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faithbasedboys.org ??? (not an unbiased post)

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Personally, I believe homosexuality is a sin. I do not agree with mistreating anyone. I don't see why sexual orientation is even discussed in a group for minors. What am I missing? From what I read, earilier (online), it sounded like BSA is embracing it. I have a problem with that.


I think you've got it backwards. BANNING boys based on sexual orientation means that they are discussing sexual orientation among minors. Having a policy where sexual orientation is not an issue for scouts at all, either way (all kids welcome), is taking sexual orientation out of the rule book. Where it never belonged in the first place.

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Why would children be "coming out" at a boyscout meeting?



Where did I say they were?

Under the previous policy, if a scout were to tell friends at school/anywhere that he was gay and BSA leadership learned of it, he could be expelled from BSA. I am not sure what makes this difficult to understand.

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What's with all the sexualization of children? IMO, children shouldn't have to identify with anything other than being a child. Ten year olds should not be concerned with sexual attractiveness of their peers, male or female. They should be focusing on who plays fair, who includes everyone, who helps you when you are down, who cheers for you when you win, who never pokes fun at others.


Regarding the older members who are teens, again why all the emphasis on sexuality? Aren't they supposed to be more concerned about things like how to identify which plants and mushrooms are poison and how to orient themselves by the stars? BSA has strayed from their original mission of wilderness and physical education. What a disappointment.


IMO, Scouting should be one of those refuges where kids don't have to worry about sexuality. There is plenty of that out in the world. Scouting should be a place where you can learn a number of new skills, develop a sense of self-control and responsibility, learn how to become a reliable and trustworthy member of society. I hope that my fears will not be born out, but I fear that this issue will cause so much division and dissention that it will ultimately destroy the BSA.

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I am curious as to where you are getting your information. The BSA has simply said if you are gay you can still participate as a scout.

What do you mean by "embracing" it?



Some online article (along with the comments section).

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Where did I say they were?

Under the previous policy, if a scout were to tell friends at school/anywhere that he was gay and BSA leadership learned of it, he could be expelled from BSA. I am not sure what makes this difficult to understand.



I didn't mean to imply you said it. I'm just trying to figure out what the issue is here/the context of the situation. I just don't think things like this should be discussed in that type of setting is all.

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Some online article (along with the comments section).



I think in a case where there is a lot of talk going on online and in the media, it's a good idea to go to the source and decide for yourself. Comment sections on the internet are notorious for misinformation. (I don't mean to sound bossy or preachy so if you already know that, please disregard this.)

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What's with all the sexualization of children? IMO, children shouldn't have to identify with anything other than being a child. Ten year olds should not be concerned with sexual attractiveness of their peers, male or female. They should be focusing on who plays fair, who includes everyone, who helps you when you are down, who cheers for you when you win, who never pokes fun at others.


Regarding the older members who are teens, again why all the emphasis on sexuality? Aren't they supposed to be more concerned about things like how to identify which plants and mushrooms are poison and how to orient themselves by the stars? BSA has strayed from their original mission of wilderness and physical education. What a disappointment.


IMO, Scouting should be one of those refuges where kids don't have to worry about sexuality. There is plenty of that out in the world. Scouting should be a place where you can learn a number of new skills, develop a sense of self-control and responsibility, learn how to become a reliable and trustworthy member of society. I hope that my fears will not be born out, but I fear that this issue will cause so much division and dissention that it will ultimately destroy the BSA.



Well said. None of the politics belong in a children's group. I just don't see how it comes to play in a den meeting. It shouldn't. It has nothing to do with Boy Scouts.

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What's with all the sexualization of children? IMO, children shouldn't have to identify with anything other than being a child. Ten year olds should not be concerned with sexual attractiveness of their peers, male or female. They should be focusing on who plays fair, who includes everyone, who helps you when you are down, who cheers for you when you win, who never pokes fun at others.


Regarding the older members who are teens, again why all the emphasis on sexuality? Aren't they supposed to be more concerned about things like how to identify which plants and mushrooms are poison and how to orient themselves by the stars? BSA has strayed from their original mission of wilderness and physical education. What a disappointment.


