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WWE / Copy work / Dictation Question?


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We have done some copy work & dictation, but not enough to know how well it works over time. I am considering WWE for next year.


It looks like Susan Bauer uses copy work and dictation to lay a foundation for writing. Am I understanding this correctly? Does it work?


Does copy work and dictation then teach a child the basic foundations of writing? Spelling?


Thank you!

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WWE is for teaching writing not spelling. CW and dictation do lay the foundation for writing by helping them learn to hold the language in their heads long enough to write it. In her lecture on teaching writing to grammar stage children Susan Wise Bauer makes it clear that the sessions with WWE are not spelling exercises, you should always spell anything for them. They are also not quizzes to see what they know, but opportunities to be write, in other words you tell them up front what punctuation is in the passage, make sure they hear the punctuation when you dictate to them and if they still miss it tell them where to put it. I can not remember if it is in the end of level 2 or just 3, but the students will begin to use their own narrations as dictation. This is only after plenty of practice creating narrations in complete sentences that make sense as written language. I suggest that you listen to the lectures she gave on writing, they were very helpful for me.

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We have done some copy work & dictation, but not enough to know how well it works over time. I am considering WWE for next year.


It looks like Susan Bauer uses copy work and dictation to lay a foundation for writing. Am I understanding this correctly? Does it work?




Yes, you are understanding this correctly. Yes, I can attest that it does work over time.


I agree with what KelliK said. Here's the link to the lecture. I consider it one of the greatest bargains in all of homeschooldom.

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*waves* Nice to "see" you. :)


I can't say how it works long term since I haven't used it long term. But, I thought I'd tell you that we are using it. I added it this year toward the end of MFW 1st. I'll tell you, my son was more than prepared by MFW to start WWE 1. In fact, he should probably skip to WWE2. We are going to keep with level 1 for the summer. At the end of the summer, I'll give him the exit test no matter where we are in the program and move on to level 2. I do see benefits already. My son really enjoys it and we are going to stick with it while we continue using MFW too.

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Yes, you are understanding this correctly. Yes, I can attest that it does work over time.


I agree with what KelliK said. Here's the link to the lecture. I consider it one of the greatest bargains in all of homeschooldom.



Thank you to both you and the post before you! Very helpful. We have been using R&S for grammar (it has some writing in it) and spelling. I really would like to focus a lot more on actual writing next year, and building a writing foundation.


I started listening to the lecture and it is wonderful. :thumbup:

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*waves* Nice to "see" you. :)


I can't say how it works long term since I haven't used it long term. But, I thought I'd tell you that we are using it. I added it this year toward the end of MFW 1st. I'll tell you, my son was more than prepared by MFW to start WWE 1. In fact, he should probably skip to WWE2. We are going to keep with level 1 for the summer. At the end of the summer, I'll give him the exit test no matter where we are in the program and move on to level 2. I do see benefits already. My son really enjoys it and we are going to stick with it while we continue using MFW too.



Nice to "see" you too Heather! :seeya:


Thank you for your experience. We have been doing R&S for grammar and spelling and I want to start using an actual writing program too. I am thinking seriously about the MFW cycle for my boys for next school year so it is great to know that it is working well with MFW. I was thinking we could use it instead of Writing Strands. The boys finished ADV last June, and it has been a strange year without our MFW structure for them. It sounds like my dd6 could start it at some point towards the end of MFW1 that she is doing; this is good to know too! Thank you! :)

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It has really worked here. I just finished WWE2 with dd8. Copywork and dictation are more than just learning to hold things in your head, though I didn't really understand that until recently. When your child does copywork and dictation, you are discussing the mechanics and grammar of the sentence so that the child understands, for example, why that comma is used there, or how quotations marks are used, etc. As you discuss these things with the student, you begin to ask him to tell you (rather than you telling him) why the punctuation is being used or why the sentenced is formatted that way.


My dd8 is a reluctant writer, so mostly she only writes what she has to for school. But recently, she had something that she wanted to write in her journal about. It turned out to be just over a full page, the longest thing she has ever written, and I was amazed at the correctness of her sentences. She used full sentences--no run-ons or fragments. She had commas and periods where they belonged. The only writing instruction she has had has been WWE.

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It has really worked here. I just finished WWE2 with dd8. Copywork and dictation are more than just learning to hold things in your head, though I didn't really understand that until recently. When your child does copywork and dictation, you are discussing the mechanics and grammar of the sentence so that the child understands, for example, why that comma is used there, or how quotations marks are used, etc. As you discuss these things with the student, you begin to ask him to tell you (rather than you telling him) why the punctuation is being used or why the sentenced is formatted that way.




I also will say that I'm beginning to see real benefits from copywork and dictation. I wasn't sold on it for the longest time until I started using Bravewriter as well, which also puts a big emphasis on those skills. But yes, it works. I do use a separate spelling program and an occasional grammar book. Another big positive I'm seeing from using WWE is in listening comprehension. Reading the passage and then asking and discussing the questions and finishing up with the oral narration has been wonderful for my oldest. I'm not sure if it helps him write, likely it does, but it sure helps him get his thoughts in order in other areas of his life. He's on the spectrum and honestly WWE has been the best thing I've found for his oral and communication skills.


So although BW is my writing "spine" for actual writing activities, I couldn't ever give up WWE. Ever. It has had this use that I'm not sure SWB intended or foresaw, but it's like our daily communication therapy. It has helped my ds know how to talk and summarize his experiences in other areas of his life, and pay attention to what he's hearing or reading in daily life as well. A big positive for a child on the spectrum. Something I didn't anticipate when I started using it.

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We are finishing WWE2 and I am just starting to really see the writing benefits. The questions and narration has always been helpful, but Dictation did not seem to be adding anything and looking ahead to WWE3 and greater emphasis on Dictation had me reconsidering the entire program. In an earlier post, someone suggested watching the SWB YouTube videos and that changed how we do Dictation and it is working very well now.

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