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staying in your lane while driving ...


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... seems to be a lost art. I find I have to be constantly aware of vehicles beside me becaue they are apt to just drift over into my lane whether I am there or not. Is this the norm everywhere or just us lucky northern Colorado people have to deal with it?

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More and more people are texting while driving. I think it is everywhere. Just a couple of weeks ago, in my area, there was a horrible wreck involving texting and veering over into oncoming traffic. And this wasn't a teenager, either. It was a mom with her 2 kids in the car.

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A couple of weeks ago a lady just shoved me out of my lane so she could turn left ... if I hadn't been watching very closely, I would have a banged up car right now. She wasn't texting or anything. She just didn't bother to look before she started changing lanes. I honked my horn continuously and she still kept coming. My mother had the same thing happen to her the day before... also the person was a female and wasn't texting. Neither of them bothered to look at all.

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I think it is happening everywhere more and more often. Not only swaying in to other lanes...but, full out stopping the middle of the road while texting! It is ridiculous!!!!


I've also noticed more and more people stopping in road to speak to someone they know driving in the opposite direction. They are behaving in cars the same way some do in the grocery stores....just standing their...carts in the way...blocking the entire aisle! It is rude and self-centered! I don't understand what our culture has come to! :(

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What I see a lot, and totally bothers me, is when the car coming towards me in the next lane swerves into mine. It's usually when the car immediately in front of them has stopped to turn. Instead of them stopping as well, they just pull into my lane to go around. It makes me so mad. Why can't they wait the few seconds for the car stopped in front of them to go?

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People driving while distracted - by anything - is scary. Quite often someone will be on the phone and swerving, but I've seen people doing other things while driving, too, leading to distracted driving. I wonder sometimes if it isn't because driving is so incredibly common in our lives that we just kind of forget that we are operating something that can kill. I mean, you can be driving along and daydreaming and be just as dangerous as someone texting.

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I think it is happening everywhere more and more often. Not only swaying in to other lanes...but, full out stopping the middle of the road while texting! It is ridiculous!!!!


I've also noticed more and more people stopping in road to speak to someone they know driving in the opposite direction. They are behaving in cars the same way some do in the grocery stores....just standing their...carts in the way...blocking the entire aisle! It is rude and self-centered! I don't understand what our culture has come to! :(




We spent four months in northern Minnesota. Shopping for groceries up there is dangerous. People literally run through the store pushing their cart and do not look where they are going. I had people actually run their cart into me and then act annoyed that I was in their way. It was pathetic.

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Everywhere. If they're not on the phone, they're putting makeup on or eating.


The worst I've seen this month is the left on red. Not yellow, not orange, but solid red to the point that the drivers went around 2 stopped vehicles in each two lanes, driving on the shoulder, and made the left turn in front of them. Really glad no one was making a right.




People here go through lights on red, make left turns on red... etc. We have lights set up where if you run them on red, it takes your picture and sends you a ticket in the mail. That hasn't stopped people one little bit. Driving across town makes me tired these days.

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I was driving through st. Louis yesterday. I was driving behind a lady that had both hands above her head!! I was like whaaat?

Isn't at least one hand on the steering wheel required for driving? Especially a place like st Louis?



Sorry, that was me. The child in utero spends so much time sticking his hands and feet straight out alien style, I thought I'd give him a shot at driving. Kidding. :-P


I haven't noticed as much lane drifting as I have "I have a big truck" road rage lately. I used to drive a truck, I prefer to drive a truck, but I'm getting sick of dudes in trucks getting angry at me for needing to make a turn (with turn signal) or driving only 5 over the speed limit. If you are honking and cursing at someone for making a safe, legal turn and using their signal, you need anger counseling. You don't own the road, moron!

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Ah, big trucks. I hate the way they tailgate me. I hate when cars tailgate, too, but trucks bother me more since since are so much bigger than my car.


I also hate it when I'm trying to turn and minivans and trucks pull past me on the side while they wait to turn the other way. I can't see around them!

