure enough, three days later, I am a mess. I have no other symptoms. No itchy eyes, no secondary sinus issues, etc......


I try to avoid taking meds of any kind so this Claritin thing really bugs me. While I cannot find anything that says long-term use of the stuff is really bad for you, it seems to me that as soon as you start tinkering with the body it stops doing what it is supposed to do naturally. And really, should anyone be taking something like this every single day for months at a time? I cannot really find any "natural" way to try and fix this problem. I have been using a neti pot twice a day. It gives me temporary relief but nothing long-term if I am off the Claritin. I even went to my chiro who did not find anything out of whack.


So, I have questions for any allergy experts out there.


1. Anyone know if taking allergy meds long-term is a bad idea? Can I just pop a Claritin every day forever and be OK?

2. Are there other do-it-yourself methods I could try to get relief? I am willing to try just about anything at this point.

3. Is there anything a doctor can really do other than prescribe the same meds I am taking already? I am between doctors right now and we have very bad HD insurance.....meaning any testing or specialist is going to be out of pocket....which is not an option right now.

4. Are there long-term issues with having un-medically-addressed allergies. Is this just an annoyance or something that I should be more concerned about?

5. Is it possible this is not an allergy but something else?

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About Claritin- According to my allergist ( so take it for what you will):


Claritin is recommended/popular because it's 'non-drowsy.' It's 'non-drowsy' because it's a relatively low dosage at OTC strength. That means it won't work well for a percentage of people who use it. Raising the dosage to a therapeutic level means that more users get drowsy. It doesn't do a thing for me at recommended doses.

You could try a different antihistamine such as Allegra or its generic. It can be taken at a higher therapeutic dosage while still not causing drowsiness because it doesn't cross the brain barrier. I assume she's right because it works far better for me than Claritin.

I take it ever day from spring just before the leaves open through fall when the leaves drop and it has made my life infinitely more bearable.

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My suggestion would be to take quercetin and take daily Epsom salt baths. Quercetin is a natural anti-histamine and has worked wonders for our nasal allergies. You may have to play around with the dosage to find what works for you. Everyone I know who takes it for allergies has found that a dosage much higher than the recommended daily amount is necessary to find relief. Epsom salt contains magnesium which speeds up the natural process by which the body breaks down and eliminates histamine. Magnesium taken orally isn't absorbed very well, but it is absorbed easily (and without the stomach discomfort) through the skin. Start with one cup of espom salt to every 6 inches of hot bath water. The body absorbs only what it needs and any deficiency will be remedied in a week's time. Both of these remedies work wonders for our seasonal allergies and allow us to take a minimum of OTC drugs (like you I do not like the idea of constantly being on medication though we've been told by numerous allergists that daily intake of Claritin, Zyrtec, Benedryl, etc. is okay). Edited to add that the baths work best when the water is hot and you soak for 20-30 minutes at a time.

Edited by molon labe
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I've been on allergy meds every day of my life for...ever. I can't think of a time I wasn't on allergy meds, but I'm seriously allergic to everything. Claritin does NOTHING for me. I might as well swallow an M&M, because it would be just as effective. :) Allegra and Zyrtec have both worked well (I think they might both be available OTC, but I'm not sure), but neither last 24 hours for me. I also have to take a script nose spray, along with 5 other meds for my allergies. Seriously, they are so bad! I've done allergy shots for YEARS, and while they have really helped (I no longer look like I've been beaten when spring rolls around!), I still require loads of meds. In addition to the meds though, the one thing that has helped so very much is a Neti Pot. I use it every day in the shower, and while it's gross, it makes things sooooo much better. It takes a while to get used to it, and not feel like you're drowning yourself, but once you get it down, it's amazing. Your nose will drip for a few minutes after you use it, but it clears every thing out of your sinuses. If it's a particularly bad day, I might use it in the middle of the day and before I go to bed. You can get them, and the special salt you need, at most pharmacies. You might try it (give it a few days) and see if that helps. Good luck. Allergies SUCK.

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About Claritin- According to my allergist ( so take it for what you will):


Claritin is recommended/popular because it's 'non-drowsy.' It's 'non-drowsy' because it's a relatively low dosage at OTC strength. That means it won't work well for a percentage of people who use it. Raising the dosage to a therapeutic level means that more users get drowsy. It doesn't do a thing for me at recommended doses.

You could try a different antihistamine such as Allegra or its generic. It can be taken at a higher therapeutic dosage while still not causing drowsiness because it doesn't cross the brain barrier. I assume she's right because it works far better for me than Claritin.

I take it ever day from spring just before the leaves open through fall when the leaves drop and it has made my life infinitely more bearable.


The drowsiness is something I worry about. I am happy that the Claritin works at all and does not make me sleepy. But it does not work all the way. I have looked at the others meds but Claritin just happened to be what my husband had in his suitcase when I finally broke down and took something. Since it worked, even marginally, I just stuck with it.