IMO, Scouting should be one of those refuges where kids don't have to worry about sexuality. There is plenty of that out in the world. Scouting should be a place where you can learn a number of new skills, develop a sense of self-control and responsibility, learn how to become a reliable and trustworthy member of society. I hope that my fears will not be born out, but I fear that this issue will cause so much division and dissention that it will ultimately destroy the BSA.



You can't strip away your sexual orientation when it's convenient. And lots of kids know by age ten that they're gay or straight. That doesn't mean they're going out and having sex, but they've figured it out. I had crushes when I was ten. It's pretty normal.


And no one is saying that BSA is placing an emphasis on sexuality. Before, a teen boy couldn't be gay anywhere, or he'd get kicked out. It's not fair to ask a teenage boy to remain completely asexual twenty-four hours a day for the sake of one extracurricular activity. Now, it's not a problem. It doesn't mean that teens are going to be having sex in the bathrooms during Boy Scout meetings, but it does meant that the older members can date who they want without having to worry about getting kicked out.

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I didn't mean to imply you said it. I'm just trying to figure out what the issue is here/the context of the situation. I just don't think things like this should be discussed in that type of setting is all.



I think that's where everybody is on the same page on this issue. Boys Scouts should be about friendships, character and skills. Leave a child's sexuality out of it and let them get on with being a kid.

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Well said. None of the politics belong in a children's group. I just don't see how it comes to play in a den meeting. It shouldn't. It has nothing to do with Boy Scouts.



Then let me ask you this. If an older teenage boy comes out as gay to his parents and a couple of close friends but never, ever mentions it at Boy Scout activities, should he be kicked out for it?

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I think that's where everybody is on the same page on this issue. Boys Scouts should be about friendships, character and skills. Leave a child's sexuality out of it and let them get on with being a kid.




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Then let me ask you this. If an older teenage boy comes out as gay to his parents and a couple of close friends but never, ever mentions it at Boy Scout activities, should he be kicked out for it?




Like I said, I'm a Christian. I believe it's a sin. But, I just don't see this topic as appropriate discussion under this setting.


Now if the leaders start having Gay Pride Boyscout Day, Acceptance Day, or something like that, then there is a problem. None of this belongs in a children's group.

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Like I said, I'm a Christian. I believe it's a sin. But, I just don't see this topic as appropriate discussion under this setting.


Now if the leaders start having Gay Pride Boyscout Day, Acceptance Day, or something like that, then there is a problem. None of this belongs in a children's group.


Then that would align you with those of us who supported the Scouts accepting gay boys. No one wants to turn the BSA into a Gay/Straight Alliance group. We all just want them to NOT kick out boys who are gay. Which is how they voted yesterday. I think a lot of people are reading more into this vote than is there.

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What's with all the sexualization of children? IMO, children shouldn't have to identify with anything other than being a child. Ten year olds should not be concerned with sexual attractiveness of their peers, male or female. They should be focusing on who plays fair, who includes everyone, who helps you when you are down, who cheers for you when you win, who never pokes fun at others.


Regarding the older members who are teens, again why all the emphasis on sexuality? Aren't they supposed to be more concerned about things like how to identify which plants and mushrooms are poison and how to orient themselves by the stars? BSA has strayed from their original mission of wilderness and physical education. What a disappointment.


IMO, Scouting should be one of those refuges where kids don't have to worry about sexuality. There is plenty of that out in the world. Scouting should be a place where you can learn a number of new skills, develop a sense of self-control and responsibility, learn how to become a reliable and trustworthy member of society. I hope that my fears will not be born out, but I fear that this issue will cause so much division and dissention that it will ultimately destroy the BSA.



This is the second post in this thread where I started out nodding and agreeing and was surprised by the turn it took. Boys should not have to worry about sexual orientation or have to emphasize sexuality. That is why banning based on sexual orientation is WRONG. Sexuality and sexual identity should not be an issue at all in scouts, period. Discriminating against gay kids is what made it an issue. Now it's a non-issue. That is better.

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What's with all the sexualization of children? IMO, children shouldn't have to identify with anything other than being a child. Ten year olds should not be concerned with sexual attractiveness of their peers, male or female.


