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Great Courses - So Bummed!!

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My library had a whole bunch of them, so I put one on hold, "Between the Rivers: The History of Ancient Mesopotamia". They had split up one course into 3 boxes and I got part 3 of 3 ONLY.


I was soo looking forward to hearing this and now I have to wait until I find part 1 of 3. I can't start in the middle. My ADD won't let me.

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Oh fiddle sticks - you mean they may not even HAVE it even though I requested it? Totally bumming now. It was one of the only ones that interested me that they had. Of course, they didn't have the Bob Brier one I really wanted. I might just have to get independently wealthy and cave and buy it.

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I know a lot of people on the boards recommend checking them out from the library, but I have never been able to make it work.

1.) The series are broken into sections and I cannot get the DVDs checked out in the proper order within a reasonable amount of time.

2.) We can place holds at our library, but you cannot request, say, part one of a three part series. When you place a request, you never what section you will get. You can request it (in general) and hope to get part one... Or you can stalk the shelves looking for part one... Wash and repeat for part two, part three...

3.) We can only check out DVDs for seven days. Even broken down into smaller units, we cannot get a section watched within seven days.

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Did you talk to your librarian? Each part that can be checked out separately should be tagged with its own barcode. Your librarian (a human, LOL) should be able to find out the specific code and put that particular part on hold for you. Also, you know, let you know if they have it at all. :D


I will talk to her tomorrow. Tuesday is our Library day. :)

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At my library, most multi-part items are clearly marked, and you can check out each part individually. There are some multi-part books, however, for which you get a random part. For these, if you talk to the librarian, they can put the right parts (or all parts) on hold so they get delivered. I found it odd that you'd need special librarian powers to do this, but I'm happy to get what I get.

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While you say your ADD won't let you, I recommend at least listening to them before you buy ant TC courses. They are all presented in the same general format (with the exception of the high school American history course I detest ;) ). The lecturers obviously have their own styles, but the "lecture" format, video vs audio, etc, you can pretty much expect the same presentation for every lecture series.

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I just picked the Building Great Sentences set of DVDs for $1 at a library book sale. I was out of town but the library across the street from the inn where I was staying had a sale. I couldn't resist ;) Now I need to get around to watching and then determine if our regular library carries these (and if I can check out all of the DVDs for one course simultaneously!)

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Did you talk to your librarian? Each part that can be checked out separately should be tagged with its own barcode. Your librarian (a human, LOL) should be able to find out the specific code and put that particular part on hold for you. Also, you know, let you know if they have it at all. :D



Great advice.


I was thinking similarly and you saved me from typing!

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At my library, most multi-part items are clearly marked, and you can check out each part individually. There are some multi-part books, however, for which you get a random part. For these, if you talk to the librarian, they can put the right parts (or all parts) on hold so they get delivered. I found it odd that you'd need special librarian powers to do this, but I'm happy to get what I get.



That's the way it works at my library too. The librarians were happy to help.

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Oooh, something new I discovered that my library has. :) Our library added a feature to our hold system to make it easier to make sure you can get holds in specific order. I can't recall the exact process but it was added when enough people complained about difficulty checking out TV series on DVD and needing them in order. Perhaps adding some suggestions to your library would help encourage something similar.

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My library doesn't have these, but I've indulged in a few (highly discounted - like 90% plus $.99 shipping or free). We consistently get to the audio ones. We don't do well with the DVD ones because we can't find time to watch. Ditto 8's message of trying to get through at least one lecture of the set you have to see if you really are interested. When you get the rest of the series, that one will be even *more* enjoyable ... if you enjoy it in the first place.

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