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project based learning

Kathy G

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Looking for some new ideas for project based learning. My oldest has always learned this way. He programs in several languages, designs apps and does all sorts of engineering projects. It was easy for him to find a new project.


I want to introduce my DD 11 to this idea. She is very calm and content to just do whatever is assigned and then just read. She likes science and animals, especially primates. She also loves art and is visual spatial. She doesn't enjoy writing reports. I want to give her some ideas and then let her brainstorm herself as she hasn't come up with ideas yet. I think she just needs some examples of things others have done to get her thinking. clay models of anatomy of primates, or perhaps a poster explaining the communication of animals etc?


Any other thoughts from parents of the kid who enjoys both science and art?


Thanks in advance



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For my 7 year old who loves science and drawing but not so much writing, we are going to do our own version of nature journal. He is interested in nature drawing and photography. So far he has done powerpoint slides of animals he is interested in.

These are the references I've found


"Nature in the Classroom is a multidisciplinary science-based curriculum for 4th and 5th graders in the Puget Sound region" http://www.pugetsound.edu/academics/academic-resources/slater-museum/nature-in-the-classroom/

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I've seen High Tech High's projects mentioned on these boards a few times. Perhaps you could get some ideas there?


We are going to attempt an espionage through world history study...not the same as combining science and art but perhaps you could try a similar approach? One way that I'm approaching it is to google for similar syllabi from universities and get ideas from there, tweaking with our own resources to add meat and a more appropriate level of challenge.

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You might look at lewelma's posts. Here is a recent one: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/463952-scientific-inquiry-in-action/ You might also do a search for science fair projects. Mine did nature journals. They also did drawing projects for literature, illustrations for a book or set designs for a play. They both required that my sons go back through the book much the same way that one would when writing a paper. To help learn to write, one of mine read a book about writing a graphic novel (it was a graphic novel lol).



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Not art but how about looking at Fireworks Press units from Shellagh Gallagher? I am looking at Ferret it Out for next year. I love the idea of project based learning. We do science fair projects every year, First Lego League, electronics kit, stuff like that...When we do a unit study on a musician, the kids make a poster about him/her at the end.

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