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I detest cooking!

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Does everyone here actually make dinners and desserts? Doesn't anyone buy pre-made hamburger patties that they serve with mac&cheese and a can of green beans warmed in the microwave? Actually tonight we had hot dogs with rotel dip and watermelon. As hot as it is I would rather have sandwiches for dinner than turn on the oven.


I really don't like to cook and I hate having anything dirty in the sink. I don't own a crockpot, a food processor, or a bread maker. Last year dh bought a mixer.


Am I all alone?


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Guest Katia

You are not alone. I hate to cook as well, although when dh has the time he loves to do it and does a terrific job!


Tonight we had Arby's :001_smile:

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I used to have a pastor who loved to cook. He was single, and everytime he'd wax poetic on how much he simply *loved* to cook, I'd think, "Yeah, buddy, that's because you're not responsible for feeding a family three meals a day every day of their lives!" Now I have a son who wants to be a chef someday and he's just old enough to tell me all these fancy things I should be making but not quite old enough to cook them yet. :glare:

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I really hate to cook too. One thing that is helping is making triple batches when I do cook, and freezing two, so I have lots of nights of just reheating frozen meals. And, ds11 has shown an interest in cooking, so I am doing everything I can to encourage that interest. :D

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I really hate to cook too. One thing that is helping is making triple batches when I do cook, and freezing two, so I have lots of nights of just reheating frozen meals. And, ds11 has shown an interest in cooking, so I am doing everything I can to encourage that interest. :D


:iagree: I do this too. AND two of my older boys really enjoy cooking AND they're getting good at it. The older boys (even the one who doesn't like to cook much) are responsible for two dinners each month. Dh and I have really begun to look forward to what they come up with.

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I'm right there with you. And, the older I get, the less I like it. Fortunately, as we get older, our budget increases, allowing me to indulge on Schwans meals, or frozen Trader Joes stuff, or bringing home prepared food from the deli, or eating out.


I can cook, and I cook several things really well. But, I'm a terrible planner. I never have what I need on hand, and I never think of dinner early enough in the day to actually prepare something from scratch. It's usually 5:00 when the thought of dinner crosses my mind. The exception is when we have company. Dh LOVES when we have company, 'cause then I cook up a storm! :) He does the dishes on those nights.


My ds (almost 11) likes to cook. I probably should teach him to make more things. Maybe he'll take over for me, at least once in awhile.

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You are not alone!


I don't like to cook. When dh & I got married, all our friends & family figured we'd probably starve, lol. I held out longer & dh finally learned to cook. :D (I figured he had the better family genes for it anyway -- his dad is a fabulous cook who does gourmet dishes for fun on the weekends & his brother is an awesome cook too. I'm just helping dh carry on his family line.) Now my ds loves to cook too. He's only 7, but he's already getting pretty skilled (after learning from dad).


We do eat sandwiches for dinner some. Dh actually prefers that (grew up eating big lunches & light dinners), though it's hard to convince the kids because they love a hot, home-cooked meal.


I can cook pasta. That's fairly quick & easy. We don't do take-out food a lot (trying to eat healthier), though we will sometimes get a pizza for dinner.

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I have a freezer stocked w/ Stouffer lasagnas, frozen DiGiorno pizzas, eggrolls, chimichangas, beef hot dogs, fish sticks, dino nuggets, and gobs of frozen veggies. and ice cream :D I also have lots of boneless skinless chicken breast that i don't mind sauteeing up in a pan for fajitas....


salami sandwiches




spaghetti w/ canned sauce.


mashed potatoes

boxed mac and cheese/ stuffing


I really don't MIND cooking, i just hate spending the TIME to cook when i could be doing something ELSE. It just seems wrong to me to spend more time preparing a dish than it does to eat it. Which is wierd if you ever watch me peel every little string off an orange.....


and since God does indeed have a sense of humor and is full of grace and mercy, my oldest wants to be a chef. That will be GREAT i just gotta get him there, lol. Then i gotta keep him HOME!!!!!


eta: oh -- and dh does cook a lot. Thank God.

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I sat down to watch a cooking show (The Barefoot Contessa). I love to watch cooking shows! The problem is, I don't like to cook! I also like to buy cookbooks, especially if there are nice pictures. Yesterday I bought a set of cookbooks on QVC while I was watching one of their cooking segments.


This is very strange, don't you think? And I didn't even feel guilty about watching a cooking show and then going into the kitchen to prepare Shake and Bake pork chops for my family! (I think I have just about every variety of Shake and Bake that they make. )


In my own defense, I seem to have the kind of family where the more trouble I go to the less they like it. They're definitely in the "less is more", Keep It Simple Stupid camp! Throw in some digestive issues, special dietary restrictions, and extreme pickiness and I think it's no wonder that I prefer cooking as a spectator sport!

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I hate, despise, would never do it again if I didn't have to, cooking. I don't use the word hate a lot, but there it is. My dh used to cook in restaurants when he was much younger, so his "experience" has not been helpful, KWIM. My mom didn't teach us how to cook, she was more into baking. dh truly is a better cook, I wish he could retire and run the house and I'll simply teach school.


I think if I had a nice kitchen, without avacado green countertops and no counter space, I might learn to like it. Probably not though. We lived in several places throughout the years and I've never learned to like cooking.


I've also developed some food allergies in the last few years and so if I am cooking anything with wheat for the boys I have to make something else for me. I end up eating a lot of rice chex and corn flakes for dinner.


