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Why do people always announce national news headlines here?


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Just wondering..one of those little things that drive me crazy. Announcing the national news here as if we hadn't all seen it ourselves on the same Yahoo news.


Having a conversation about the topic, yes I get that. Bring it up and discussing it, yes I get that. But announcing it and posting the link as if no one else would have saw it and read it until you did that....why?


I just had to ask. That's all.

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For one thing, the different news stations report things differently. For another, some of us check this site a lot more frequently than we check news sites. The news site I check usually has 4 prominent headlines, and that's often all I take time to look at on a busy day. ... But I think generally it's a way to start a conversation. Putting the hopefully unbiased news story out there rather than just posting one's own take on it sounds reasonable to me.

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Jolie's mom died of breast cancer and Jolie has the genetic marker.




Above is her op-ed piece.


I don't think I'd be able to make that decision but I wish her well.

Just wondering..one of those little things that drive me crazy. Announcing the national news here as if we hadn't all seen it ourselves on the same Yahoo news.


Having a conversation about the topic, yes I get that. Bring it up and discussing it, yes I get that. But announcing it and posting the link as if no one else would have saw it and read it until you did that....why?


I just had to ask. That's all.


I'll bite! LOL


I did it to start a conversation and to see what other people think about the topic.


You guys are my girls! So to speak. It's like bringing the topic up over coffee or in the break room.

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There have been MANY news stories that have been broken to me by the Hive! I usually always have you guys up on a tab in my browser. News sites, not so much. Once a story is posted, I can read, or participate, in a discussion about it.

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I, uh, don't actually check the news sites. Ever. I rely on TWTM for my news. :w00t:


:iagree: I'm actually really glad people DO post headlines here. Saves me lots of time and energy. I can go to the news sites if it's something I want more information about but mostly it allows me to have a general awareness of what's going on without hunting down the information.

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I, uh, don't actually check the news sites. Ever. I rely on TWTM for my news. :w00t:



Agreeing. If I see something interesting on here, on Facebook, or DH tells me about something, I'll look it up. Other than that, I don't pay any attention to the news.

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Guest inoubliable

How else are they going to start a conversation about it? People always want the link, and you kind of have to mention the headline so everyone knows what the heck you're talking about.


Not to mention that there are quite a few people here who swear they never watch/listen to the news. I forget who it was, but someone once said that they got so emotional that their husband forbid them to watch it anymore. :huh: I'm glad the news is mentioned here for the benefit of the ones who would miss out on important current events and information otherwise.

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I too enjoy posts about national headlines. Sometimes something posted here is interesting but may not show up in my newspaper. (Yes, I still get the newspaper. I know, I'm a dinosaur!) I don't usually read news online unless someone points out something to me--usually here on the forum. And I agree that this board is like our own office water cooler, where we can stop and chat for a bit about stuff. Some of that stuff is personal but some of it is about what's happening out in the world.

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I live in a rural area and don't have cable or satellite television. And I don't often have the time to sit down and watch a whole news report or scan through a lengthy online source. I like and appreciate that people post things of interest here. If the thread title catches my interest, I will pause and read it. If not, I scroll on by.


I am one of those who don't care to watch the news even if I had time. I don't appreciate the infomercials that pass for investigative reporting these days. I don't like having my emotions played upon for the sake of boosting ratings. I cannot stand wasting my time waiting for the commercials to pass.


Nor is it correct to assume that " we hadn't all seen it ourselves on the same Yahoo news". I don't follow Yahoo news. I homeschool, run a small farm, and have two part time jobs. I don't have time for Yahoo news. But I do frequent this site. And I, for one, greatly appreciate the news updates that are posted here.

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I'm too new here to have picked up important news, but I have belonged to several online communities over the years and as other have mentioned, I, too, rely on my virtual neighbors to say, "Hey! did you hear?!?!"



I vivdly remember logging in to Breastfeeding.com one morning to check the day's threads, and there was some story about a plane that had hit the WTC... I turned on CNN just in time to see the second plane hit.

