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Need help planning a trip around a dr. visit in Philly. Want to go to NYC.

Carpe Diem

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Hello Hive friends! I hope you remember me. I am planning on taking a trip from the upper peninsula of MI to Philly for a doctor's appointment. Just a routine check-up with the expert doctor on Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I am approaching 2 years since my treatment was completed in June 2011. So far I am doing well. Thank you Lord! I am homeschooling all 3 of my kiddos with one in 10th grade!


My appt. is in May.


I was wondering if anyone could give suggestions. I'd like to take in a few sites in Philly and then or perhaps 1st go to NYC with one or two nights in NYC. My dh and I will be driving our van with 3 kids.


How would we go about doing this? Do we drive to NYC? Do we drive to Philly and take a train? Where is a safe place to stay in NYC?

I know nothing about NYC. I would like to do a broadway show, see Ground Zero, Times Square, Statue of Liberty.


Is this possible or just a pipe dream?


What else would we want to see while there?


I really hope that someone will have some information to help me.


Thank you so much.


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Christine, it's so great to see you here again!!!!!!!!! :party:


I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well -- I have often wondered how you were doing, because you haven't been around in a while.


I'm just about to get off the computer for the night, so I don't have time to give you a lot of suggestions, but I will tell you that it will take you about an hour on the train to get from Philadelphia to Penn Station in NYC. But don't overlook Philadelphia's attractions. The art museum is great, as is the Franklin Institute, and there are tons of other things to do there, as well. Also, the hotels are cheaper than in NYC, if that matters to you. Parking is cheaper, too.


As a NYC girl, I can give you a lot of ideas of places to visit, but my best super-quick advice is that you shouldn't over-schedule yourself, and it's often more fun to avoid the tourist traps and just roam around.


I'll try to post more tomorrow, but I just wanted to say, WELCOME BACK!!! :hurray:

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Hello Again Christine,


I don't have any information about your trip, but I wanted to tell you how thrilled I am that you are doing so well !! My family has been praying for you nightly since you first got your diagnosis several years ago.


I will continue to cover you in my daily prayers, I wish you the best !


May God bless you and give you HIS perfect peace !!

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Glad to hear you are doing so well!


Parking overnight in NYC is crazy expensive and they may charge extra for a van.


My kids love hanging out in Times Square and you will love a broadway show. You can try to get discount tickets at the TKTS booth in Times Square but the line is insanely long unless you go early AM.


I think you need to get tickets in advance for ground zero. In May it is already getting busier with tourists.


Museum of natural history and Metropolitan museum of art are also both super nice.


No advice on hotels. I stay at my mothers who lives in NYC.

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You may not remember me, especially since I changed my username, but I prayed for you and I'm happy to know you are doing well.


Catwoman gave you great recs for Philly. If the weather is nice, you could also take a trip to the Jersey shore. It's a little over one hour from Philly.

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I am not a New Yorker, so I would trust others' advice more than mine! But, we've been to NYC several times. I just love it! A couple of times we drove. We found a hotel right in the city and parked the car when we got there, and then never used it again. It was much easier to just leave it parked. If you and your husband are comfortable driving in Manhattan, I'd suggest you find a place right in the heart of it and park it. I don't remember the cost though.


We stayed mainly at two places, although one of them just closed! The other is:




which was nice because it had a room that actually held 7 of us! Not far from the Empire State Building and Macys. You can check hotels.com, and also bookings.com for more deals.


I don't know what kind of budget you're on. My son used to live there, and when friends would visit him they would sometimes stay in hostels (he lived in a boarding house that wouldn't allow overnight guests). Some hostels are family-oriented. I could give you websites for them if you're interested.


I LOVE NYC!! I'd go back there in a heartbeat. I'd live there if I could!

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