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Today I started day one of diet #1,256

Flowing Brook

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Wish me luck!!


I need to lose 50 pounds. Although I am going to take it ten pounds at a time. Instead of thinking fifty I am trying to think in terms of ten. If that makes sense. After I lose ten pounds I will think ok now I have to lose ten more pounds.

Anyone btdt with any advice, encouragement or success stories?

My biggest problem besides not feeling well a lot of the time is binging on sweets.

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Atkins revolutionized my body and my life. I was a bad carb addict, but no more. Lost 35 pounds and have kept it off for almost three years. But it is a lifestyle, not a diet. Also, regular exercise is key.



I don't have a problem with exercise per se. I love walking. When I am feeling well enough I walk between 3-6 miles a day. I clean house and try to work fast to burn more calories.

Thanks for the success story!!

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When I lost weight, I focused on 5 lb. intervals because sometimes I would lose less than a pound per week. After I lost my weight, I figured I averaged a pound a week. Losing 1 to 2 lbs. per week is supposedly the safe way and easier to keep off because it takes longer for the lifestyle to become habit. Some people give themselves rewards for reaching their mini-goals, but they are not supposed to be food.

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Honestly you probably need a detox from anything that will make you crave sweets. Those cravings are, well, I will be polite and not say what they are. I hope your diet does not include diet soda or coffee, because those things drive up your blood sugar quickly, causing a crash and leaving you vulnerable to cravings. Good luck! I lost 80lb many years ago and I work hard to keep my weight in a good spot because I know that it is a very slippery slope, lol.

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Honestly you probably need a detox from anything that will make you crave sweets. Those cravings are, well, I will be polite and not say what they are. I hope your diet does not include diet soda or coffee, because those things drive up your blood sugar quickly, causing a crash and leaving you vulnerable to cravings. Good luck! I lost 80lb many years ago and I work hard to keep my weight in a good spot because I know that it is a very slippery slope, lol.


Please don't be polite say what they are. I need all the help I can get.

I do not drink diet soda. Coffee I think it smells great and tastes terrible.

How do you detox? How did you lose eighty pounds? Thanks

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