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Looking for a Bible devotional, or study that I can do with 12, 13 & 15 year old....

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to add into our curriculum. I would like them to read their Bible more on their own, but that's just not happening. I used to just read a Devotional, but am looking for something a little deeper to start the day off with. Any suggestions? I'm not just an open your Bible and go type person. I need prompting or discussion.



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My girls 9 & 12 have their own devotion books that they read on the own first thing in the morning before breakfast. Then the first class of the day we just read the Bible together and discuss. I have tried numerous curriculums and finally realized just reading it together seems to get it done. Know extras just read and discuss. Right now we are working are way through the story of David. I read as they follow along and then we stop and discuss what is going on and what has happened so far and how that applies to our lives. Little did I realize, until reading recent threads, that we are doing socratic discussions on this. Sometimes the simplest is the best!! :)


ETA: just reread your post and wanted to add that I use a study Bible to help guide me with additional info. When I tried to follow a curriculum it seemed to get in the way but, like you, felt I needed more guidance. The study Bible has helped alot but not taken away from the time together.

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I love the Simply Charlotte Mason handbooks for Bible. http://simplycharlottemason.com/store/genesis-deuteronomy-ancient-egypt/ is the first one. I use them for history and geography, too...but would buy them just for Bible! You can check samples....it's laid out day by day so it's simple to just do Bible because each daily lesson is either Bible, history, OR geo. Each daily lesson has about 1 chapter to read. There are sometimes commentary readings to go along w/it...but you wouldn't have to do that if you wanted to stick to the Bible. Kids 7th and up can use their Discovering Doctrine book. When they read a truth about God, Jesus, Salvation, Heaven, etc. they can make a simple entry in their Doctrine book....they use this book from 7th-12th. There's an occasional quick activity to add depth like listing a character trait of Abraham, etc. All 6 guides will take you through the whole Bible in 6 yrs. If you did it daily and skipped the history/geo. you'd get through the guides more quickly. They do skip over some sections of the Bible. The e-books are only $11. Many days it's just reading the Bible and narrating back. I read it to both my kids and take turns asking kids to narrate (but they don't know who I'll ask beforehand:) Just what works for us! Blessings, Gina

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Simply Charlotte Mason guides for Bible......I'd said many days it's just reading the Bible and narrating back. Actually, I should qualify that that's all you'd need to do if you wanted....but they have other books to go along to add more depth if you want that. They have the Doctrine book I mentioned, plus others that focus on what you're studying if you'd like to add them...such as a Wisdom for Life book they can make entries in when studying Proverbs (7th-12th). HTH some:) Gina

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I think suggestions would differ based on your faith tradition. Are you looking for a particular view?



We are just Bible believing Christians, so prefer something that doesn't have a slant, dh has a Lutheran background, but we left the Lutheran church years ago over the fellowship issues. Thanks!

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I downloaded the 3 Volumes of this curriculum when they were free (a trial offer or something). I figured if I hated them, I was out nothing. ;) Quite the contrary however...I really do like them. I think for $14.95 it is still a good deal for a Bible study your whole family can do together. :) There is also the new Apologia series "Who is God and Can I Really Know Him" and the sequel, "Who Am I and What Am I Doing Here?". Have only used the first and it is really good. There is frankly so much out there that is just plain fabulous. Pray and let God lead you to the perfect one for your family!

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