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biblioplan or History Revealed for high school

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I really need a good lesson plan for history next year. I did OK this year with WTM on my own. But I want to do better and I have 5 kids - it just takes too much time to figure it out on my own for all of them. I will be doing SOTW for the younger ones, so I am trying to decide what to use for my high school level. Both of these programs look good and have interesting points, but does anyone have experience they would be willing to share? If it matters we are doing middle ages next year. 10th grade.

Thanks so much


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My 9th grader is doing the first half of Biblioplan medieval this semester, then will do the second half next year during the first semester of 10th grade. It is working really well and she is enjoying it. On the master grid (family guide) I highlight everything I want her to do:


*read the cool history book

*Famous Men biographies

*books from the reading list

*do the cool history questions -- everything except the essay. She researches it and tells me what she found. There is no answer key for the weekly essay and some of the topics are REALLY hard to find info on.

*do the map work

*a section or two from History Lives vol. 2 some weeks


Then she sets up her own schedule to complete everything by the end of the week.


For the unit tests, I give only the history tests, not the geography tests. Then I give a couple of geography questions as extra credit.


If you have specific questions, just ask and I'll do my best to answer. I don't know anyone IRL who uses Biblioplan, and it doesn't seem to be one of the more popular choices on the homeschool boards -- especially for high school.

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