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maybe I am spoiled....Netflix vs Hulu Plus...UGH!!!!


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Why would our Hulu Plus on our TV have buffering issues while watching on my Kindle Fire doesn't. I mean, I was watching a TV show tonight (and last night too) and there was major buffering issues. But tonight, out of curiosity, I tried to watch the exact same show on my Kindle and no issues what so ever. Why would that be?? What can be done about it? I won't be paying for something that I can't watch on my TV....


oh, we have Netflix too...no buffering issues at all. So is this common with Hulu plus?



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Hulu Plus is notorious for having buffering issues. I cancelled it some time ago, and recently decided to try again. It's still terrible, and I cancelled it again. We watch nearly everything streaming, and often dh & I watch while ds is gaming online on his computer. We don't have issues with Netflix or Amazon. Only Hulu Plus.

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I don't have Hulu Plus, but I have all kinds of issues with regular old Hulu on my laptop. Any other website with streaming video works perfectly, including Netflix, but Hulu is constantly blacking out and loading. So I think a big part of the problem is that Hulu just sucks.


It could be that the video quality settings on your tv are higher, which means longer load times for the same content. Try lowering that a bit and see if the problem persists.

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well at least it's not just me. Now, I am not sure what I am going to do. There are some shows I can only watch on Hulu plus...recent season of certain shows...BUMMER!!!!!! Hate to pay for it when I can only watch it on my Kindle...haven't tried the computer yet....but I will try that this afternoon. Oh, we do have a Vizeo TV...but with other's have the same problem, I doubt it's the TV' problem.

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I think it is more time of day than anything. We have huge issues with Hulu in the evenings, but never with netflix. I have to say that the only reason we don't get super angry is that it is so cheap that I guess I get what I pay for. We usually can fix it temporarily but exiting Hulu entirely, going into netflix for a minute, then going back to Hulu. My husband who is an IT guy has a reason that works, but I don't remember what it is. You can try that.

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We use huluPLUS nightly and do not normally have issues. Last night (approx. 10 pm est) we had buffering issues and finally gave up (on the tv thru the Wii). This is not a common problem and I bet hulu was having tech. problems last night.

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but it ws the last 2 nights....so I will try it again tonight...we will see. It seems like it will go for a little while at first (maybe 15-20 minutes) and then it happens every few minutes, once it starts. I had to exit out of Hulu plus and watch on my kindle for a few minutes...and then go back...but even then it would only last a few minutes before giving me trouble again. At that time of night I am tired and I don't have the patience to deal with it...I just want to be able to watch and veg and not have to mess with this....Netflix was so nice...but then I ran out of episodes and needed Hulu plus to give me this past season.

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but then I ran out of episodes and needed Hulu plus to give me this past season.


This is what made me sign up the second time. We finished the episodes on Netflix and wanted more. I figured I could sign up for Hulu Plus long enough for us to watch those episodes, then decide if we want to keep it. After fighting with Hulu Plus through the first episode, I went to Amazon and bought the season. It was worth the money to save the aggravation.


Another issue I've had is audio sync. If we paused something on Hulu + the audio would be out of sync when we tried to play it again. Also it would freeze if we tried to back up at all.


The Hulu discussion forum is full of people complaining about Hulu + issues, so it's not a fluke.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had issues with Huluplus until we got a new wireless router. Hulu used to buffer a lot and sometimes the video would play faster than the audio, but after the new router we've had no problems at all. Sometimes we have 4 or more people streaming various sites to various devices with no problems.

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We don't have Hulu Plus, but we do have Netflix. We had had tons of issue with buffering. We did upgrade our cable to work on resolving that, and found out that our old router was probably the issue all along. We still have problems at times, but we recently decided to move the router more in the center of the house.

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I think because of the way they add commercials in, Hulu tends to be much more clunky. We have huluplus on 3 different types of devices, and it has issues on all three, including the Roku that is plugged directly into our Internet. It definitely is something I think they need to work on.

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