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It's Official! We've Gone Country!


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We signed the paperwork and made it official on Monday. We've got a bit of work before we're living full time out there but will probably be done with renovations and remodeling within a month or two.


Here's two sneak peak pictures of our new country homestead!



I just wanted to thank you fellow hivers for answering my homesteading and home purchasing questions lately. You guys are the best!

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Congrats! We love living in the country. If you're moving from a city, you'll be amazed at the night sky at your new home. I never grasped how many stars there actually are until we moved out to the country and were able to see the night sky in complete darkness (we have no street lights for miles where we live). It's gorgeous. Enjoy! :)

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Thank you everyone for your kind words of encouragement. We spent the majority of the day there today. Today was a thunderstorm-filled Florida day and it was AMAZING on our property to watch the storms roll in and the lightning across the expanse of the sky. Between rainstorms my husband and I donned our boots to slog through our land to find the low lying areas and it's just so neat to think it's OURS!


It's not a big property- it's about 5 acres all said and done- but coming from our suburban community where each house literally backs up against another -- well it feels like a new world. Literally.


The sky at night is Awe-inspiring. My husband is an avid amateur astronomer and that was one of the major reasons to move out there. It's not as dark as a homestead out in the midwest would be(my husband would love to move to New Mexico or Arizona somewhere..) but coming from the light polluted skies of the city, this little country home of ours feels like paradise.


I'll definitely be sharing our progress on our blog. Maybe I can share of the renovations we are trying to complete. :) I've got my fingers crossed for having a pool put in and we have two different contractors coming out tomorrow to give us a quote. I'm hoping we can somehow work it into our budget.

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When I think of your new property, I think of the banner on your blog.





My husband is already mapping out where he will build his observatory. He'll have my girls out there looking UP all the time!!

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