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Amitriptyline and weight gain


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So, I have been eating low carb and exercising regularly for three years now. I lost 35 lbs. in the first 6 months and kept it off, but then hit a stall at ten pounds above my goal weight...very close to it, though, so I was pretty content. But in two years, not another pound has come off, and in fact, I've gained back about 10-15 lbs. And I have NOT changed my eating or exercise habits other than decreasing my carb count and increasing my exercise (did not work) and then I tried eating a few more good carbs and decreasing my exercise (in case I was depriving my body, therefore causing it to hold on to weight.) Well, now I realize that since I started taking 30mg of Amitriptyline daily for migraine prevention, that is the time frame in which I gained this weight back and I CAN'T get it off. It was dropping like crazy prior to this time. How does medication itself make you gain weight? Water retention? Slowing effect on metabolism? Help!!!

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A little bit of both, actually!


Thankfully I'm not on medication anymore, but I know what you feel like! It's like a constant "between a rock and a hard place" feeling. Can let go of the meds but the meds are causing the side effects. Ugh!!!


I'm not going to "go there" with the meds --- that's between you and your doc ;)


As far as the exercise and nutition go, with the your doctors approval, maybe a "shock" to your system. Eating low carb for an extended period of time will actually LOWER your metabolism! It's a great "jump start" for people who are wanting to lose weight or lose large chunks of weight quickly, but it's not good for your overall system longterm.


The a few things to do to jumpstart your metabolism again is


1) start your day with a carb and a protein -- any combination. Cottage cheese & graham crackers, toast and eggs, cheese toast, etc. That balance of some insulin getting your body going after a 8 - 12 hour "fast" and some protein to get your muscles going is a FAT BLAST for "junk" in your system.


2) LOTS and LOTS and LOTS ....... and even MORE water!!! Take a few days and let go of any caffeine and carbonation. If it is water retention, you'll see it --- QUICKLY!!!


3) Eat fruit and carbs early in the day. You don't want to have anything that turns to sugar much after lunch unless you're going to be working out in the evening. Otherwise, it's just going to be held for future use, and that translates to extra pounds!


4) Graze throughout the day instead of 3 large meals. It'll keep your body guessing.


5) Eat a small amount of protein every 3 hours or so --- hardboiled egg, cheese stick, peanut butter on celery, etc. Your body can't process protein so it keeps you feeling full, keeps your muscles functioning, but not with the "leftovers" from carbs and sugars.



Even if you're not into heavy training, there's a REALLY good book that has several chapters on weight loss --- specifically water and fat loss. It's called "The Fighters Body." EXCELLENT book!!


Good luck!! I'm 65 pounds down and 15 more to go!! Hope to hit my goal weight by the summer :)

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I don't know how or why it causes weight gain but I took that medicine for headaches too 15 years ago and the doctor who prescribed it said I would probably gain about 15 pounds which was fine since I had always tried to gain weight. Well I ended up gaining 42 and have struggled ever since with taking weight off. I was only on the meds for about 2-3 months. I think it messes up the metabolism. I have started trim healthy mama and this is the first time I've been able to lose weight on my own.

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I also took that med for headaches about 25 years ago. I gained 20 lbs. but lost it as soon as I stopped taking the meds. Last year they had me on a fairly high dose of Seroquel and I gained 20 lbs. The med stopped working so I stopped taking it and started losing the weight. Then my drs. put me on Lyrica and I swear I gained 10 lbs. above the previous 20 lbs. in one week. So now I am up 30 lbs. The Lyrica does not seem to be working for it's intended purpose so I will probably stop taking it and up my Adderall over the summer. Hopefully that will get me back down to normal which is the same weight I have had for the last 20 years barring pregnancy, greiving my mother's passing (lost 30 lbs.) and wacky medicine reactions. My bi-polar meds seem to be weight neutral, as do my pain med and sleep meds. It is just ADs and APs that really effect the weight.

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I don't know what causes it either, but I do remember my husband was on a similar med (that also ended in triptyline), and he put on 15-20 pounds. We always know what year a picture was taken when we see him at that point in his life, because his face was rounder. And, it didn't even help his migraines! (Which is why he was taking it.)


But, he lost the weight quite easily once he was off the medication.


Sorry for your migraines. My husband had much more success by really altering his diet through the book, "Heal Your Headache" by David Buchholz. He had always been a healthy eater, but this diet took away every single trigger food that builds up over time in your system.

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Thanks, everyone. I am going to talk to my doc about taking me off this med. I also take Inderal as a preventive, but I'm pretty sure it isn't the culprit. I take a couple of natural supplements also, as well as either Imitrex or Maxalt when I get a migraine. I am going to look into the book mentioned by the pp, even though my headaches are triggered by hormones, barometric pressure changes, and smells. I am still willing to give diet changes a shot!

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