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What's for Dinner?

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Well I don't always know this early in the day what we'll be having, but today I do. Dh requested fish tacos. He doesn't usually make specific requests for dinner, so when he does I try to make that.


I use a combo of two recipes for the fish tacos. I use the marinade from this recipe, then I grill the fish on a broiler pan in the oven; 425f for about 15 min.


We flake up the fish, put it in tortillas, then top it with the coleslaw that I got the idea for from this recipe, except I changed it a little. :D I make the dressing with 1/2 cup mayo, ONE chipotle chili, about 1 TBSP of the adobo sauce, and a pinch of salt. Then I add that to about two cups of the coleslaw blend. That's plenty spicy for us.


A little tip; I bought a can of the chilies in adobo sauce, and then divided it up into little baggies with one chili and a spoon of the sauce in each. I froze those to have on hand for when I make these fish tacos. Even the little can of chilies gave me, oh, I think half a dozen or so baggies. Nice way to avoid wasting the rest of the can for just one chili.


Oh, and I've used cod instead of tilapia before, which is good too.

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We prepped a bunch of food yesterday, so it will be one of the things currently cooked and in my fridge:

Chicken legs topped with kalamata olives, feta, grape tomatoes, and lemon slices baked in cast iron pan

blue cheese burgers

grilled chicken grilled over cedar

quinoa salad made with feta, clementines, green onions, and dressed with a little orange juice (side)

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Today supper is beef stew made from a kit I impulse-bought at the grocery store when shopping while hungry (I knew better). Tomorrow is spaghetti with meatballs. Wed. is dinner with the in-laws at their place, and Thurs. is salmon. Sides are generally veggies from the freezer, or fresh veggies that roast well. We are eating down the freezer contents this week!

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I am making http://www.foodnetwo...cipe/index.html I plan to include corn chips for DS because I know he will find it fun to eat with chips. We will be eating the fresh asparagus I picked up the other day as well. Yummy!


You get to grow your own asparagus? I am SOOO jealous! It won't grow well down here, so my "fresh" asparagus comes from the produce section.

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Today is my day to run all over town between 2:00 and 10:00. If all goes well, I should be home long enough to serve dinner for my husband and myself on our own dining table. If so, we'll be eating the corn on the cob we bought at yesterday's farmers' market, along with a tomato and onion salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar and either baked potatoes or, if I get around to baking, a loaf of bread. He really loves corn on the cob and has been waiting anxiously for the good stuff to come in this year. So, he's very much looking forward to this meal.


I suspect the kids will eat left-over Indian food from last night's dinner before each of them heads out for the afternoon, and each will pack up some kind of healthy snack to eat in between activities.

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shepherd's pie (making 2 one for today and one for my mom to serve the kids at the end of the week when she has some of them)

tomorrow we are having roast chicken and leftover mashed potatoes and some veggie from the freezer

Wednesday I will make chicken soup from the leftover chicken and then send the leftover soup to my mom to feed the kids.


after that I'm out of town for the week for competitions for my older boys (and the girls and leftovers will go to my mom - who hates to cook)

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Haven't decided yet, but it should involve the bbq seasoned chicken leg quarters I got on clearance last week & stashed in my freezer. Thinking I might make some rice & gravy to go with in case the BBQ seasoning is too much for us.

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I picked up 3lbs of fresh Alaskan halibut on Saturday (one day sale). Last night was baked halibut with a butter sauce and roasted veggies, and tonight is halibut tacos. The little bit left over, I'll pan fry for Tuesday lunch and serve with salad.

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Our entree is based on something I saw Lidia Bastianich do on a cooking show. Saute chopped onion in olive oil, add "squeezed" tomatoes (remove from can and squeeze to mutilate them nicely for the stew). When bubbling nicely, add fish fillets. In my case, I'll be using a favorite: grouper cheeks. I'll also add some rosemary from the bushes in the yard.


Dough for a loaf of herb bread is rising.

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Well I'm going out (driving 2.5 hours to be with my mother on her 85th birthday), so my son is coming over to cook. I have grass fed beef, organic cauliflower, organic spinach, and tomato sauce on hand... We'll see what he comes up with! He usually makes some kind of a goulash! (But it's always very good.) (And btw, I don't always buy organic and all of that, but I know it's what my son likes...)

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