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Math after Saxon 7/6

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My 11 1/2 y/o 5th grader will be finishing up Saxon 7/6 soon. She has scored 95 or above on MOST tests. There were a few that she scored slightly below 90/95 and it was because she didn't focus so we revisited the concepts to ensure she understood them. My plan was to move her into Alg 1/2 with 8/7 as a back up if it's too overwhelming.


Having said that, in GA we must have a separate Geometry curric for accreditation purposes (which we will be seeking, I"m not thrilled, but she's college bound so there ya go) I do wonder if I should explore other options for her and when. She'll be 6th grade next year, so by 7th I expect I will be tracking her Math for HS credit.


Saxon has clearly worked very well for her as she can fly through a book in 1 semester but she doesn't love the spiral and gets very frustrated when she comes to a problem that's so easy she can complete it in her sleep.


I could continue with Saxon, but I'd still have to have her take a separate Geometry course which I suspect would be relatively easy for her. I am not sure how much work the accreditation services expect to see from a student, if they want/need ALL work/problems or just the tests.


I'm just not sure how to proceed from here with her Math courses and could use a little guidance. Thanks.


ETA: I posted this in the HS forum b/c I'm mostly curious about math for HS credits, and I need to update my siggy. ;)

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FTR, the next Saxon text would be 87, not 1/2. :-)


Couldn't you do Alg 1, then Saxon's new Geometry, then Alg. 2, and so on? If your dd has been doing well with Saxon, I'd sure try to find a way to stick to it.

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Saxon has clearly worked very well for her as she can fly through a book in 1 semester but she doesn't love the spiral and gets very frustrated when she comes to a problem that's so easy she can complete it in her sleep.


If you are interested in exploring more challenging alternatives for developing your advanced student's math talent, the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) would top my list of possibilities to consider, though there are others. (Eta, FWIW, she would start with the Prealgebra text.)

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I would use 8/7 next. She'll likely find lots of review, especially in the early chapters, but it will get more complex at the end. If she wants to move more quickly, I'd let her do two lessons a day, but I wouldn't skip anything. Then when she gets to the last 30 lessons or so, I'd go back to one a day. If she completes 8/7 well, then you can move right into algebra 1. As far as needing a separate geometry credit, you can search here for many ways people have listed it on their transcripts. We did a separate geometry course one year, but it's not necessary with Saxon as it is all built into the algebra texts and advanced math. If Saxon is working, I'd continue as it's great prep for higher math and the math she'll need in physics and chemistry. There's no need to hold her back if she can complete a text in a semester. Eventually she'll probably arrive at her appropriate level and slow down to one a year. You can also supplement with more complex word problems from another text like AoPS or test prep books.

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I would use 8/7 next. She'll likely find lots of review, especially in the early chapters, but it will get more complex at the end. If she wants to move more quickly, I'd let her do two lessons a day, but I wouldn't skip anything. Then when she gets to the last 30 lessons or so, I'd go back to one a day. If she completes 8/7 well, then you can move right into algebra 1. As far as needing a separate geometry credit, you can search here for many ways people have listed it on their transcripts. We did a separate geometry course one year, but it's not necessary with Saxon as it is all built into the algebra texts and advanced math. If Saxon is working, I'd continue as it's great prep for higher math and the math she'll need in physics and chemistry. There's no need to hold her back if she can complete a text in a semester. Eventually she'll probably arrive at her appropriate level and slow down to one a year. You can also supplement with more complex word problems from another text like AoPS or test prep books.



Thanks. That had been my original plan but upon speaking with an adviser, she recommended what I posted above. (we will be using a different service for accreditation purposes) I believe I'm going to stick to my original.


We are in GA and we don't HAVE to seek accreditation, but the colleges here make it more difficult when applying if you don't have accreditation. (higher SAT scores and portfolio as opposed to just a transcript) GA will NOT give accreditation for Geometry in Saxon unless it's the separate Geometry course. It's not something I necessarily agree with, but I don't see that changing in the foreseeable future. This is all new to me as my oldest is only in 5th grade, so while I don't have to have concrete plans yet, I want to make sure I"m on the right path for her.

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