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Help me brainstorm a farm sign


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I need help brainstorming the wording to a "do not feed the horses" type of sign. There is a new house going up about 20 feet from my property line/back fence line, and I need to put something up to deter folks checking out the house (or potential new owners? I'm not sure if the property has sold) from touching and/or feeding my horses that live in the adjacent pasture. We are planning to double-fence that fence line with an outside row of high-tensile electric fencing, but that project may not be complete for a few months. Our current fence is also electric, but there a couple of gates that are not electrified. They are locked, but people could still come in contact with the horses over the gates. Earlier today my kiddo was playing outside--where I could see him out by the barn/back paddock hanging on a gate, but couldn't hear him. Turns out he was chatting with some folks on the other side of the paddock/on the adjacent property who were looking at the house (I could see him, but I couldn't see them). I didn't get out there before they left, but my son said that they asked if they could feed the horses carrots when they came back. Of course, he told them yes. :glare:

Now, I would hope that an adult with common sense would not take the word of a 6-year old and think it was ok to come back and come onto our property and feed the horses, but I have no idea. I've witnessed plenty of people ignoring signs and going onto others' property to pet and feed horses who weren't told by anyone that it was ok. We have plenty of no trespassing signs, but we should probably put up some sort of "don't feed the horses" type thing, anyway. But, I tend to be pretty wordy and want to give too much info, in general. So, what do you think is best for wording on a simple sign? Simply "Do not Feed the Horses"?? "Please do not Feed Anything to the Horses"?? I tend to want to tell folks why--first, it's not safe. Someone not experienced with horses can easily get bitten trying to feed something to a horse, even the most gentle of horses. Second, I don't want anyone feeding anything to my horses. Many things are not safe for them. One of my horses is quite old and does not have much in the way of teeth left--he could easily choke on something otherwise appropriate for a horse, such as a big piece of carrot or apple. But is extra info necessary? I thought of putting "I bite and kick. Please do not pet or feed me. Thanks" But I have no idea. So, suggestions appreciated.

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It might be worthwhile to go talk to the people that your son told would be ok to feed the horses. Tell them you would rather they did not and explain why. Maybe if they seem nice invite them to come sometime when you are out with the horses.

About the sign. I would think simply "Do not feed or touch the horses" would be fine. Put it in several places along the fence so people are sure to see them.

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I went to Home Depot and found some plastic PLEASE KEEP OUT and NO TRESPASSING signs to hang on our fence...................after I looked out the window one day last summer and saw a man and 2 young children IN the pasture with the horses feeding them corn shucks. Come to find out the grandpa taught the kids (about 4 & 6 or so) how to push down the electric fence with a stick so they could climb through????? Thankfully for the kids the fence was off at the time. OUr horses are gentle for the most part but you don't put 2 little kids in flip flops in a pasture with 3 horses and let them feed them.

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It might be worthwhile to go talk to the people that your son told would be ok to feed the horses. Tell them you would rather they did not and explain why. Maybe if they seem nice invite them to come sometime when you are out with the horses.

About the sign. I would think simply "Do not feed or touch the horses" would be fine. Put it in several places along the fence so people are sure to see them.


I tried, but they were gone by the time I shuffled back there (I'm pregnant and due any day--I don't move so fast right now. Lol). I also don't know if they were just looking, were seriously looking, or if they've bought the property. I agree, I would (and will, next time I see someone over there) prefer to have a friendly conversation with folks to explain why they need to stay away from the critters. :)

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I went to Home Depot and found some plastic PLEASE KEEP OUT and NO TRESPASSING signs to hang on our fence...................after I looked out the window one day last summer and saw a man and 2 young children IN the pasture with the horses feeding them corn shucks. Come to find out the grandpa taught the kids (about 4 & 6 or so) how to push down the electric fence with a stick so they could climb through????? Thankfully for the kids the fence was off at the time. OUr horses are gentle for the most part but you don't put 2 little kids in flip flops in a pasture with 3 horses and let them feed them.

Wow!! Who goes in someone else's pasture and starts feeding their horses. That's rude.