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My father had one driving rule which he said over and over to my brother and me when we were learning to drive: "Always assume the other driver is an idiot." I don't know about my brother, but it has saved my life more than a few time. And yes - drivers are getting worse. I think there's just so much distraction in our lives; not just texting. ANd I think more and more people have a "me first" attitude that carries over into things like driving and, apparently, grocery shopping.

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What I see a lot, and totally bothers me, is when the car coming towards me in the next lane swerves into mine. It's usually when the car immediately in front of them has stopped to turn. Instead of them stopping as well, they just pull into my lane to go around. It makes me so mad. Why can't they wait the few seconds for the car stopped in front of them to go?


This is one of my pet peeves, when an oncoming driver encounters an obstacle in his lane and swings out into mine to go around it, meaning that I am the one who has to stop for the parked car/delivery truck/turning driver that is in HIS lane.


If the obstacle is in YOUR lane, YOU are the one who has to wait your turn!


I want to paint that on the hood of my vehicle.

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I think people are getting bolder and ruder (hey, didn't we just have a conversation about rude/cruel people on the internet too??) It's also texting, for sure... especially the slow veer into someone else's lane. But, I've also seen very aggressive behavior by drivers not texting.

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This is related to my own pet peeve and related lost art: the signal.


If you're all alone on the road, sure - skip it.


If you're seeing others on the road, please - consider using it.


If you're drifting over into my lane, well - turn it on and at least pretend it was intentional LOL.

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Wow, people here must be super drivers. I've seen a few problems but overall, people drive very sanely and appropriately. In fact, we have a reputation for being too polite driving and that can cause accidents! Like at the 4-way stop when everyone is gesturing to everyone else saying "No, after you!"


I mostly see polite driving here, too. Although there's more tailgating than I would like. We have the 'after-you' problem with min-roundabouts: if everyone arrives at the same time then no one goes. I really enjoy the continual exchange of courtesies: most town roads are not wide enough to take two lanes of traffic and one or two lines of parked cars (most houses don't have garages/drives) so it's a constant 'after you'. Love it.



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... seems to be a lost art. I find I have to be constantly aware of vehicles beside me becaue they are apt to just drift over into my lane whether I am there or not. Is this the norm everywhere or just us lucky northern Colorado people have to deal with it?


I thought Houston got the award for world's worst drivers?!

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:iagree: With OhanaBee. The entitlement mentality is everywhere, and obviously behind the wheel of many drivers these days.



Let's not forget the pedestrians who don't cross at crosswalks and walk as slow as possible even though there are cars driving. I am not talking about just in parking lots either.

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The trucks are scary here... especially on the highway. I try to avoid the interstate whenever possible. I don't like being tailgated or cut off by a semi truck. It just isn't safe. :confused1:


I have a lot of highway miles on my van. In my experience, truckers are excellent drivers who try to be courteous on the road.

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Let's not forget the pedestrians who don't cross at crosswalks and walk as slow as possible even though there are cars driving. I am not talking about just in parking lots either.


Or those that cross at a green light with the little red hand.


We have a new law about stopping for people in cross-walks, and the effect I've seen is that it makes the walkers bolder and take very risky changes. "Stopping for people in crosswalks" does not mean they can cross illegally, but they don't seemed to have gotten that message.

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I have a lot of highway miles on my van. In my experience, truckers are excellent drivers who try to be courteous on the road.



Maybe truck drivers are more courteous where you live then. I've had them literally try to run me off the road before when I wasn't going as fast as they thought I should. They cut people off in heavy traffic and tailgate all the time. I'm glad you experience has been better, but that doesn't mean I am lying about what goes on here in Colorado.

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... seems to be a lost art. I find I have to be constantly aware of vehicles beside me becaue they are apt to just drift over into my lane whether I am there or not. Is this the norm everywhere or just us lucky northern Colorado people have to deal with it?



Isn't Colorado where they made pot legal? LOL! Maybe their all stoned! ;)


Actually it's the same here. Awful. People are awful, inattentive, self serving drivers. Truly.

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