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What do you like for food, as a guest?


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We have a few family members arriving in a couple days and staying about a week. We don't normally do that kind of hosting but we had some unexpected guest space turn up (vacationing tenants in our multi-family house--yes, best tenants ever) so we have family coming to take advantage of it.


I'm headed to the store tonight and, while I mostly have all the meals figured out, I'm wondering what else you appreciate as a guest when staying several days with a family? We aren't big snackers and seldom have dessert. We are very "everything homemade and super crunchy" eaters and our guests are more mainstream, though healthy as well. I don't want to go crazy with food that is totally not our thing but I want to be hospitable.


The guests are all adults.


Help me with a shopping list!

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Oh, I just remembered that one couple loves Trader Joe's but doesn't live near one. I think I'll make a little snacky basket to leave up in the apartment they are staying in with some TJs favorites since that's where I'm shopping tonight.

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When I have family stay (recently niece and friend for four weeks), I want them to be able to help themselves to a snack or light meal when I am not available. This means there need to be things at hand they can simply grab from the fridge/pantry. We cook from scratch, and I bake my own bread, so we don't really have much processed food in the house as well. So, I'd have fruit, ready to eat veggies (baby carrots and broccoli, for example), cheese, bread, yoghurt, chips and salsa available.

I also make sure they know where tea bags/coffee/hot chocolate are so they can fix themselves a drink.

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Honestly, if I'm a houseguest, I'd rather hit up the grocery store soon after arriving to buy some stuff. For one, that allows me to pay....for two, I'm pretty picky and I can get what I usually eat.




You sound like a great guest! But the first guest to arrive would never pay and the others won't really have a chance to shop until they've been here awhile.

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Are your guests coming from far away? Have they visited your area before? I'm weird, but if I'm travelling somewhere, I'm always interested in foods unique to the area that I can't get at home. Maybe this is becoming more rare. It can be dangerous to make a main course of this, but if you can put out a side dish or snack of something local, or something they can't get at home, I find that fun.

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I think the idea of a little basket is a good one. It's nice to be able to eat a bit on your own time, especially if you're travelling across time zones. I like the idea of muffins or something else you can leave out in the mornings, and let them know they're welcome to help themselves. I've had many irritating mornings at my ILs house because I would wake up at 6ish with the baby, and they wouldn't wake/shower/think of breakfast until nearly 10am. I bring my own food now. :)


Guests always like it when I make baked oatmeal, and it reheats nicely for leftovers.

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Are your guests coming from far away? Have they visited your area before? I'm weird, but if I'm travelling somewhere, I'm always interested in foods unique to the area that I can't get at home. Maybe this is becoming more rare. It can be dangerous to make a main course of this, but if you can put out a side dish or snack of something local, or something they can't get at home, I find that fun.




Yes, they are traveling quite a ways and, actually, I live in an area with lots of unique food, so that's a good idea.

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