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10th grade plans?

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Hello, high school board! So excited to be here! I homeschooled my oldest son from 5th to 8th grade. He decided he wanted to go to public school this past year. I let him give it a try, and he's done very well, but we are both seeing the public school system fail him. Two of his teachers just admitted to me that basically they have to dumb down their classes so everyone has a chance to pass. My son is bored and frustrated, and realizes public school can't help him get to where he wants to go as well a homeschooling. SO glad I gave him the opportunity to see that do himself instead just telling him no. :)


Now I'm trying to figure out what materials to use with him! He has requested to take both Algebra II and Geometry simultaneously this year. He also requested light history so I think I'll just have him read SOTW to the littles and help with activities as well as throw in a few good lit. (He's a math and science guy.)


Besides going back to Saxon for Algebra (which is what he did before ps and was a good fit), I'm at a loss as to what else. I also had thoughts of maybe using Teaching Textbooks instead of Saxon.


What are you using/have used/will use with your sophomore?



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Here's our 10/11th grade line-up. DS is a non-schooly kid in general and DD's school was delayed a few years b/c of health problems. Our goal is to graduate the kids so they're able to pass the COMPASS exams at the local CC without needing remedial courses.


Algebra 2 - Life of Fred Advanced Algebra and Companion book

US History/Lit - Notgrass Exploring America, combined with Daily Grams Jr/Sr High and WWS2

Integrated Physics & Chemistry - DIVE CDs + internet textbook

Intro to Logic - Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox

Christian Truth & Apologics - I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist book/workbook + additional reading list

ASL 1 - DS only. No language for DD.

*World History - Spielvogel's Western Civilization: A Brief History, 2nd ed (started it late so we don't finish until November)

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Integrated Advanced Algebra & Geometry 2 (2nd half of both TT texts alternating days) 1.0 cr

Classic Literature: A.D. 500-1800 (TOG y2 R level) 1.0 cr

Advanced Writing, Literature Based 0.5 cr

World History: A.D. 500-1800 (TOG y2 R level) 1.0 cr

Chemistry (Apologia + extra microchem labs supplemented with online materials) 1.0 cr

Spanish I (Galore Park supplemented with multiple online materials) 1.0 cr

Government Studies: A.D. 500-1800 (TOG y2 gov't) 0.5 cr

Philosophy: A.D. 500-1800 (TOG y2 philosophy) 0.5 cr

Home Economics (CLE light units supplemented with Homestead Blessings videos, The Hidden Art of Homemaking, and multiple other materials) 1.0 cr


7.5 credits

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I have not finalized my plans but it looks like this will be it:


History / English / Bible " MFW WHL ( I may add in an IEW course)

Math: DS completed Forester's Algebra 1 in January but wanted a review, so he is doing both a LOF algebra and geometry book concurrently and will move into LOF algebra 2 after that. (LOF is his choice, personally I could never learn math with those books)

Science: Beefed up DIVE Earth Science along with Pearson text to supplement. (He did biology this year and I want to wait till 11th grade for Chemistry)

Foreign Language: Visual Link Spanish 2

Electives: I am pretty much letting him decide. I offer :laugh: :Fine Arts, Technical Drawing, Computer Programming, or whatever else we find interesting.

PE : I also require him to log exercise time. This has not gone too well this year and I may need to get more specific with it.

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I've changed a few things since starting this thread, but here's some more input for 10th grade. http://forums.welltr...de#entry4696325


Our classes will be:


English 10 - writing Argument Builder, IB lang and lit course companion

Japanese II - Irasshai and Beginning Japanese

Algebra II - Lials

Geometry - still deciding

Science - Astronomy/Space/Astrophysics

History - US History (Civil War to WWII)

Ethics - still deciding, but will read Aristotle's Ethics, Meditations, Analects at minimum

Philosophy and Science of Modern Sci-Fi - A look at Star Trek and Doctor Who - through philosophy and science. This was originally supposed to be Star Trek only, but we've recently become addicted to Doctor Who and I found some resources to use for philosophy and the science of study.


This will be 7 to 7.5 credits depending upon hours in the philosophy classes.

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I am still really debating - been reading here a lot again recently!! Getting some good ideas - here is my tentative line up:


We just did AHL and WHL, not going to use the last two years...so now I am trying to decide on several subjects:


Bible - Not sure - borrowing a couple MFW book ideas - Thinking Like a Christian type.

History - Notgrass American with 4-5 PP guides and Mapping the World with Art with brothers.

English - Notgrass Lit with PP, IEW - probably WTTW and EE, and Grammar review - either CLE or AG. Vocab - haven't decided yet - and SAT/ACT cont. prep **feeling the need to provide some focus on this area.

Science - Biology with Science Shepherd in co-op - already did Chem and Physics with same teacher. And, a class with same science co-op called Language for Scientists or writing something - they will get to publish on the blog and answer questions.

Spanish - Visual Link 3

Math - TT Alg 2, I think?!

Health - Total Health - have already


Continue large amounts of tech/photography/computer class electives he has been doing - through library and other outside and online classes.


He is also in two bands (guitar) and records songs, troubleshoots computer problems and wants to do more video and editing stuff!

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Here's what my ds,10th grader, will be doing this fall:


Math - Saxon Advanced Math/Art Reed dvd's

Science - Spectrum Chemistry

Language - PA Homeschoolers AP English Language

Literature - Excellence in Literature (American)

American History - Oak Meadow or NROC

Japanese 1 - Irrashai

Looking at and Understanding Great Art - Teaching Company

Understanding the Worlds Greatest Structures - Teaching Company

P.E. - League basketball and weight training


Just some other options for you to consider that I have used in the past, or will use with my middle ds:


Tabletclass for Math

Derek Owens for Math and Physics (distant learning)


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I've heard quite a few people that have done geometry and algebra 2 together - sounds great. I think my son would revolt, lol..... However, I suppose doing them at the same time, but taking two years to do them, would still work.... Anyway, here's what I have so far:

Algebra 2: Foerster's and The Teaching Company's "Algebra 2" class

Chemistry: The Teaching Company "Chemistry" and (most likely) Oak Meadow or High School Chemistry in Your Home

Spanish: So You Really Want to Learn Spanish

History, Language Arts (lit and comp), Art history, Music history, Architecture, Philosophy: Trisms Rise of Nations

In addition - for art history, The Teaching Company "Museum Masterpieces: the Louvre", and I will probably get a music history lecture set from the Teaching Company as well.

In addition for History, I may buy the Teaching Company's "Renaissance, Reformation, and the Rise of Nations" series.


For literature we're going to be reading the full text of:


The Inferno

The Rights of Man

The Age of Reason

Common Sense

Erasmus' In Praise of Folly


Paradise Lost



The Grand Inquisitor

The Decameron


I'd love to find lecture, study guides, etc. for these.....


Rhetoric: We're going to continue working on A Workbook for Arguments


Can you tell I'm going heavy on the Teaching Company this year?? :) I'm teaching my DS to take good notes and I think the lectures will be better than mine, lol. I'm also planning on getting , "How to be a Superstar Student" and possibly "The Philosopher's Toolkit".

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Our plans are still very tentative, but this is what we are looking at:


Notgrass Exploring World History (I want to add geography, but am still figuring out what)

English Comp & Lit using Notgrass as well as a couple PP lit guides, Easy Grammar Plus & Jensen's Format Writing

Geometry (probably TT)

Biology (Apologia)

Spanish 2 (maybe Breaking the Barrier or Visual Link - still trying to figure out what to use after Rosetta Stone Spanish 1)

Fine art- Guitar

PE - Aerobics and Volleyball

Electives - Bible and Typing

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