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I don't want to post this in the other thread for prayers for West, TX


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I know logic says that it is most likely an industrial accident but that won't ease anyone's mind, KWIM?


Thanks, it isn't as bad as when I took my one vacation without dh on 9-11-01 and he was in a big military town and I couldn't get him by phone all day because he was in meetings.

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I know what you mean.


I grew up in a factory town and I know how horrible factory/industrial accidents can be, too.


I remember thinking, as I went through First Responder training (many years ago), that certainly the chapter on industrial accidents was the worst sort of scenario to which to be called.


And yes, I don't know how anyone who remembers the events mentioned upthread, coupled with what recently happened in Boston, could help but leap to a frightening conclusion. Hope we're all wrong. But today it makes me think of those who live in turbulent societies, who deal with terrible violence every day. We are truly spoiled in the USA.

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Getting people to act out of fear and sacrificing their own liberty for an illusion of security is the goal of terrorists. Changing your plans lets them win.


And the fertilizer plant sure sounds like an industrial mishap to me. A big, tragic one, for which someone may be responsible, but probably through negligence, not deliberate sabotage.

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Well, but it didn't happen on April 19th this year. Of course, we don't know what may happen tomorrow either.


BTW, my ds was born on April 19, 1995. The OKC bombing practically stopped my labor.

It was probably pretty idiotic to have had the tv news on during labor anyway.


I had some fears about what it meant to be born on April 19th. Dumb, I know. They didn't last though though as I had a beautiful baby boy (who becomes an adult tomorrow!) who was absolutely wonderful.

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Well, but it didn't happen on April 19th this year. Of course, we don't know what may happen tomorrow either.


BTW, my ds was born on April 19, 1995. The OKC bombing practically stopped my labor.

It was probably pretty idiotic to have had the tv news on during labor anyway.


I had some fears about what it meant to be born on April 19th. Dumb, I know. They didn't last though though as I had a beautiful baby boy (who becomes an adult tomorrow!) who was absolutely wonderful.



We lovingly refer to April 19th as "Disaster Day"...we kind of look at dh and say "nuff said". It's his b-day too, but then we explain to others why it's referred to as disaster day. We also term the days leading up to , and away from the 19th as disaster week. There is something about this particular week in April, that makes the cuckoo's come out. It's typically the week of school bomb threats, and every year, something bad happens. It may only be locally, but something.

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Getting people to act out of fear and sacrificing their own liberty for an illusion of security is the goal of terrorists. Changing your plans let's them win.


And the fertilizer plant sure sounds like an industrial mishap to me. A big, tragic one, for which someone may be responsible, but probably through negligence, not deliberate sabotage.



Normally I agree with this, but not with my kids along. Sometimes I think we have uneasy feelings for a reason.

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I can't stop thinking of Koresh and Branch Davidians and Tim Mc Veigh and the Murrah building...


and fertilizer bombs.


And April 19 ...



(Edit: I know the fertilizer plant explosion happened on the 17th)


They haven't ruled it out. The local news here says they are treating the incident as a crime scene although no evidence to that has been found as of yet.

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For those of you changing plans and worried I just want to give you a little food for thought. I have a good friend who is one of the survivors of the OKC bombing (one of the well known survivors). She is having a lot of anxiety right now too, but she will be there tomorrow (her kid in tow I'm sure) AND she is also standing firm in her plans to run the marathon again this year. You can't be consumed by fear. Do what you do, of course, but I thought I would just put that out there because if anyone would have good reason to be afraid and hide away it would be her.

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For those of you changing plans and worried I just want to give you a little food for thought. I have a good friend who is one of the survivors of the OKC bombing (one of the well known survivors). She is having a lot of anxiety right now too, but she will be there tomorrow (her kid in tow I'm sure) AND she is also standing firm in her plans to run the marathon again this year. You can't be consumed by fear. Do what you do, of course, but I thought I would just put that out there because if anyone would have good reason to be afraid and hide away it would be her.



I really really understand where you and your friend are coming from. We all have different levels of risks we are willing to take and we each have to decide for our families what that risk is. I don't think either the decision to go or to stay home is wrong, people are just different.

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It is natural for our brains to look for patterns--just seems a little too much, tho, doesn't it, to be a coincidence.

I hope it is. I really do.



The OKC bombing happened as a response to the Waco incident. He planned it on the anniversary date because he was angry about what happened in Waco. Columbine was also planned to be on the anniversary date of both tragedies. So, I would not be surprised if the Boston bombings may have been planned to coincide with these other tragedies as well. As for West... I'm hoping it's accidental... but it may be too soon to know for sure.

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