Boy Scouts are ages 11-18 (Cub Scouts are 6-10). I reckon that sometime before age 18 you recognized that you were attracted to the opposite gender, no? Having a sexual orientation is not the sexualization of children. Biologically, children are going to be aware of their emerging sexuality at some point before age 18.

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Then that would align you with those of us who supported the Scouts accepting gay boys. No one wants to turn the BSA into a Gay/Straight Alliance group. We all just want them to NOT kick out boys who are gay. Which is how they voted yesterday. I think a lot of people are reading more into this vote than is there.


I guess I just want to see how it turns out. Is this the stepping stone to a Gay/Straight Alliance group? Or just a rule against kicking kids out? How far will this go? What will they do next? Are they going to discuss this? Will they talk about their relationships? Or will they just go to meetings, do Boy Scout business, and leave the rest for their personal lives? This is what is upsetting people, I believe.


ETA: Just wanted to clear up my ealier confusion: I thought it was a Christian group because when we tried it out, it was held in a church and we prayed. Not only did we pray, but if I'm remembering correctly, we prayed in Jesus' name. That's where my confusion comes from.

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ETA: Just wanted to clear up my ealier confusion: I thought it was a Christian group because when we tried it out, it was held in a church and we prayed. Not only did we pray, but if I'm remembering correctly, we prayed in Jesus' name. That's where my confusion comes from.


Any school or church/temple/meeting/synagogue can charter a troop. So if you visited a troop chartered by a Christian church, that explains the prayer in Jesus' name. At our troop, the prayers are interfaith in nature more often than not.

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I just thought it was a Christian group because when we tried it out, it was held in a church and we prayed. Not only did we pray, but if I'm remembering correctly, we prayed in Jesus' name. That's where my confusion comes from.


I think all boy scout groups pray. I know there is an official cub scout prayer, not sure about later years. As for the Christian part, I think there is a lot of discretion on a troop-by-troop basis.

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I guess I just want to see how it turns out. Is this the stepping stone to a Gay/Straight Alliance group? Or just a rule against kicking kids out? How far will this go? What will they do next? Are they going to discuss this? Will they talk about their relationships? Or will they just go to meetings, do Boy Scout business, and leave the rest for their personal lives? This is what is upsetting people, I believe.


ETA: Just wanted to clear up my ealier confusion: I thought it was a Christian group because when we tried it out, it was held in a church and we prayed. Not only did we pray, but if I'm remembering correctly, we prayed in Jesus' name. That's where my confusion comes from.



You are not understanding. There is no promotion of sexuality in scouts. Now, there is no discrimination of sexuality. Scouting has ALWAYS been a place focused on 12 core values, with merit badges that reflect those while creating opportunities for personal growth and skills.


You really need to understand the organization before making assumptions about the direction they're going. You also may want to read the statements from the BSA instead of vague news articles and comments.




ETA: our troop doesn't pray, other than special occasions (Eagle, CoH, Scout's Own..). Our group is chartered by a non-faith based org.

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I guess I just want to see how it turns out. Is this the stepping stone to a Gay/Straight Alliance group? Or just a rule against kicking kids out? How far will this go? What will they do next? Are they going to discuss this? Will they talk about their relationships? Or will they just go to meetings, do Boy Scout business, and leave the rest for their personal lives? This is what is upsetting people, I believe.


ETA: Just wanted to clear up my ealier confusion: I thought it was a Christian group because when we tried it out, it was held in a church and we prayed. Not only did we pray, but if I'm remembering correctly, we prayed in Jesus' name. That's where my confusion comes from.


I don't have any boys so I can't say for sure, but I imagine things will be exactly the same as before, with the exception that no more boys will be unjustly kicked out.

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I'm not sure if they are a Christian organization, but I don't think that matters. Not all Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin, so claiming Christian beliefs shouldn't allow for exclusion.


(I don't know where you personally land on this topic, I just used your quote.)


As a complete hijack- my pet peeve on this board is for a statement to begin, "I'm Christian, so obviously (fill in the blank) is wrong."


