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Is it OK to go on my adult playdate?

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Thinking of diease victor's.


We went to a huge Canada day celebration on the hill. Whole long day packe in with tens of thousands of people. Next day it was realixed my cousin had chicken pox.


We honestly had no clue.


I say you are fine to go. Last year I kept Eldest home for awhile, only to realize he had allergies.

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What is your temp? If it's super low grade, is it possible it's just from inflammation, or you are fighting off something? How did you discover it? I know you said you had no other symptoms, but I'm wondering if you had aches or chills or anything that clued you in to the fever. Your answers might affect my decision.


For example, if I had a well check, and they told me my temp was 99, that would be a low grade fever for me because I typically have a temp that's lower than 98.6. However, if I was otherwise feeling fine and asymptomatic, I would mention the "fever" to my friend, and if she was ok with it, I'd go. However, if my fever was 100 or higher, I'd stay home even if I had no other symptoms. Same goes if i had chills or something. I'd assume something was brewing, and I wouldn't want to risk spreading it to others.


I'm probably no help. I hope you arent getting sick, and I hope you can go on your grown up play date. I know how refreshing those can be!

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I'm definitely not planning on sharing snacks! I'm going with a clear conscience. I'm actually feeling a bit better today anyway so that's a bonus. This is a film festival showing so it isn't just a movie I can go to any time. I'm so excited! Whee!



I hope you have a wonderful time!

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