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I like reading the views on national news here. For the most part, it's polite, informative discussion. For certain topics, I hope Poster X will weigh in or think, "That will set Poster Y off." I consider the board a giant, online version of "Coffee Talk." We sit at our computers or devices, drinking coffee, (real) tea, or Diet Dr Pepper, talking amongst ourselves.

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I'm another that doesn't follow the news all day long. I get my news here, FB (local updates via local radio station), or headlines from roadrunner when I check email. I rarely get to watch the news at night, and it's mostly local. So I appreciate it!

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I love that people post news events here. I spend very little time anywhere else online and do not watch tv during the day. I love the fact that by taking a quick look at the hive throughout the day I know about major events. Also I no longer watch US news actively(live in UK) so would not see many things if the hive did not provide them. This is more of a community of people who have at least one thing in common :) then a group dedicated to home ed.

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I am glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't follow the news. I appreciate when I see important things posted here. There's a myriad of different backgrounds represented here but we are a social group and we share common interests. I consider you all my peers and I appreciate input from my peers. My thoughts are this. It's just like anything else, if you don't like what someone has posted, don't read the thread.

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I like seeing the many perspectives here. You can't really discuss the news in the comments section of an article, it's like bad reality TV on most of those.. This is the water cooler for many. Plus we're an opinionated bunch.



I am certainly not going to discuss issues with people who don't know their ass from their elbow. Has anyone read the comments on yahoo? Yeah...not going to happen.

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Actually, I love it! I think this forum is one of the best news aggregates on the web!


I like it because once the story is mentioned, posters add commentary, links, express varying points of view. I feel that there's sort of a built in fact-checking system, kwim? So many here are well versed in different areas and sensitive to different sides of each story. Many are local to the point of news origin and can provide further details.


Of course, many times we are just a bunch of armchair op-editors. But I enjoy that. You folks help sharpen my thinking skills and have certainly expanded my point of view over the years.

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Haven't read all the responses, but this place is my watercooler/breakroom. I don't watch TV, don't have the radio on in the am to hear the news, and the only internet news site I can tolerate (not because I'm stuck up, but because of ads, popups, videos that start automatically, etc. on other sites) is the BBC.


So keep posting the news!


I like to hear the different view points when we are able to discuss current events.



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My main news source is the local morning news, mostly watched for the weather report. The morning reports around here tend to be quite sparse on non-local (state or national or international) news, so I often don't know of something newsy ("commonly" known but not vital news) until someone brings it up. I'm busy enough right now that I don't tend to see stuff unless a person or subroutine emails or texts me on it (like the digests I receive of new chat room posts).


What is obvious to some is not necessarily obvious to all. And not everyone checks online for news, or is even online every day. I appreciate people who post something they think might be of interest. If I'm not interested I just move on to the next post in the list.

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I don't generally follow any news here, but the hive is the only place I am going to hear the american new stories unless I go searching for them, and many of them are interesting to hear because they often could have ramifications here in Canada, or get me thinking. I don't generally participate in threads about celebs for the same reason I don't pick up those magazines in the checkout line, simply because they don't matter to me. And like the checkout line I just roll right on past them, no need to worry about why someone else posted a story that interested them. As for yahoo news or other such things, I don't look at it unless linked here or on my fb. If I want the news I read the newspaper, I can either get the one that focuses on the big city with some national coverage, or the little one that is about the next town over with 1/2 page dedicated to my village. I don't get news off the radio because this time of year the news on the radio is either cattle farm reports or ag grower reports. When I get on the computer it opens to google and I open this site in one window, fb in a 2nd, and the 3rd is for whatever I happen to be looking up that day. No random news stories showing up unless posted in one of those 3 windows.

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When I first started reading these forums I thought it was very odd. Similarly, I often wondered why people posted questions here that they could more quickly google instead. But now I'm a convert. This place is my teachers lounge and/or water cooler. The hive wouldn't be nearly as interesting if we just talked curriculum.

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For the most part, it doesn't bother me. Most of the time, the link is accompanied by a desire to converse about the topic. The only time it bothers me is when someone posts a link to a provocative news article with the obnoxious assumption that everyone here is going to think just like them, or when they do it just to poke at people.

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