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Can I get comparisons for Sonlight Science and Nancy Larson Science?


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I'll bite.


I've never used Sonlight Science, so I can't say much there. I just notice that a lot of reviews for Sonlight mention a certain level of choppiness; that readings and experiments don't necessarily coincide. But I've never used it, so please take what I say with a grain of salt.


As far as Nancy Larson is concerned...well, I adore it. I wanted a science program that was well organized and easy to teach and NL is certainly that. It is very systematic in the way that it presents topics. Please be aware that NL is scripted, whereas Sonlight is not. If you hate scripting, NL won't be for you. I'm one that loves the scripting as a guide and I feel free to vary from it when so desired, but I know that scripting is one of those "to each his own" things.


Sonlight is literature-based, whereas NL is discussion/activity-based. There are a few living books in NL, but not like Sonlight.


The program is not experiment-heavy, but rather uses hands-on exploration. You are kept active, but not with experiments per se. In NL 1, we raised butterflies and ladybugs, etc. In NL 2, we've played with water in its various physical states, played with magnets, will be dissecting an owl pellet, etc. We actually HAVE done some experiments with inclined planes and such in NL 2 and utilized the scientific method, but the program is definitely more exploration-oriented. This is another big difference between NL and Sonlight, as Sonlight has the weekly experiments with its Discover & Do DVDs....some folks seem to really love those.


Anyway, my daughters are really enjoying NL and, better yet, are retaining SO MUCH. My eldest is constantly using her new science knowledge and vocabulary in real-life observations. The learning is definitely sticking and my girls are loving science.

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Im torn, I really think I would do better with a Noeo or Sonlight, that my boys would like the

experiments more BUT..... I cant get past a huge amount

of people commenting on how great the retention was from using Nancy Larson.

Actaully learning and remembering are kinda a big deal around here.

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One thing - if you love the literature in Sonlight and Noeo, the folks at NL offer a literature list that coordinates with each lesson. They are very helpful and easy to contact.


As far as the experiments, yea, that's a tough one. I add a bit here and there -for instance, we'll use some K'nex projects when we discuss machines and we'll dissect a frog when we get to that...


But yea, NL is more activity-based rather than experiments.


But yea again, the retention has been awesome. LOL - I'm not helping, am I?

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Yes, I think NL 2 would be a good fit, especially if you've already had a lot of exposure to life science. I'm actually using NL 2 for my 3rd grader. :001_smile:


NL 1 is definitely just an intro to life sciences and many consider it basic...maybe even too basic. Personally, I DID find it simple, but to me, it was rather deceptively so. As basic as it seemed, my daughter learned a LOT of scientific vocabulary that she carries to this day. It was more systematic and concrete than I had realized and I'm now seeing the same thing with NL 2. The difficulty is stepping up with each level, but you'll probably find that it is simple to do with a 3rd grader. Don't let that fool you, though!

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  • 2 years later...

I know that this is an old thread. Forgive me.


We are using Sonlight science A and B and in December will be doing Science C with a 2nd and 4th grader I'm considering doing NL Science 1 quickly followed by 2 with both of them, together, knowing that it may be SUPER easy for my 4th grader...but I am LOVING the idea of the review, vocabulary, and scientific method, but don't want to leave behind SL science....


Do you think one could do both? How long does NC Larson Science take a day? I would want to go for a quicker lesson, for example do the review sheet the next day...unless it is so quick we can fit it in the same day... Ideally we would only spend about 30 mintues or so on science a day 4-6 days a week.... 


Thanks for any feedback. would love to hear how it has gone with the posters... and what is recommended to move onto after NC Larson science 4th level?

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  • 8 months later...

We have used NL Science 1-3 and will be doing 4 this upcoming school year with 6th graders. With as much science you have already been doing I believe the 4th grader may be bored to tears with NL Science 1. If it is the vocabulary you are interested in you can ask Madon from NL (she is so helpful) to send that to you for each grade and see if it would be a good fit. I would start with NL science 2 personally. There is a NL FB page which is fun and you can download the scope and sequence for each level to see what is covered. NL 1 is pretty basic if I remember correctly. I started NL 1 with 3rd graders and I think they were at the upper limit IMHO.

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Thank you for this! So, NL 1 is set to arrive tomorrow! I think we will just go through it rapidly. My Daughter actually enjoys doing work below her level, although I do require much more from her in her main schooling, but she finds it fun. Going through the vocabulary for even level 1, I don't think she can give me the science behind them. I let her look at the word walls for both level 1 and 2. She said she wanted to start with 1. Which is great because that helps my son. That is the highest level he can do right now with writing and reading levels. I hope to get all the levels in before her 8th grade year or during. She will have other science supplements too. But we will see how this all plans out.


It seems that NL has a good resale value, am I right? That is, for all the non-consumables, right? I was thinking I would sell all of those items after each level, so that some of those funds can go into purchasing the next level...


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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