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Pregnancy Heartburn - hairy baby?


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Did your newborn have hair after you had chronic heartburn during pregnancy?

I have had the worst heartburn with this pregnancy. I take Tums by the handfull and I think I drank a gallon of Apple Cider Vinegar in two weeks. Everything gives me heartburn. Water. Toast. Getting up in the morning. Going to bed at night. Whatever. :p

I was joking with the u/s tech at my last visit. I told her if the wives' tale was true that I was going to have a werewolf! She laughed and said, "I was just getting ready to show you all this hair!" Then she pointed to this mass of stuff on my baby's head and typed in hair.

I was talking with some other moms later and they had different stories. One mom was told her baby was going to have a lot of hair and her baby was bald, bald. Another mom was told her baby had no hair and she had a head full! .The bald baby mama had heartburn. The other mom had none. I had none with my first pregnancy and she was bald until she hit 2.

So now I'm just curious if you had heartburn and did it accompany a hairy baby? Did they ever say anything about it at your u/s?

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I had one bald baby and three with hair. The one with the most hair, I had no heartburn at all. The bald one I had the worst heartburn. The other two I had heartburn with one and almot no heartburn with the other. So, for me, it's just an old wive's tale.

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Hmm.. I guess we'll have to see. I always joked that since my baby girl had absolutely no hair that of course my baby boy would come out with long shiny locks! :)

By the way it isn't a big deal, I'm just curious. My bald baby girl was beautiful. She looked like a baby doll so I'm good with whatever. I was bald at birth and so was DH I just thought it would be interesting to have a baby with hair. :)

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I never had heartburn during pregnancy, but my babies had tons of hair ... so much so that a friend accused me of putting a wig on my son's newborn picture. She called him Baby Elvis :laugh: . They never lost their hair either. My sister had heartburn and she had cue-ball headed babies who didn't get hair much hair until they were 2.

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I had tons of heartburn the last trimester, and my kid was born with translucent peach fuzz. He looked bald, but if you ran your hand over his head you realized he wasn't.


I think hair at birth has something to do with genes. I know Irish-Asian cross babies are usually born with more hair than a supermodel with a weave. With plain ol' wasp types it seems to be more miss than hit.

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Did your newborn have hair after you had chronic heartburn during pregnancy?

I have had the worst heartburn with this pregnancy. I take Tums by the handfull and I think I drank a gallon of Apple Cider Vinegar in two weeks. Everything gives me heartburn. Water. Toast. Getting up in the morning. Going to bed at night. Whatever. :p

I was joking with the u/s tech at my last visit. I told her if the wives' tale was true that I was going to have a werewolf! She laughed and said, "I was just getting ready to show you all this hair!" Then she pointed to this mass of stuff on my baby's head and typed in hair.

I was talking with some other moms later and they had different stories. One mom was told her baby was going to have a lot of hair and her baby was bald, bald. Another mom was told her baby had no hair and she had a head full! .The bald baby mama had heartburn. The other mom had none. I had none with my first pregnancy and she was bald until she hit 2.

So now I'm just curious if you had heartburn and did it accompany a hairy baby? Did they ever say anything about it at your u/s?

Heartburn all 4 pregnancies. All born with hair. One still had hair on her back.

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Severe heartburn, lots of Tums, and babies who had lots of hair. Three of them born at 27 weeks, and still had lots of hair. No one ever mentioned it when I had ultrasounds.


I think it is haireditary. I had lots of hair when I was born, and DH had plenty too.


Haireditary!! Best typo ever!

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