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DD has an 11cm x 12 cm vascularized tumor on her ovary. My head is swimming. Help


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She has an MRI on Monday and emergency surgery has soon as an OR is open afterward.


My dad is stick in the critical care cardiology unit due ti atrial fib.


I am just trying to breath. Her finance is on the way and dad is not stable so I

can't leave the hospital. Tell me what you know. Talk me off the ledge.


Her surgeon insists she is going to deliver dd in good shape for wedding June 1st.

I have my doubts.



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I would say that your surgeon speaks truth. My 56 yo friend had two large huge and a couple of small tumors on her ovaries. She had laparascopic surgery 3 weeks ago, they weren't sure they'd be able to, the tumors were so large, and she is doing quite well. Your dd is 35 years younger and at a good body weight, fit, and used to high activity, right? I'd believe the surgeon.


I'm sorry you are facing this--whew! And sorry that she is, too. Bless you both!


Hang in there and take care of your dad; let the fiance assume more of the bring there for your dd. It will be good for their relationship. (And tough on you...I know.)


Many hugs!

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:grouphug: I know 2 women who've come through this with very little evidence of the whole ordeal after a couple weeks. Hoping for a smooth surgery and recovery for her. I'm so sorry you're getting hit with this all at once. :grouphug:

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I pray that your daughter and your dad will both recover quickly. I will also pray for peace and strength for you. I am sorry for what you are going through. It sounds like a lot. My mom has been really sick so I understand the fear and worrythat you are facing.




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I can't speak to the tumor, but I can tell you that I had my gall bladder out Mar 7 by lap, and I was good about a wk later. Restricted in some lifting (keep in mind, I was 23 wks pregnant too) but good.


Now, 7 wks later, and I'd say I've been my usual self, completely, for at least 3-4 wks.


I was warned that the pregnancy stretching, etc could impede healing a bit, and I couldn't honestly tell what was pregnancy pain and what was from the surgery.


So, when the surgeon says she'll be good to go for the wedding, believe her. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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She is not a candidate for laproscopy. Her uterus is enlarged three times normal and the tumor is too

Large. The doctor said it is either the kind with teethnhair etc. Some very bizarre teraroma or it is

cancer. From the time of the ultrasound until all of this was scheduled was two hrs. The ultrasound tech

Emergency faxed the report to the radiologist who called the doctor and got her out of a consult with

another patient. Having been down this road with a dad in TERRIBLE risk and seeing how slowly the wheels of the medical system turn it is hard not to believe that they are not telling us some rosy story so we won't lose our minds over the weeken. In reality, my recenr experience leads me to believe that the truth if far darker.


At any rate, it is not possible for me to take the rocket team to D.C. I am frantically looking for a

4H volunteer who can get time off to chaperons these kids two weeks from today.


Thank you everyone for your support. I need to drive home here for a while and snuggle with dh for a few

minutes. Then we need to tell the boys.



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Oh Faith... Honey I'm so sorry. I know none of you needed this. Try to trust and expect the best for now. Ugh, Monday seems far away but I know it will come quickly. Hugs to you all... Please know that all of us are mentally holding you through this. :grouphug:


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:grouphug: :grouphug:


I had a tumor on my right ovary while I was pregnant with ds. It was growing faster than he was. Time from diagnosis to surgery was very short. I had to see a gynecological oncologist to have the surgery. I was terrified. DD was 18 months old. Long story short the surgery went very well. I recovered fairly quickly and went on to have ds. I remember reading a statistic that something like 90% of these tumors are benign. In my case it was true.

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Praying for your daughter, that all will go well! The surgeon sounds confident, and I would trust her. I'm sorry you have the weekend to wait, and that your daughter has to go through this, especially now. I think it will all be okay!

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