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s/o s/o foul language: crap or carp


Crap or carp  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. Crap or carp

    • Crap
    • Carp
    • Cr*p
    • C*rp
    • Obligatory "other"

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I do not know what it says about me, but my kids believe f-a-r-t *is* the f-word.


I think the f-bomb might bother me less than the f-word! :p


Once when one of mine was a preschooler, he came home and announced, "Mom, I heard a bad word."


Now this was of serious concern to me, because, beyond the fact that we don't swear in our home, 1) he could read and write at a very young age and 2) when he fancied a word I might find it written all over places (like my k-i-t-c-h-e-n w-a-l-l), and 3)he liked to say those words he fancied over and over again...out loud...with enthusiasm...in public. And 4) a friend of his older brother had just dropped the f-bomb a few days earlier in the van when all the kids were along with us.


Preparing myself for the worst, I set about to find out what the young lad had heard. I had to assure him multiple times that he wouldn't get in trouble for telling me the bad word but he was reluctant so I was certain he'd picked up on it. Finally he giggled and confessed:


"The word was stupid."


Ah, the good old innocent days. :laugh:

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I hate the cutesy use of modified cuss words. I typically don't use the word 'crap.' I am not a cusser and there are always other words I can use. If you are a cusser and like the word, though, use it. But using a cutesy modification seems inane to me. Use it or use something else.

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I don't think crap is a bad word - in fact I use it, frequently. It is even in the movie "Robots". However, I know that to many who wish to maintain a 100% family-friendly vocabulary, both inside their head and out, it is considered a swear word. And I know that many people here would prefer not to see it. Out of respect, I type carp here. Everyone will know what I mean anyway, and I extend it as a kindness to those who are really bothered by not-so-polite language.

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My father said crap when he was mad as I was growing up. I never heard other people say it, so I thought it was not "proper." I've never used it. When really pressed, I have been known to say "oh, poop!" which then makes me laugh. My daughter picked up crap at college. (That doesn't sound right) Out of respect for my delicate sensibilities, she says "crackydack" instead. It is a great word for diffusing tension and bringing a smile to everyone's face. When anyone outside the family uses crap, I couldn't care less.

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(Well, crap. Now I really feel old because I got the reference. :leaving: )


Yes, I use the word crap probably more than I should, esp. since ds categorizes it as a swear word. I swear to him it's not... :lol:

I start singing "Baby, if you ever wonder .... wonder whatever became of me...." every time we come down that hill on I-75 from Kentucky into Cincinnati!

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My mama always taught me to talk sweetly. "Pleasant words are honeycomb. Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Sure hope I quoted that proverb correctly.) So instead of "sh**", I would say "sugar". Starts with the same shh sound and much sweeter! I have only seen carp here and have never said it or used it in writing. Personally, saying a kind of fish doesn't do it for me.

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My mama always taught me to talk sweetly. "Pleasant words are honeycomb. Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Sure hope I quoted that proverb correctly.) So instead of "sh**", I would say "sugar". Starts with the same shh sound and much sweeter! I have only seen carp here and have never said it or used it in writing. Personally, saying a kind of fish doesn't do it for me.



Now I'm running down the list of possibilities...



Suffrin' sucanat!

Kiss my molasses!


There're a *lot* of sweet things out there...

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I like/use them both. I don't think I've ever met an expression I didn't like.


Dh used to have a boss who would sigh and say "Ohhhhhh, poop" when he was frustrated. I though it was way more offensive than the "Sh!t" that everyone else says. I mean, really. S* is just an expression, but everyone knows what poop is.

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I do not know what it says about me, but my kids believe f-a-r-t *is* the f-word.

:lol: 4yo thinks "Stupid" is the S-word and gasps when someone says it. "Mommy, they said a bad word." Me: "I know, I know. Sorry!" It's particularly hilarious when she calls out her very conservative paternal grandparents (who disallowed euphemisms) for it. Come on, Grandpa, straighten up and fly right! :lol: I'm gonna let it go though. Really, stupid is a stupid word. :hat:


I have to say that around here, when the kids aren't in earshot, it's crap. And DH can tell by the tone of my voice whether it really means crap (like "all this kiddie crap we've aquired"---which loved for its alliteration) or if it means the real s-word. :leaving:

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I have only seen carp here. Actually, I thought carp was a fish. Oh well. I have typed cr*p on this board since I found out some people are offended when they read it spelled out. But when I say it, I mean crap!


It's not even on my radar as a foul word. Maybe crude.

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I've never considered crap to be foul language. Now I'm wondering about that other thread. My idea of foul language may be very different.


I hate the sound of the word so, of course, both dds use it every chance they get. It's not something we consider bad.

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I tried carp on here a couple of times after someone got huffy because I referred to canned cranberry jelly as "that crap in a can" in a thread about Christmas menus and recipes. I felt silly, so I stopped. Generally I say sh!t or some other such actual curse word IRL, though I've had to start watching myself again now that I have another wee one.


I agree with using the whole language, and that it can be used appropriately without debasing others. I also happen to think stupid is worse than the words commonly thought of as curse words because it is more often used in a harsh, insulting, or demeaning way.

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I thought that asterisk was a wildcard, for vegetarian or vegan.


Well, my tofu! I never thought of that! Brilliant. I wonder if it works for other things, too!


