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it looks RIGHT to do.... but way too early?

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hi. My son is in 1st grade.

In class they do: 1 digit addition, 1 digit subtraction

At home: 3 digit addition/3 digit subtraction with twice caring or twice borrowing (KUMON 3rd grade). It is super easy to him.


So now LOGICALLY is to go to multiplication. 2 1/2 weeks ago we started Rocket Math for multiplication. He is now 1/2 way though with very high fluency. I move him up if he has 1 sec or less delays on his answers. He is level L now.


OK, now... his school doesnt do multiplication until THIRD grade. He is in 1st grade now. What should he do in 2nd grade for after-schooling math?

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What about fractions (adding & multiplication with and w/o common denominators) and decimal conversion?

Division (short & long).

Double digit and beyond multiplication.

Khan Academy and follow the pyramid progression.

Or switch gears and do story problems and logic puzzles like Sudoku, etc.(my dd9 used to love these).

Online Math League or other competitions.


There is no right answer, just let your child lead the way!

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:iagree: w/ getting a math program that has some depth, such as Singapore or Beast Academy (unlike a program that will just focus on procedures and speed), and just do the next topic, including some more challenging problems.


For an advanced learner, I would not worry about what is being taught at school as far as how you afterschool, though eventually you might inquire at the school about advanced math (just don't hold your breath). Definitely do not worry about running out of math for the next year - there's no such thing - the more advanced the math, the more depth that can be added, as well as topics outside the school sequence that can be studied. There are oodles of interesting math resources and lots of threads on them, particularly on the Accelerated Learner board.

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