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I want to get my ears pierced but I am afraid <shudder>


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Hm, interesting. I'd think the gun would be quicker and hence less painful.



Both are quick, but an experienced piercer would be quicker. There's also a big difference in the way the tissue heals; the gun just shoves the earring through, a needle removes and it heals nicely.


I know plenty of people heal fine with the basic instructions (using alcohol or that post piercing stuff) but ds wasn't healing, so we stopped at a tattoo/piercing shop to get advice and his ears looked awesome within 24 hours. He's still having some problems with the left earring getting stuck. As soon as he's old enough, I'm going to get him repierced at a tattoo shop. Same with dd. Her's just healed right. And my second holes.

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I agree about finding a piercing and tattoo place so you can get it done with a needle. If they aren't very busy, you can probably get two people so your ears can be done at the same time. You have four kids, I *promise* you that you've been in a heck of a lot more pain. :lol: My little guy bonked my nose with his head while coming in for a hug this morning, and that hurt way worse than getting my ears pierced. It's over in about two seconds, and I dont remember any lingering pain.

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OK, I am feeling a little better now. Less pain than childbirth is a very good thing! I will look around for a tattoo piercing place and if I can muster up the courage, I will go in and inquire about their 'shakin like a chicken' special treatment!

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Hm, interesting. I'd think the gun would be quicker and hence less painful.



The guns blow out the back of your earlobe and cause a lot more inflammation which is where you'll get the real pain after the fact. Plus they can't be completely sterilized, so there is a tiny risk of getting hepatitis from a piercing gun. The needles used at a piercing parlor are one-time use or professionally sterilized (sent out).

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Aww, it'll be fine. When I was in high school my BFF gave me my second hole (in one ear) at a football game with a needle I had in my purse and an ice cube from a Diet Coke and I survived. It didn't evn get infected, believe it or not. Nothing can be worse than that!

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Hm, interesting. I'd think the gun would be quicker and hence less painful.


Mine were done at five with a gun, and I still remember the pain. DD the Elder had hers done by an experienced piercer with a needle a couple years ago. She described it as feeling like a "little pinch." She didn't even flinch.

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OK, I am feeling a little better now. Less pain than childbirth is a very good thing! I will look around for a tattoo piercing place and if I can muster up the courage, I will go in and inquire about their 'shakin like a chicken' special treatment!


My experiences with tattoo/piercing shops is very positive. The people were super nice and extremely patient. I am sure they would pierce your ears with professionalism. Good luck! You'll be fine.

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I had my first holes done when I was five (back before the piercing guns) and my subsequent holes done with the guns. I don't remember the first piercing, but my mother does and she said I had no trouble at all with those, but my other ones took forever to heal.


I wish I had searched out a tattoo shop for my cartilage piercing, but I didn't. I had to take it out becuse it just wouldn't heal and pretty much stayed slightly infected. :crying: I really wanted it, too, but was more chicken of walking into a tattoo/piercing parlor than the thought of using the gun. I wish I could go back and have a 'do over'.

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my dd got her first piercing when she was 16 with the gun and both ears got very infected. She now has 9 piercings in one ear and 5 in the other. She has done almost all herself with a needle and none have got infected. She is very good about cleaning them with alcohol. THe only ones she had to get done at a tattoo/piercing place was the one in her ear lobe that is the small part that is touching the face (the guy that did it said that is all the rage now) and also he did her bellybutton. Both were done with needles and dd said there was no pain. I don't have any piercings so don't know why dd likes having so many but she is almost an adult (18 in Aug) so if that is the most radical decision she ever makes, I am fine with it.

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I completely agree with getting it done by a professional piercer using a needle. There is just no comparison to the minimal damage a needle does to the back of the ear versus what an ear gun can inflict. I've had both, and would only go the needle route from now on, both for hygienic and ease of healing reasons.

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The little girl down the block convinced me to pierce her ear with a sewing needle when we were around 8. After a good icing of the ear lope, I went at it with the needle (with a cut potato in back).


The sound of crackling cartilage as I drove the needle slowly though was a sound I will never get out of my mind. I quit after one ear.


Bill (who is ear-piercing averse :D)

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Everyone has been SO helpful! The good news is I found a beautiful tattoo and piercing shop today...the bad news is that I didn't go inside. :tongue_smilie: My dh was with me and the thought of him being there watching while it was getting done made be have the willies. :leaving: :D I do plan to call them on Monday and see about getting an appointment set up. I looked at some beautiful earrings today so that is my motivation! Y'all have given me courage and I really appreciate it.

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Is there anything I can do to make it less frightening? Don't laugh! I know this sounds pathetic.


Sorry...no sympathy from me.....I had my done with a sewing needle and ice cube by my moms friend when I was 12. It wasn't that bad. Honestly that loud bang from the gun freaks me out worse....

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