BSA is NOT a Christian orgnanization. Are there people who want to pretend otherwise? Sure.


All you have to do is visit the BSA website or your local BSA shop and find the, "Duty to God" brochure.


You can be Buddhist and be a Scout. You can be Baha'i. You can be Hindu, Islamic, Quaker, Jewish, Moravian, Meher Baba, UU, and even my personal favorite... Zoroastrian.


It is NOT a Christian organization. It is a RELIGIOUS one. Shocking to many people in America but Christianity is actually not the world's only religion...


Praise Zoro! :laugh:

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Guest inoubliable

BSA is NOT a Christian orgnanization. Are there people who want to pretend otherwise? Sure.


All you have to do is visit the BSA website or your local BSA shop and find the, "Duty to God" brochure.


You can be Buddhist and be a Scout. You can be Baha'i. You can be Hindu, Islamic, Quaker, Jewish, Moravian, Meher Baba, UU, and even my personal favorite... Zoroastrian.


It is NOT a Christian organization. It is a RELIGIOUS one. Shocking to many people in America but Christianity is actually not the world's only religion...


Praise Zoro! :laugh:



Aye, it's not a Christian organization.




Check that out! Lots of deities are recognized.


Just a matter of time before the Flying Spaghetti Monster touches the Boy Scouts with His Noodly Appendage. R'Amen.

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I don't have any boys so I can't say for sure, but I imagine things will be exactly the same as before, with the exception that no more boys will be unjustly kicked out.



No it won't be the same, there will be lots of boys who leave because they believe the decision that was made was the wrong decision.

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I knew the group wasn't Christian, but when it no longer meets the needs of people, they, and whatever assets they brought to the group, will go elsewhere. And they will be disappointed about it. *shrug*


That's it for me.


I personally think BSA has every intention of going further than this and plans to eventually promote disordered attractions as acceptable, so for me, there's not any point in staying on a morally sinking ship until my feet are actually in the water.


To me, it makes more sense to accept the inevitible obvious (to me anyways) and instead choose another ship sooner rather than later.


If I can find a ship that flies a Vatican flag, I'm going to be extra happy. :)





Mild side topic...


It's doesn't matter what someone calls themselves, there's someone it doesn't apply to or wasn't intended to apply to. I've heard all this and more:


Roman catholic - oh hey, I'm RC but don't actually believe x, y, and z.


American - oh hey, canadians are American! Since when does America , a term used for two continents only mean United States?!


Girls/Boys - hey! I have a penis, but I like dresses and think of myself as a girl so by golly that make me a girl and I want in!

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I personally think BSA has every intention of further than this and plans to eventually promote disordered attractions as acceptable, so for me, there's not any point in staying on a morally sinking ship until my feet are actually in the water.




Promote? Exactly what do you think they will do? Add sparkles to the unis?

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Mild side topic...


It's doesn't matter what someone calls themselves, there's someone it doesn't apply to or wasn't intended to apply to. I've heard all this and more:


Roman catholic - oh hey, I'm RC but don't actually believe x, y, and z.


American - oh hey, canadians are American! Since when does America , a term used for two continents only mean United States?!


Girls/Boys - hey! I have a penis, but I like dresses and think of myself as a girl so by golly that make me a girl and I want in!



Pardon me if I find nothing "mild" about the likes of the ignorance I have bolded. Until you have seen the difference transitioning makes to an actual transgendered person's life, health and safety, you really have no idea what you are talking about. Your remark is a cruel and callous way to minimize the major difficulties faced by transgendered people. It's not a matter of wanting to be different or liking certain garments.

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Promote? Exactly what do you think they will do? Add sparkles to the unis?



They'll amend the law.


A Scout is:

  • Trustworthy,

  • Loyal,

  • Helpful,

  • Friendly,

  • Courteous,

  • Kind,

  • Obedient,

  • Cheerful,

  • Thrifty,

  • Brave,

  • Clean,

  • Reverent.

  • and FA-BU-LOUS!!



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Guest inoubliable



Girls/Boys - hey! I have a penis, but I like dresses and think of myself as a girl so by golly that make me a girl and I want in!



