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Baby shower question - haven't been to one in ages

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I think the amount a person spends is very personal. It depends on how well you know the person and your own financial situation. However, your gift sounds perfect to me and sounds like a gift I would purchase. I always give books for babies. Books were some of my favorite gifts as a new mom. Enjoy the baby!

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Regarding an amount, I think that's very much based on an individual or family budget. I don't think there is a set amount that "should" be spent. People come up with the most creative, adorable gifts that cost very little but are so precious to the recipient. Having said that...


Diapers, wipes, and books? I would say you're the awesome aunt! :D

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I haven't been to a baby shower in a very long time. How much do people spend on these things? This is my niece who is having her first baby. They asked us to bring diapers, so we have a big box of diapers and wipes from Costco. I am planning on giving books because I am "the book aunt."



You don't have to do the diapers AND a book. I usually budget to spend $20 and end up spending a bit more because I get carried away.

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If you feel like a cheapskate, what about adding to the diaper stash? Something like a diaper tree with, what - four sizes? - stacked bottom to top with the smallest size at the top since that's what she's likely to get the most of. It's not exciting, but she'll definitely be thanking you (silently, if not verbally) for the next year.


If that feels too showy to gift at a shower, you can always give a gift card (Target, baby megastore) when the baby is born and announcements go out. Then you'll only temporarily be the cheap auntie, and will end up being the awesome-auntie-who-kept-gifting LOL.


Or, maybe a faux-mobile of restaurant gift cards? Nothing fancy, a few $10 to some fast food or pizza places or starbucks. May not go over so well at the shower, but she'll see the beauty of the gift once baby's been here a few weeks! That's still a bit more spendy but less than pack-n-plays and the like. And she's unlikely to get a duplicate :)


If you're feeling cheap, is there anyone you can go in with to buy a big-ticket item? Her mom, another auntie/uncle, or cousin?

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