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I'm a big fan of poster calendars for planning purposes, since you can see a whole year (calendar or academic) at a glance. However, I have come to realize what I really need is 18 months at a glance -- the current half-year, plus the next two half-years. The reason is there are things for which you need to see the calendar year (planning vacation requests at work, etc.) and things for which you need to see the academic year (coordinating school schedules and such).


My thought is that the perfect system would be to use 6-month at a glance poster calendars, but these are very hard to come by. Alternatively I can buy two of a particular type of calendar (calendar year or academic year), one for the current year and one for the coming year, but the timing of the release of the new calendars is always well past the time I want them.


Currently I have a 2013 year-at-a-glance poster calendar. I can get the first half of 2014 by purchasing an academic year poster calendar and chop it in half. But I will want the 2nd half of 2014 around August 2013, and NO ONE releases any calendar (2014 calendar year or 2014/15 academic year) until the final quarter of 2013. In addition I hate wasting half of each calendar I subsequently buy.


Any thoughts/ideas/resources you can think of? Anyone know of any place I can get a poster calendar designed for a custom date range? Most of what I'm finding online are instructions for setting custom date ranges for computer applications like Outlook (not what I need).

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I use Cozi on my iPhone, but need paper as well, mostly for planning but not actually scheduled stuff.


I just buy 2 1 year calendars, but half way through, I buy the next year.


So I own both a 2013 and a 2014 calendar right now and when everyone else is looking to buy 2014 calendars, I'll probably be on the hunt for a 2015 calendar.


That's been the cheapest easiest thing for me to do.

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Buy every time period, as far ahead as you can, of the same make/style. Chop each in half, hole punching them top-and-bottom, and making some decorative way of attaching them together.


String/attach 'current' plus two more 6mos sections together, and keep sections for later in reserve (perhaps hanging behind your 3-section display ones).


Current - 2013, Jan-June (reg year)

Next - 2013, July-Dec (reg year)

3rd Section - 2014, Jan-June (from an academic one, available earlier)


Another way is to get the 'add your own dates' type and make them as you like them.


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I did a quick google search for poster calendars and this website popped up in the results. It looks like you can custom design poster calendars (for any year from 2013 up to 2016) for less than $10 each, so you can order calendars for years ahead of the ones you'd find in stores. HTH!

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