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Vacation ideas?

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Hmmm. Summer's almost here. Everyone I know is talking vacation. What would you do/ where would you go if:


--you were a single parent (widowed) so no partner to go with

--three of your kids (all male) were young adults and tended to make their own vacation plans

--your youngest (14) were a boy

--even if they all came along, it wouldn't be "fun" just to be family

--all your friends do their vacationing with their own families/ relatives

--you lived in eastern Canada

--funds were tight!


I'm stumped. I do get lonely staying at home all summer with nothing "special" to look forward to, but I'm also not a very adventurous person--ie, not one to head off on a vacation all on my own. My oldest son (23) pretty much handles his own life, but the middle two (18 and almost 21) are still open to doing something together. The youngest (14) would love to travel more, but doesn't really want to go just with mom; however, he doesn't have any "best friends" to ask along. We've done the water park/ hotel thing enough; we've also done the rent-a-cottage-up-north thing and the theme-park-in Florida thing, but, as I said, it's just not fun for them without their own friends along. We have no relatives to visit. Hmph.


Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I do feel as though I'm letting my youngest down (although he is not a complainer at all; I just know he would love to travel more) by giving up on "vacation time" at this stage of the game. Although I know that many people cannot afford vacations at all, I don't see this as an entitlement on our part; as I indicated, funds are fairly tight and many years we have not gone anywhere. Just wish I could think of something enjoyable and memorable to do in these last few years together.

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Can you take a train trip somewhere in Canada with your youngest? One time I did that with my youngest two, in the U.S. We took the train to Chicago, about a day's journey by train. Stayed there for two nights, and then came home on the train. It was a blast!

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I highly recommend an all-inclusive vacation! One of our favorite less-expensive resorts is the Iberostar Maya in Mexico.

They have scheduled activities and sports for teens and adults throughout the day, gorgeous pools, white sand beaches, impeccable grounds and evening entertainment is included as well. All of your food, drink and entertainment is pre-paid, and you're surrounded by luscious, tropical scenery. Because it is in a gated community, the teens can have free-range wile still staying in a safe environment. It is one of our go-to resorts when we travel with the two oldest dss's.

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I highly recommend an all-inclusive vacation! One of our favorite less-expensive resorts is the Iberostar Maya in Mexico.

They have scheduled activities and sports for teens and adults throughout the day, gorgeous pools, white sand beaches, impeccable grounds and evening entertainment is included as well. All of your food, drink and entertainment is pre-paid, and you're surrounded by luscious, tropical scenery. Because it is in a gated community, the teens can have free-range wile still staying in a safe environment. It is one of our go-to resorts when we travel with the two oldest dss's.


Can you give me an idea of what that might cost?

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Can you give me an idea of what that might cost?


Our travel agent takes care of all the details, but I'm sure you could price it out on a local vacation website. We don't fly commercial, so I'm honestly not sure what the airfare from Canada might be?

I know many Canadians who book through a company called West-Jet http://www.westjet.c...TVGGH!345533843 , or some people book through the hotel direct (typically costs more for some reason). http://www.iberostar.com/en/hotels/riviera-maya/iberostar-paraiso-maya


It's our go-to budget resort when we bring the whole family, as there is fun to be had for all ages! There are plenty of other all-inclusive resorts though for all budget levels.

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What kinds of interests does your 14 year old have? sports, music, hiking, camping, nature, science, history?


How far would you drive?


I'm not a widow, but I realized a couple years ago that whole family vacations just don't work for my family. So, I started doing short road trips with my younger two . It's been fun. We've done a few days at the beach, we did a weekend at my college homecoming (my college is in a historic town). This spring we drove 11 hours to Atlanta to see the aquarium (definitely worth the trip for us) and then another 5 hours to my godmother's house on the coast in South Carolina. Our trips are based on what I know about my dc and how far I can drive. In summer, I can camp to save money. I stayed at a really dumpy hotel at the beach and spent extra money to get dd surfing lessons one day.


Anyway, knowing a little more about what your boys like doing or have interest in will help.

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Acadia National Park in Maine is great. You can camp or find accomodations in towns like Bar Harbor. Things to do- hiking, biking (bring bikes or rent), horse back riding, going on a boat ride to see whales and atlantic puffins/ You have the mountains, the ocean, and the woods all together. It can be a very affordable vacation and depending on where you are in eastern CA, shouldn't be too far of a drive.

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What's on your "bucket" list? What do you want to see? Where do you want to go? Is there any place that interests your sons? Do you want to sit on the Beach and do nothing all day? Do you want to be around people? You'll find something I am sure.

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Thanks for all the thoughts. Although we like hiking, camping is not our dream vacation ;) I'm happy with driving trips, but going with just one child of the opposite sex isn't the same as going with two; last summer, I took my youngest down to DC, staying about an hour away at the home of some friends. I found the driving in and around DC horrific, but he loved the museums (I enjoyed them too). The problem was that he's quiet by nature and on that trip he fell virtually silent. I couldn't get a word out of him about what we were seeing/ visiting, and so while I felt somewhat down and even lonely, he felt somewhat stressed out by my stress over the DC driving (the rest of the driving there and back was fine for me). Even if he and I traveled to a less stressful vacation spot, he's not one to chit-chat, and again it could end up feeling rather lonely for each of us.


The resort sounds great but just not in my budget at present. I do like the idea of something like Maine or NH; how do I find out what places have enough "points of interest" to visit (As in points of interest for boys/ young men)? North America is pretty big, and I don't know where to start looking for specifics! I may opt for a few days in Quebec City unless something else comes up.


And just wondering: I realize that very few moms on these boards would be single moms, but those of you with single-mom friends: what do *they* do for vacations on their own (ie, if they have no close single friends or sisters, etc) ?

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when i was a single mom in ottawa, renting a cottage with my mom or friends was a great vacation. we also did road trips, one to algonquin park, and one to new brunswick and pei. kayaking at the flower pots in new brunswick could be great fun for a 14 year old boy. we stayed in inexpensive hotels, but this summer we are going to do it as a camping vacation, because it will be way cheaper, and could be fun, too. he could fish, swim, hike....


there is no way as a single mom i could have afforded an "all inclusive" anything.....




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We went the Blue Mountain region of Canada last summer. There was a lot to do. Hiking, kayaking, miniature golf, zip cording, beach on one of the Great Lakes, etc. Afterwards I asked my DD8, my nephew 7, my niece 15 and my SIL & BIL if they would go back and it was a universal 'yes'.

There were different hotels/resorts. We stayed in a time share of a relative, so I can't tell you about prices.


Thought it might be in driving distance for you.



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So, your 18 and 21 year old would come with if you/they could figure out something cool enough or interesting enough that they would like enough to go?


I have no ideas what that could be, but if you could get the 18 and 21 year old and the hive thinking, I am sure there will be ideas.

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