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A Sunday Chat

Jean in Newcastle

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Hi everyone! Today is a dank damp day. I think we need some comfort food. What is your favorite comfort food?


Today I'm going to my therapeutic movement class (Feldenkrais). It is sort of like a very gentle yoga and tai chi put together. Have you ever done yoga, tai chi or even Feldenkrais?


And today's totally random question: Do you like licorice and if you do, do you like red or black licorice better?

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Comfort food...chicken pot pie. And ice cream. :drool5: It's a miracle I don't weigh 300 lbs, considering my ice cream addiction.

It's been a dark, cloudy day here, too. I've spent my afternoon watching my week-old chicks pretending to fly. But really I just want to curl up with a book and have children put themselves to bed 3 hours early. :laugh:


I did yoga for a little while. I discovered that I much preferred Pilates. I'm not sure why. These days, I don't have time for my own exercise classes, so I started doing Tae Kwon Do with my kids. More intense than Pilates, but the instructors understand when my tendinitis is acting up and I can't run laps with the kids. Plus I like kicking. DH gets tired of me pretending to kick him in the head while we are brushing his teeth before bed. but he deals with it pretty well ;)


I like red licorice, but I don't love it. I only eat it after Halloween when no one else will. Black licorice... :ack2:

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My favorite comfort food is popcorn.


It has been a beautiful day here and the first day dh has had off in 2 weeks. We played outside and dd and the dog for a few hours this morning.


I have wanted to do pilates, but have not found classes close enough to where I have lived to take it yet. I don't know why, but yoga just doesn't appeal to me. I have been working out at the gym with a trainer since December though.


I like both red and black licorice, but I like black better. Dh likes red, but can't stand black or anything with anise in it.

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My favorite comfort dinner is roast chicken with mashed potatoes. My favorite comfort snack foods are dark chocolate, and almost anything salty. Pretzels dipped in dark chocolate are great! I don't like licorice, but my dh does. I think he prefers red.


Hope the sun comes out where you are tomorrow. It was sunny but chilly here today, but it's going to be cold and rainy (yuck) later in the week.

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Hello Jean!


Favorite comfort food is homemade Mac and cheese. Yum! It's 90 and sunny here though so were going to a friend's for BBQ tonight.


We got heaps done today. Laundry is done. Yard is mowed and weeds are pulled. Well, as much as they ever are. I even got the garage organized before summer, when we can't be outside at all.


Licorice isn't my favorite, but if I do have it, it must be red.


Have a great week, Everyone!


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What is your favorite comfort food? I have several depending on mood...fried chicken and homemade mac and cheese, good potato chips and a glass of milk, and of course chocolate!


Have you ever done yoga, tai chi or even Feldenkrais? I have attempted yoga in my living room--it is not a pretty site lol


And today's totally random question: Do you like licorice and if you do, do you like red or black licorice better? I like them both, but I probably like red just a little bit more than black.

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Ugg. I'm trying hard to lose weight and talking about comfort food is hard! lol I love me some mashed potatoes, that's for sure. With roasted chicken? To die for. I grew up doing something rather gross--Mom would roast a chicken, then put the melted chicken fat on rice for us, calling it "chicken butter." OMGosh, I love that--but it's not that healthy!


Never did yoga or TC, but ds does. I have some internal convictions/questions re yoga's spiritual aspects (not to open a can of worms). Walking is it for me right now, but I DO need to do some core work.


Red or black, I really like licorice! I will eat more red, tho. I like the chocolate kind, too.

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Comfort food it is! IRL I just put a huge roast in the oven - enough for dinner for the four of us and Roast Beast sandwiches for the rest of the week. The roast is seasoned with steak seasoning, soaked in Lea and Perrins and now roasting in it's plastic bag thiny. I will have to track down some kind of vegetable to roast along side later.


No yoga here. I'm still into lifting weights (which sounds much more macho than it really is!)


Black licorice, but only by a slight amount.

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My comfort food is ice cream or cheese cake.


I like Jillian Michaels Yoga Melt down but have not take a yoga class.


It's been a cool but sunny day and a glorious hour or so of sittingin the front yard with my dd watching the clouds, listening to her stories and watching her ballet dance in crocs. LOL



licorice well if it's tid bits (the twizzler small pieces) I prefer black other wise twizzlers red.

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Comfort food to me is a lot of things - I grew up doing a lot of emotional eating, which I'm trying to break myself of now. But comfort foods growing up included potato soup, Dad's smoked turkey, peas 'n gravy, and of course ice cream.