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I went to Home Depot and found some plastic PLEASE KEEP OUT and NO TRESPASSING signs to hang on our fence...................after I looked out the window one day last summer and saw a man and 2 young children IN the pasture with the horses feeding them corn shucks. Come to find out the grandpa taught the kids (about 4 & 6 or so) how to push down the electric fence with a stick so they could climb through????? Thankfully for the kids the fence was off at the time. OUr horses are gentle for the most part but you don't put 2 little kids in flip flops in a pasture with 3 horses and let them feed them.


Where's the mouth hanging open smiley when you need it...um, wow. That's a whole 'nother level of ignorant right there. I would flip over that. Our property line is already well-posted with a few different styles of no trespassing signs, and our fence is well marked with electric fence warning signs. I don't trust that's enough to keep well-meaning folks from trying to buddy up with the horses.

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Wow!! Who goes in someone else's pasture and starts feeding their horses. That's rude.


Beyond rude--it's also incredibly stupid. But I've witnessed many a person ignoring no trespassing signs to pet and hang out with others' horses. I know they are apealing and most people are not malicious/just want to pet and enjoy the horses, but I really don't get the kind of ignorance that allows people to think that's it's ok to do without permission.

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I'd be a little more to the point. Some sort of "Feeding the horses will result in prosecution, or legal action or fines or something like that." Or maybe "Do not feed the horses. I can see you and I have a bb gun" ??? Something over the top to make them think that maybe you're nuts and they better just leave it be? 8)

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I'd be a little more to the point. Some sort of "Feeding the horses will result in prosecution, or legal action or fines or something like that." Or maybe "Do not feed the horses. I can see you and I have a bb gun" ??? Something over the top to make them think that maybe you're nuts and they better just leave it be? 8)


You know I like the way you think. ;) I was hoping to make it obvious that we were nuts in hopes the house would take a very long time to sell, but it sounds like these people may have already bought it. So I'm being told I have to play nice. *grumble* But if we really are going to have new neighbors soon and I'm gonna have to live in very close proximity to to these folks, I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and try the polite route first. There are already no trespassing signs that say violators will be prosecuted. It sounds like they were friendly and they did not go near the horses earlier.

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How about this: GIGO. Do Not Feed the Horses or I Will Burn Their Manure Right Next to the Property Line.


I'm actually laughing out loud because my manure pile--which is HUGE, because not only do I have horses, I also have 60+ poultry and goats--is about 10 feet from this house's driveway. It's one of the first things you'd see as you pull up to the garage. Honestly, I can't believe this house was built where it was or that anyone would want to buy it, but that's another topic altogether.

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I too want to stay friends with the neighbors as some of them are my gateways to the trails. I told the guy they were welcome to walk the trails on the edge of our property to get to the township park across the road. I also told him that if they wanted to see the horses to please walk up to the house and get me and I would take them out there----meaning putting the Arab and other gelding in the barn and letting the kids pet the pony.


I wouldnt' even want to go out in the middle of 3 horses I didn't know with food and expect to be safe.


Today we spread about 6 manure spreader loads of compost (mostly horse manure) on our pastures. That is another way to keep the neighbors happy :-)

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People ignore those type of generic signs. I see it all of the time, and I don't know if they think they're some special exception or if we are just so inundated by signs that they no longer register to most people. Maybe both.


I tend towards the wordy, too, but this is one case I think it's the better deal. I think you'd be smart to list a reason. I'd hope that would make a person stop and think "Hey this might be meant for me!" rather than "Oh {some random} They just put those signs up for insurance liability, they don't mean it!" -- I'd hope, but not bet the farm ;).


I bet the sign would get even more attention if you did make it funny, such as the manure example. It's like how people always pay attention to the speed limit signs in my local mall because they read 13MPH, and since we're not used to seeing that ... people truly do stop and pay attention to it. Heeding it is another issue, but at least you stand a better sign of them even acknowledging your sign!


Make up a reason if you have to: Special Diet for Aging Horse, etc.

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How about..


The electric fence is here to keep the animals in

and YOU out! Please feel free to ask us why!

It's for your safety and the animals.




Electric fence don't touch! It will hurt!

Don't cross it. YOU will be in danger.

Please call us to visit with the animals.

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