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Literature Guides?


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This year I've just been handing my oldest good books and sending to her bed for 30-45 minutes for reading. While I'm fine with that for next year, ideally of like some kind of guide or list that has her read the book and then discuss it with an adult or something where I can participate in a bit more follow-up than her her just telling me what she read and what she thought. It doesn't need any LA components or even to be a workbook ... Maybe something where it reminds me (the adult) of the story and then gives me some prompts to discuss the finer plot details that a 7yo may or may not pick up on?


Am I dreaming?

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I often google the title of the book along with a phrase like "reading guide" "discussion guide" "discussion questions". The resources I find that way can give me appropriate, thought provoking questions to ask, even when I haven't read the book. Dd knows I haven't read the books, but it doesn't seem to matter. Even when I have read the book in question, reading online guides gives me great ideas for themes or discussion points I might not have thought of.

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