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Food Trends


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Yesterday at the store I overheard some ladies discussing a GMO march/demonstration/rally/protest taking place tomorrow, May 25th. It's called March Against Monsanto. It got me thinking about all of the different food trends. (Obviously the GMO thing is too big to be called a "trend.")


What do you eat and what do you avoid eating, and why? I thought we could learn from each other about diet and health.

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I eat:

No processed foods

No sugar-except naturally, as in fruits

No white flour

No MSG (or only a little-it's in so many foods and is also hidden under other names)

Also, just this week I started following the migraine elimination diet. That's a long list of foods and additives that I avoid, too. Obviously this is to get control of my migraines. ;)

I do this for health reasons-I WANT to be healthy. :)


My dd5 is on a gluten free diet. It has made a HUGE difference in her behavior and development.


Hubby and dd12 and ds10 eat partially this way, but they do have occasional junk food.

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