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What could be wrong with his foot?


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On Monday, we went for a short hike with our co-op and ds 8 tripped and hurt his foot. Complained and whined about it a bit. Clearly really hurt, but not onerously. No swelling. No bruising. No cuts. I piggy backed him a little ways but then he walked the rest of the way. And since then has been walking around just fine. EXCEPT... he keeps complaining that it hurt. It hurt for a second short hike. It hurt for ballet. It hurt at soccer practice. It hurt at ballet again. And then today at the soccer game it finally became obvious to me that he wasn't just being a whiner. It really did hurt him. He wouldn't run after the ball. Coach had to take him out of the game.


But... What in the world could be wrong with it? Like I said, no swelling, no bruising, nothing feels weird to the touch. Doesn't hurt so badly that he can't walk, but he's doing a lot of skipping and hopping (this is also just normal walking for him, so it didn't seem odd). But it's been nearly a week.


Any advice, Dr. Hive? I'm wondering if he just needs to go have it examined. If I could see any evidence of the injury I would have done it, but it seems so vague.

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But wouldn't a sprain or a fracture cause swelling? I twisted my foot once and the swelling was incredible.


The fracture is the thing that I am sort of worried about. I mean, a sprain or a deep bruise we just have to wait it out. But a fracture... Well, who knows... in the foot you might just let it heal, right? I really have no idea.

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Deep bruise is my guess. DS10 behaved the same way once, after what I thought was a minor injury. I ended up taking him in for an x-ray but even before the results, the doctor told me he doubted it was broken because it actually hurt too much, that bad bruises tend to hurt more than breaks. Seemed ironic to me, but that's what he said. It took DS a long time to be able to walk normally (more than a month).


I would take him for an x-ray though. I took DS even though nothing looked bad because of a terrible old family story about how DH broke his leg and no one believed him about how much it hurt until they caught him crawling to the bathroom in the middle of the night. It was broken clean through. :(

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Did he do anything to it (fall, trip, etc.) where is the pain localized? I have lots a foot issues so I might be able to help if I know where the pain is (non medical solicited Internet advice that is lol)


And just as an FYI dd7 broke her femur last may and she didn't have any swelling, bruising, or red mark. I was shocked when X-rays came back for a break.


She was knocked off her feet off a two foot porch and I carried her to my bed she slept it off and she started screaming when she got up and tried to walk so that is when we went in even then I was expecting a knee sprain or something.

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Off to the foot doctor. You ds is a dancer and that means his feet are too important to guess at. Breaks do not always swell.



:) He would be honored to be so considered. But yeah, that did occur to me. It would kill him if he had done something to harm his ballet!


Did he do anything to it (fall, trip, etc.) where is the pain localized? I have lots a foot issues so I might be able to help if I know where the pain is (non medical solicited Internet advice that is lol)



He says it hurts right in the center of the sole of his foot. He says it feels off all the time, but that it really only hurts when he runs or jumps or otherwise is hard on it. But I am noticing that he isn't favoring it, like I said. I mean, he often walks "dancey" so it was honestly hard to tell. And he can walk on it basically fine.


Assuming it's not magically healed in the morning, I'm thinking I'll bite the bullet and drag him to Children's. Ugh. Nightmare of Children's.

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I wonder if he is too young for planters fasciitis sometimes presents in the arch or inside of the foot or even heel. I would at the very least take him to the peds and they may refer him to podiatry. I have Achilles tendinitis in both ankles as well as PF in my left foot, and have broken my right ankle once compound and twice stress fractures, and broken the left once lol. I have spent a little to much time with ortho, podiatry, and physical therapy lol

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Agreeing with the others saying, get it checked. I broke my foot years ago - the metatarsal was cut clean through and I walked around on it for about 3 weeks before deciding to go to the doctor. No swelling but some bruising. It hurt but I walked around on it every day. The doctor said I was VERY lucky that the halves of the bone didn't separate since that would have meant surgery and the only thing that probably saved it was that I wore lace-up books and sneakers the whole time.


I can sympathize on the fun of going to the hospital. I can't count how many times I've sat with my oldest (a dancer) in the ER waiting to get x-rays on her foot, or knee, or ankle, or shoulder, or back. Most of the times it was a severe sprain but she's been on crutches often enough that we own two sets.

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