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Top 25 Homeschool Blogs

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Ok, the Circle of Moms is doing their Top 25 Homeschool Blog Awards. I was nominated! So exciting! I'd love your vote!


But I'd also love to know if any other Hive members have been nominated. I'd love to vote for you too! So, if your blog is listed can you post a link so we can vote?





Here are the Hive Members who have been nominated!


Kristen from Teaching Stars - http://www.circleofmoms.com/blogger/teaching-stars-1?blogroll_id=100


Susan from Homeschooling Hearts and Minds - http://www.circleofmoms.com/blogger/homeschooling-hearts-minds?blogroll_id=100


Heather from Only Passionate Curiosity - http://www.circleofmoms.com/blogger/only-passionate-curiosity?blogroll_id=100


Jenn from {Home} Is Where You Start From - http://www.circleofmoms.com/blogger/home-where-you-start-from-1?blogroll_id=100

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Just voted for you! It's one of those every day vote ones. I think that's unfair, do you? It's more about how much you spam you followers to vote every day, than how much they like you. Maybe I'm just cynical ;)

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True. I do wish you could vote just once. It can be an unfair advantage. But I love looking through all the blogs of the nominees! And I know there have to be other Hive members on that list. I want to know who you are. :coolgleamA:

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True. I do wish you could vote just once. It can be an unfair advantage. But I love looking through all the blogs of the nominees! And I know there have to be other Hive members on that list. I want to know who you are. :coolgleamA:


I wonder who they are too.. Come on, tell us!! Let a Hive member win!!

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I don't really have "time" to blog. But I make time because I enjoy it. It's my way of talking about homeschool and curricula without boring my hubby to death. He likes that I blog! ;) It means he doesn't have to discuss homeschool stuff on a daily basis.

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