:huh: That's called cross-dressing and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sexuality or identifying with the opposite gender.


Watching Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye perform "Sisters" will now be even funnier now, though! Thanks!

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I knew the group wasn't Christian, but when it no longer meets the needs of people, they, and whatever assets they brought to the group, will go elsewhere. And they will be disappointed about it. *shrug*


That's it for me.


I personally think BSA has every intention of going further than this and plans to eventually promote disordered attractions as acceptable, so for me, there's not any point in staying on a morally sinking ship until my feet are actually in the water.


To me, it makes more sense to accept the inevitible obvious (to me anyways) and instead choose another ship sooner rather than later.


If I can find a ship that flies a Vatican flag, I'm going to be extra happy. :)







See ya.


FWIW, the U.S. Military has plenty of Christians in it. They didn't jump ship and nothing has changed, other than a lack of sexual discrimination.

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Promote? Exactly what do you think they will do? Add sparkles to the unis?



True story:


We joined Scouts only a few months ago. (My DS is the second fastest kid to have ever earned his Wolf badge in our council but that's neither nor there).


And I sat down with our CM and specifically asked about the faith stuff and the homosexuality issue. That's how I learned the differnece between church chartered groups and the other 30%.


Anyway, as the CM is patiently answering my questions a couple of cute little kids run past and they have ribbons streaming out behind them and beads clacking all over the place. There were seriously the most stereotypical "gay looking" kids I've seen in YEARS. I'm sorry. Ribbons and beads??


I started to laugh and the CM asked me what was funny and when I gently pointed out that for a reputedly homophobic organization, perhaps ribbons and beads might not be the best award system.


He burst out laughing and said, "Well yeah but I'm Catholic and my pope runs around in white and gold dresses and fabulous hats so there you go."


And we had a great guffaw and the family has been having fun in CS ever since.

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You miss my point entirely.


Which was simply:


I posted that in response to people saying they wish they wouldn't use words like Christian or American in the title of these groups.


No matter what a PRIVATE group calls itself, there will be people who claim they should be in it even tho it is not intended to be a group for them. Even just using the word "girl" hasn't been enough to keep the ocassional boy from wanting to join.


As for the military:


They are not a PRIVATE group


They are not children


If this were a tax funded or run association, I would absolutely agree it's a non issue.


But it is not. And people are going to and have every right to choose to disassociate with a private group because they disagree with its policies or it's direction.


Personally, I think it is fabulous that bc of this, there will grow many more options for people other than BSA. More choices are good for everyone and means more chances for everyone to find what meets their family needs



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You miss my point entirely.


Which was simply:


I posted that in response to people saying they wish they wouldn't use words like Christian or American in the title of these groups.


No matter what a PRIVATE group calls itself, there will be people who claim they should be in it even tho it is not intended to be a group for them. Even just using the word "girl" hasn't been enough to keep the ocassional boy from wanting to join.


As for the military:


They are not a PRIVATE group


They are not children


If this were a tax funded or run association, I would absolutely agree it's a non issue.


But it is not. And people are going to and have every right to choose to disassociate with a private group because they disagree with its policies or it's direction.


Personally, I think it is fabulous that bc of this, there will grow many more options for people other than BSA. More choices are good for everyone and means more chances for everyone to find what meets their family needs



We have established BSA is not a Christian group, so please explain why a gay young man doesn't qualify as a Boy Scout.

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I'm not sure if they are a Christian organization, but I don't think that matters. Not all Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin, so claiming Christian beliefs shouldn't allow for exclusion.


(I don't know where you personally land on this topic, I just used your quote.)


As a complete hijack- my pet peeve on this board is for a statement to begin, "I'm Christian, so obviously (fill in the blank) is wrong."



My opinion = all TRUE Christians believe the ENTIRE Bible therefore all TRUE Christians believe homosexuality is a sin.

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Well bless your heart.



I'm going to have to step back in for this one. I'm really trying to avoid all the drama that is brewing, but she was just clarifying her viewpoint... no need to be snarky!