Have you noticed a decrease in the effects of the meds over long-term use? Have you had to increase the dose or change after years?

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My suggestion would be to take quercetin and take daily Epsom salt baths. Quercetin is a natural anti-histamine and has worked wonders for our nasal allergies. You may have to play around with the dosage to find what works for you. Everyone I know who takes it for allergies has found that a dosage much higher than the recommended daily amount is necessary to find relief. Epsom salt contains magnesium which speeds up the natural process by which the body breaks down and eliminates histamine. Magnesium taken orally isn't absorbed very well, but it is absorbed easily (and without the stomach discomfort) through the skin. Start with one cup of espom salt to every 6 inches of hot bath water. The body absorbs only what it needs and any deficiency will be remedied in a week's time. Both of these remedies work wonders for our seasonal allergies and allow us to take a minimum of OTC drugs (like you I do not like the idea of constantly being on medication though we've been told by numerous allergists that daily intake of Claritin, Zyrtec, Benedryl, etc. is okay). Edited to add that the baths work best when the water is hot and you soak for 20-30 minutes at a time.


Thanks! I am going to try this! And i like baths:) As soon as we call it "therapeutic" I get a pass for a nightly evening bath.

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I've been on allergy meds every day of my life for...ever. I can't think of a time I wasn't on allergy meds, but I'm seriously allergic to everything. Claritin does NOTHING for me. I might as well swallow an M&M, because it would be just as effective. :) Allegra and Zyrtec have both worked well (I think they might both be available OTC, but I'm not sure), but neither last 24 hours for me. I also have to take a script nose spray, along with 5 other meds for my allergies. Seriously, they are so bad! I've done allergy shots for YEARS, and while they have really helped (I no longer look like I've been beaten when spring rolls around!), I still require loads of meds. In addition to the meds though, the one thing that has helped so very much is a Neti Pot. I use it every day in the shower, and while it's gross, it makes things sooooo much better. It takes a while to get used to it, and not feel like you're drowning yourself, but once you get it down, it's amazing. Your nose will drip for a few minutes after you use it, but it clears every thing out of your sinuses. If it's a particularly bad day, I might use it in the middle of the day and before I go to bed. You can get them, and the special salt you need, at most pharmacies. You might try it (give it a few days) and see if that helps. Good luck. Allergies SUCK.


I do love my neti pot. Even though it does not fix things for the whole day, at least I get some relief. I find that I cannot use it more than twice a day or my nasal passages feel a little too "crispy" or "fried." When your meds do not last 24 hours, what do you do for the in-between time? I find the meds wear off about 3 hours before I can take them again. I have tried setting an alarm in the middle of the night so it wears off when I am asleep but it seems that I am not coordinated enough to manage a tiny pill in the dark while groggy. Too many nights of turning on the lights to look for the little pill I dropped. Dh is not amused.....


Have you ever discussed long-term use of allergy meds with your doctor? I am concerned about using anything long-term. Makes me nervous....but maybe for no reason. I cannot find anything about problems with long-term use. Have the meds remained effective for you even after years of use?

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The drowsiness is something I worry about. I am happy that the Claritin works at all and does not make me sleepy. But it does not work all the way. I have looked at the others meds but Claritin just happened to be what my husband had in his suitcase when I finally broke down and took something. Since it worked, even marginally, I just stuck with it.


Have you noticed a decrease in the effects of the meds over long-term use? Have you had to increase the dose or change after years?


I started on Claritin but it wasn't effective. That's when the allergist told me that the 'non-drowsy' strength was not very strong. That could be why it isn't working well for you. Antihistamines knock me out so when she mentioned Allegra as an alternative, I was happy to try it. Allegra won't make you sleepy either. This is the second year I've been taking it and it is still just as effective.


Just a note on the hot bath/epsom salt idea... Heat releases histamines and temporarily depletes them. So, you have the fringe benefit of holding off further reactions for a little while.

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1. I would go do allergy testing.


2. What works best for me is a combo like Claritin and Flonase. Flonase made my life SO much better in Germany.


3. After a few years, things do stop working for me, and I cycle to some other combo like Zyrtec and Nasonex. In some places I have lived, my allergies have been not so bad, so I was able to stop taking Claritin/Flonase for a while, which helped keep it effective.


4. My symptoms are worse than the side effects of the meds I use. My whole family has terrible allergies. We are all on allergy meds of some kind.


5. I also Neti pot when things are really bad. Please only use sterile water.

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My runny nose is caused primarily from environmental issues, like tree pollens in the spring and rag weed in the late summer. I live in a valley which seems to trap the allergens so that most people end up having allergic reactions eventually. I never had the rag weed thing until I moved here as a 30-year-old.


I've had pretty good luck with flonase or nasonex, as long as I only take them in the morning so they don't interfere with my sleep. I've not had much luck with Claritin or Allegra, on their own. I never tried a combo with flonase. Reactin is working for me now.


My dh uses flonase and/or nasonex for his dust and mold allergies, and both work great.


Good luck getting some relief!

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