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Nature Journaling Resource for KG


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I am starting my DD with a light KG curriculum this fall. As far as science goes, one of our goals is just to help cultivate in her a love and appreciation for the natural world (the other being to introduce her to basic science principles like classification, observation, experimentation, etc.).


Can you recommend a good nature journaling resource for an intelligent 5-year old? I plan on following the grammar stage science sequence recommended in WTM for grades 1-4, so we don't need to go very in depth into different topics, but I think I would benefit from a little structure.


Thank you!

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Geared for slightly older children, I LOVE The Nature Connection. http://www.amazon.com/The-Nature-Connection-Workbook-Classrooms/dp/1603425314/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1367069052&sr=8-2&keywords=my+nature+journal

I think an advance Ker could use this with help.


There is also My Nature Journal. http://www.amazon.com/My-Nature-Journal-Personal-People/dp/0967245915/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1367069052&sr=8-1&keywords=my+nature+journal Again, geared toward slightly older children but I think it is fine for K.

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