I worked briefly as a kindergarten teacher, and one day a girl came crying because someone had use (whisper) the s word. I was beyond shocked. The term used, it turned out, was "shut up."


I don't consider "crap" polite, but I definitely don't think it's foul language. It's clearly a stand in for something else. "Carp" is just silly.


Some neighbor kids were scandalized when my son was talking about asphalt. They advised him "ass" is a dirty word, and he should just say "phalt." He really had no clue what they were talking about. I told him he should go K them a question.


I never use the word "ass," but I sure seem to read enough moldy old children's books where characters call each other that. Sheesh. I find it so amusing that I read as is.

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I don't think crap is a bad word - in fact I use it, frequently. It is even in the movie "Robots". However, I know that to many who wish to maintain a 100% family-friendly vocabulary, both inside their head and out, it is considered a swear word. And I know that many people here would prefer not to see it. Out of respect, I type carp here. Everyone will know what I mean anyway, and I extend it as a kindness to those who are really bothered by not-so-polite language.


A friend of dd's will get shocked and offended if dd says crap, but the friend will say variations of g/d and other similar expressions without batting an eyelash; I think it's a family thing.

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Say what you mean and mean what you say.



If I am talking about crap, it doesn't rhyme with fish.


Crap is crap.

Carp is carp.



Unless it is a typo and then that means I am on dd6's tablet that doesn't have spell check. LOL

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I do not know what it says about me, but my kids believe f-a-r-t *is* the f-word.


I think the f-bomb might bother me less than the f-word! :p



This is so me! I LOATHE the word fart. I told my son I would wash his mouth out with soap if he ever said it. The f-bomb... well, I mumble that frequently. :laugh:

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My mama always taught me to talk sweetly. "Pleasant words are honeycomb. Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Sure hope I quoted that proverb correctly.) So instead of "sh**", I would say "sugar". Starts with the same shh sound and much sweeter! I have only seen carp here and have never said it or used it in writing. Personally, saying a kind of fish doesn't do it for me.



This made me think of the line in the movie Madagascar where Marty is running away from Alex. "Oh, sugar, honey, iced tea!" I only watched that 800 times with my kids before catching on.

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I don't say any of the above, perhaps because I am too literal and visual. :D I used to work as a nurse. One of my main jobs was bowel programs. (spinal cord rehab) I have seen a lot of feces in my day. My favorite use of the word crap was during that time of life. One nurse had had a huge job of manual removal with a certain fellow one day. The next day she met him in the hall and told him she didn't want to have any crap out of him today. THAT was funny!


When people use the word crap, I suddenly see a pile of feces. Most of the time, it doesn't fit. I know what they mean, but there is the visual anyway. I don't like to see the visual, but any time someone uses the word, there it is. Another reflexive thought is something about finding a bathroom quickly! Now the word carp seems much more fitting. Everyone is talking about fish, but the word also means to complain or find fault with continually, typically about trivial matters. I hear the word as a complaint. I know what they probably meant, but that is not the visual I get. They are using the word as an expression of complaint, so carp is pretty close.


I know that the way I see it is not the same as most people feel about the word, so it is my problem, but if someone says it as a sudden exclamation I sometimes have the unfortunate and unwelcome image of them filling their pants. Yuck! I am not trying to be critical or anything, just saying that being too visual has its disadvantages, though sometimes it works out to be rather hilarious, too. Then I can get in trouble for snickering at the wrong moment.

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I have found that there are some times in life when the dirtiness and intensity of the word works to get across the meaning of what I'm trying to say. That's only a once in awhile though. I don't think of it as a swear word but I was always taught that if I am using words of that type regularly that I need to broaden my vocabulary and learn how to express myself more fully.

When I use the word, I use it purposefully, I don't just throw it around.

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We say crap. I've always thought the carp thing was really stupid.


However I have been known to say both. But then it would be while fishing. Usually something along the lines of "Oh crap! It's a carp!" Which by the way are really crappy eating!


However over the last few weeks I have taken to "Shtako!" Made even funnier since I was actually in St. Louis this past weekend!

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I don't say any of the above, perhaps because I am too literal and visual. :D I used to work as a nurse. One of my main jobs was bowel programs. (spinal cord rehab) I have seen a lot of feces in my day. My favorite use of the word crap was during that time of life. One nurse had had a huge job of manual removal with a certain fellow one day. The next day she met him in the hall and told him she didn't want to have any crap out of him today. THAT was funny!


When people use the word crap, I suddenly see a pile of feces. Most of the time, it doesn't fit. I know what they mean, but there is the visual anyway. I don't like to see the visual, but any time someone uses the word, there it is. Another reflexive thought is something about finding a bathroom quickly! Now the word carp seems much more fitting. Everyone is talking about fish, but the word also means to complain or find fault with continually, typically about trivial matters. I hear the word as a complaint. I know what they probably meant, but that is not the visual I get. They are using the word as an expression of complaint, so carp is pretty close.


I know that the way I see it is not the same as most people feel about the word, so it is my problem, but if someone says it as a sudden exclamation I sometimes have the unfortunate and unwelcome image of them filling their pants. Yuck! I am not trying to be critical or anything, just saying that being too visual has its disadvantages, though sometimes it works out to be rather hilarious, too. Then I can get in trouble for snickering at the wrong moment.




now that is an appropriate time to use the word!

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