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Trying to not be germaphobic......


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doing sick kid care for my sister today. She works, and her son has thrown up multiple times.


Oh yea, I have five kiddos down with headaches, coughs and fevers. No puke.


I think my future is going to be yucky.


Puke just makes me :gnorsi:

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Dd17 and I are serious puke-phobes. As in, we probably need therapy. No one understands it, and I feel ridiculous, but I honestly can't get over it. So, the fact that you are caring for your nephew who is throwing up makes you a superhero in my book.


I'm caring for my ds14 who is throwing up, but that consists of lots of Lysol, dropping off rehydrating liquids, disposing of bio hazardous materials and throwing him some Lord of the Rings videos for the mini tv dh put in his room yesterday. It also consists of a lot of cowering in the fetal position in a corner (only in my mind of course), and wishing I was on a tropical island sipping something tall, icy, potent and topped off with a pretty umbrella. You seriously rock!!

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