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PSA: Back up your computer!!

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Especially those of you who rely on PDFs and downloaded/electronic curricula, etc.


I just recovered from a very nasty virus that came from a brand new flash drive, in its original packaging, that I inserted into my computer. Within minutes I knew something was wrong, within hours I knew it was bad. It took three days to recover - even with a backup. If I hadn't had the backup I would be buying a new computer, new software, new everything. I lost everything from the last five weeks, but I can at least recover those files as most was already in the cloud and I could re-download all the curricula I purchased in the past few weeks.


I will be doing much more regular backups in the future!.

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I put all PDFs onto Google Drive (previously known as Google Docs) so they're "in the cloud". Thankfully, most companies will let you re-download PDFs, but you have to remember that you bought them! :lol:


That's crazy that a brand new drive would have a virus though!

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I am terrible with backing things up in a timely manner, and it came back to bite me a few years ago. I now have Carbonite on my computer and each of my kid's computers once they begin high school.


My oldest's hard drive crashed last year, and it was a breeze to get his new computer up and running with all of his files intact.

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Yes! My sister's home was broken into recently, and they theives took all the computers AND the external harddrive they used to back up all their photos. They lost ALL their photos. We found out and that night purchased a carbonite subscription. It isn't that expensive for the lower levels, (really, i was amazed), and some levels offer things like phone back ups. So now all the photos I take on my phone are backed up automatically, as well as anything on the computer.

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