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once upon a time is back tonight!


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I hate what they did to Belle and I think Regina really screwed up because now there will be no one to calm Rumple at all.


I didn't like the whole Lacey thing but I admit that I did like the twist they threw in at the end. It's nice not to see something coming on that show for a change.


My concern is how his bad behavior is going to affect Henry. DH and I were speculating that "the boy will be his undoing" was because it would cause him to turn completely away from evil and power for Henry's sake. Now though, I'm not sure how valid that theory might be.


I can't wait to see Regina's reaction when she finds out just what she did in bringing Lacey back.


I do admit to be entirely confused about the storyline involving Neal's supposed fiancee and the kid-grown-up guy. (Sorry, I can't remember their names. LOL) Is he just trying to find his dad and prove magic exists at the same time or is there more going on do you think?

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I didn't like the whole Lacey thing but I admit that I did like the twist they threw in at the end.


Same here. OTOH I had an unpleasant flashback to Claire on Lost. :glare:


I wonder about the prophecy that Henry would be Gold's undoing. Will it be like the earlier prophecy that his actions would leave his son fatherless which caused him to act in a way he thought would counter the prophecy but ended up fulfilling it? Or will the undoing be something else?


I guess they had to do that to Belle so they could write another season's worth of stories. :laugh:


And that guy and Neal's "fiancee" -- they're just annoying. Maybe they could go the way of Paolo and Nikki. (Another Lost flashback. :smilielol5: )

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Everytime a Lost character is on a show I see them as that person LOL! I keep seeing Tiny and I am like AWWW Hurley! I wonder about Henry as well what will he end up doing to Rumple? I hate the fact that I know in my heart very little will be answered then it will be break GRRRRR

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