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How late do you let your children sleep?

Esse Quam Videri

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WOW, you all have kids who wake up early. My middle son will sleep until noon if I let him, doesn't matter what time he has gone to bed.


Natural sleep for my 15 year old is midnight until 9am.

Natural sleep for my 13 year old is 10:30pm until 11am or so

Natural sleep for my 8 year old is sleep by 9:30pm and up by 8am


They are all different but none of them gets up particularly early.


Yeah, as late as they choose has completely different connotation in this house. :lol: If it were totally his choice he'd stay up until 2 am and get up at 2pm. He got up at 3pm one day this weekend. We're shifting our starting times a bit this spring.

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