I'm training ds to take over all cooking when he turns 13. :tongue_smilie:I've been saying it for years, I'm hoping to speak it into existence.

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I enjoy cooking when I'm inspired. It's inspiration I struggle with, moreso in winter actually, and it's winter right now.


But I LOVE cooking in summer because of the lovely fresh veges available and juicy mangos and melons and fruit and asparagus and and and and MMMMMM..


In the summer we just live on salads. On those stinking hot days where just the thought of turning on the oven is too much and you just want to climb into the fridge, I make salads. I do a huge big green salad with lots of veges and top it with either smoked chicken or medium-rare steak (done on the BBQ so it doesn't heat the house) and put the dressing over the lot. YUM!! And the kids just hoover it up.


Mango goes really well with smoked chicken, yummy.


I also enjoy the cooked chicken from the supermarket with salad, but we can't have them anymore, they have gluten :(

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I am sometimes enthusiastic about cooking, but the daily drudgery of it gets me down too.

Tonight we had baked potatoes, sour cream, a Brie, some bread, spinach salad (pkt from teh supermarket, with homemade dressing and toasted sesame seeds) and coleslaw (pkt from supermarket but without dressing- we all add our own dressing), and avocado. Not much protein but i couldn't be bothered. Not much cooking, either, though, and apart from the potatoes, I pulled it all together in 5 minutes.

We dotn do desserts here as a regular thing, but tonight we happen to be having fresh pineapple.

It IS possible to put pretty healthy meals on the table that dont take much preparation.

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No offense, but you sound like my mom ;)


My Dad was the cook in our family - he loved to do it. I take after Dad. Unfortunately, my hubby and kids won't eat much more than PLAIN cooked meat, pasta, plain steamed veggies, pasta. plain rice, pasta. Did I mention pasta?



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In my own defense, I seem to have the kind of family where the more trouble I go to the less they like it. They're definitely in the "less is more", Keep It Simple Stupid camp!


This is definitely my family. aarrgh! I do not like to cook and then if I actually put effort into a meal it is almost a guarantee that they will not like it. Yep, it kinda reinforces the whole not wanting to cook thing.



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Do any of you non-cooking ladies have a passion for laundry? If so, I will be your friend. You can do my laundry perfectly and I'll cook for you :)


Except that my KISS, picky eaters probably wouldn't appreciate it, I'd take you up on that offer. I would even throw-in straightening couches and vacuuming.



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I only plan for the simple fact that if I didn't we would eat out, and that is not affordable right now, I cook only out of necessity not a joy for it. My menu has 2 roles really, it's also my lesson plan for home ec that week. The menu gets posted on our fridge and each one of my kids has to pick one day that they are my helper for cooking; they choose by knowing what we are eating on that day. As for the picky eater in my family; I have 2, if they don't like what I cook that day they can make themselves a sandwich and there is no dessert for them, not going to bed hungry but not getting full benefit of the meal. Some day I will win the lottery and have a personal cook, ahh those will be the days. :)

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I love to cook, but not so much in the summer. It just seems too hot to get in the kitchen and heat everything up even more. I lean more towards sandwiches and salads in the summer. But when fall and winter come, look out! I really get cookin' then! :D

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I enjoy cooking until it becomes a chore- which is about mid-way through a season. I'm looking forward to fall cooking right now, but summer cooking has me backing out of the kitchen screaming, "NO!" in my head.


After Thanksgiving then after New Year's I'll do the same thing for those seasons.

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I get tired of cooking the same old things, but I do love cooking. It's the cleaning it up part that gets me down. And I dislike meal planning like nothing else. I create a list of possible meals from what we have, but I almost never plan dinner before lunch unless we're having company.:001_smile:


Hot kitchen...I do detest cooking in a hot kitchen though. Y'all can come over for dinner anytime. I'll cook and we'll have the kids cleanup.

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Oooh! I like this idea! I mentioned above that it's the Planning that I'm terrible at. I wonder if I could get my dh to do this! Maybe he'd even do the shopping to make sure I had everything I needed (after all, he's in town every day, and I'm not). Hmmm. I need to think about this some more. Thanks!


Actually, my dh does a lot of the grocery shopping too. He really likes to grocery shop (odd man!). He likes to find good deals and is always looking at the sales, etc. It is such a great help to me, though!!!!

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In general, I like to cook.


However, right now I am so sick of it. I am sick of the planning, of being solely responsible for every meal ... just. sick. of. it.


And so, our meals are really boring because I just don't have the mental or physical energy for anything else. My staple right now is this: take a pound of ground meat, put it in the cast-iron skilled with a bunch of pasta (gluten-free), throw a bag of frozen veggies on top of that, then drench it in some kind of broth and bake.


Voila! Easy, fairly well-balanced .... stuff.


That, or I toss a hunk of meat into the crockpot.



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You are not alone. I gave up cooking several years ago. It started with having frozen dinners on Judo nights and slowly it became every night. With everyone on different schedules and dh not home at dinner time several nights a week, it just became easier. And no one really liked my cooking anyway. Now, the convenience foods are becoming cheaper than cooking from scratch anyway so I have no incentive to cook.


Susan in TX

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I can't stand to cook. I do try and force myself to cook a couple times a week to give DH a break. He used to enjoy cooking, but I think he is burned out on it. I think if I could get someone to plan meals, I wouldn't mind cooking so much.

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