I really can't pick a favorite from those - it's a 3 way tie between potato soup, dad's smoked turkey, and peas 'n gravy. Man what I wouldn't give for a piece of my dad's smoked turkey right now. I tried to get him to teach me how to do them the way he did, but he never would before he passed away. I really really wish he had taught me how to smoke meats like he did - they were delicious. I need to make some peas 'n gravy soon - I have big cans of peas to use up, and it takes most of a gallon can to make it.


I've never done any of those, but I did get the Biggest Loser Yoga dvd and will be trying it soon.


I detest licorice. :)

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Oatmeal is a beloved comfort food. And good buttered toast. Maybe with a cup if tea.


I do like yoga.


I adore licorice. I like the bitter black kind that really lingers on the tongue. My Swedish friend always could get that kind - hard to find in the US. Bessinger's makes a decent licorice. The red kind is garbage.

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I'm back from 2 hours of Feldenkrais. So now I can answer my own questions!


Comfort food - why did I bring this up? Chris in VA can you tell me why? I can't eat any of my favorite comfort foods because they are all carby and make my blood sugar go sky high. But . . . if I could, I would eat the homemade mac and cheese that DR brought - esp. if she has any crunchy breadcrumbs on top.


I've done a bit of yoga but it is a bad exercise for me. I am so tight that it takes me 10 minutes to get into position and even longer to get out of it! You know that I'm doing the Feldenkrais thing.


I absolutely hate licorice of any color. I hate fennel and anise in anything as well.

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My favorite comfort food has to be ice cream, especially with fresh, ripe strawberries.


Cool and sunny here. It still feels more like very early spring than late April.


I took up yoga just as I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It has been a tremendous stress reliever, although there were many days I couldn't manage even the easiest of poses. These days I go to a couple of gentle yoga classes. The difference between doing a DVD and a class is astounding.


Can't stand licorice.

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Comfort food is veggie (sauteed onions & peppers, cheese etc), enchiladas smothered in verde sauce with a side of sliced avo to mash in with every bite. Or roasted sweet potatoes & chicken. I have also been craving a grilled portabella & avocado mushroom 'burger' for days. For junk comfort on the road, ranch pringles, but in the end, they make me sick. I like Twizzlers, but only at the movies, and Teddy Bear gummies are fun at times. I don't like black licorice.


Yoga is ok. My favorite exercise is working in the garden, turning compost or adding it to garden beds, moving my chickens to fresh grass, planting and harvesting. I also like to ride my bike when it is not cold. I also like to walk on the beach, or sit directly on the warm sand.(I guess sitting is not exercise, but it is where I often find comfort.)


PS. It was crazy sunny gorgeous today, and I was outside caring for my animals and yard for most of it. Food-wise, it was a carrots and hummus day. :)

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My comfort food is dark chocolate. However, I do also love a soothing cup or tea or coffee. Another default for me is french fries.


I have done yoga when assigned to do so by my trainer. I don't find it fun, but I do appreciate the strength I am gaining.


I like both kinds of licorice. I prefer red. However, a high quality, soft black licorice can be addictive--I am fairly choosy though.


I am supposed to be formulating a history assignment right now, but am unmotivated. Also worried because I have a sore throat but will be traveling for a few days to scope out homes for our upcoming move out-of-state.

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Hello all! We had a very good Sunday. DH Skyped us from Newcastle, England. He's there on business. It was nice to talk to him. We had a beautiful sunny day here in California. A little on the "too warm' side, but that's ok. It's strawberry season and we had strawberry crepes for dinner.


Favorite comfort food? Meatloaf and mashed potatoes with gravy. Love it.


Licorice - black! Definitely. And I love love love black jelly beans!

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Favorite comfort food(s) rice pudding, port wine cheese balls w/wheat thins & PB & jelly has to be wheat bread with crunchy kid and strawberry jam.


I have done wii fit yoga does that count?


Hate licorice both the smell and texture...I do like black jelly beans though & good and plenty candies


My Sunday was kind of blah...family drama...got out a bit took kids to the park, picnic, then library twice lol

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Comfort food? Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.


Licorice, in general no, but I do love strawberry Twizzlers.


Yoga, only on the Wii Fit and I can't do all of them.

On a side note...

Eldest was in the ER Saturday after 9 days of fairly intense pain and a doctor visit where they only ran bloodwork, she has a fractured rib! I think our Dr. kind of blew her off because her rheumatologist gave her a diagnosis of "Pain Amplification Syndrome" which is beginning to really be an issue when she needs real help. So glad she finally got help, they gave her lidocaine patches which are helping a little.

Sunday was nice, church and then our weekly "Sundate", dinner and a movie at my BFF's house. It was nice because dear dh was a little down, he called our bil Saturday night and got the answering machine and for the first time since she died in September, her voice wasn't on the machine. It kind of threw him.

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