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You are entitled to this opinion. I, on the other hand, don't want my sons being told that anything goes. I do not want them being told it's ok to have relations with someone of the same sex or that if you don't feel like or want to be the gender you were born then you can just change that. I believe that if you are born a male, then that is what God intended you to be. That is not for us to decide.


I also don't want them to be influenced to believe that sex outside of marriage, adultery, lying, stealing, murdering, drunkenness, illegal drugs, etc. are right or good. Those are contrary to what I believe the Word of God teaches and I believe that, not the ever changing society we live in.


I also believe that disagreeing with someone's behavior is not the same as hating them. My sons are taught that everyone is made in the image of God and therefore has inherent worth and dignity. Truly loving someone means that you want the absolute best for them and I believe that God knows what that is, not us. There is nothing to be gained by going against His created order except for a temporary happiness.


I don't really want my son around people who refer to being gay as a "disordered attraction", so, I guess this change is a double win for me!


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My opinion = all TRUE Christians believe the ENTIRE Bible therefore all TRUE Christians believe homosexuality is a sin.



From a sociology standpoint, I find this fascinating. I've read the bible in its entirety more than once now. And I have to say, Leviticus makes me smile. Because I've read it and thought, "Wow! How could anyone live like this nowadays?!"


So from a 100% strict interpretation of the bible, does your DH shave? Have you ever worn leather shoes? Fabric that's a cotton/polyester blend or any other kind of blend?


You know, I get the anti-homosexual argument. If one were to step back and from a purely unbiased standpoint evaluate homosexuality only in the context of procreation... no, that isn't going to work. Mammals need sperm and eggs.


(I may personally believe sexuality has a more "divine" purpose than strict procreation but I see and acknowledge that there are others who do not.)


However, every time I've seen or heard someone say that they believe in a 100% interpretation of the bible, it only seems to be on this one single issue. The rest of the time, it's barbeque pork sandwiches for all! Or church women who wear beautiful gold necklaces or earrings to church or whatever marginally whacky rule is out there. Why is that?

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You are entitled to this opinion. I, on the other hand, don't want my sons being told that anything goes. I do not want them being told it's ok to have relations with someone of the same sex or that if you don't feel like or want to be the gender you were born then you can just change that. I believe that if you are born a male, then that is what God intended you to be. That is not for us to decide.


I also don't want them to be influenced to believe that sex outside of marriage, adultery, lying, stealing, murdering, drunkenness, illegal drugs, etc. are right or good. Those are contrary to what I believe the Word of God teaches and I believe that, not the ever changing society we live in.


I also believe that disagreeing with someone's behavior is not the same as hating them. My sons are taught that everyone is made in the image of God and therefore has inherent worth and dignity. Truly loving someone means that you want the absolute best for them and I believe that God knows what that is, not us. There is nothing to be gained by going against His created order except for a temporary happiness.




Well said. Hoping BSA will not do this. Boy Scouts were not for us (prior to all this), though, so it won't affect us.

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You are entitled to this opinion. I, on the other hand, don't want my sons being told that anything goes. I do not want them being told it's ok to have relations with someone of the same sex or that if you don't feel like or want to be the gender you were born then you can just change that. I believe that if you are born a male, then that is what God intended you to be. That is not for us to decide.


I also don't want them to be influenced to believe that sex outside of marriage, adultery, lying, stealing, murdering, drunkenness, illegal drugs, etc. are right or good. Those are contrary to what I believe the Word of God teaches and I believe that, not the ever changing society we live in.


I also believe that disagreeing with someone's behavior is not the same as hating them. My sons are taught that everyone is made in the image of God and therefore has inherent worth and dignity. Truly loving someone means that you want the absolute best for them and I believe that God knows what that is, not us. There is nothing to be gained by going against His created order except for a temporary happiness.

Being gay isn't a behavior, it is an identity. You can't really "disagree" with someone's identity. That is my thinking, and why I believing calling being gay being "disordered" is the moral equivalent to using a racial slur.

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Being gay isn't a behavior, it is an identity. You can't really "disagree" with someone's identity. That is my thinking, and why I believing calling being gay being "disordered" is the moral equivalent to using a racial slur.




What is your stance on identical twins where one is gay and the other isn't?

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