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Should I take her to the doc or no?


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My dd11 woke up yesterday with a headache and a fever of 101.6. She doesn't have any other symptoms except for a slight, occasional cough. She did say that the back of her neck hurts a little, but not bad. Through the night, her fever got up to 102.6. I have given her lots of vitamins and raw garlic, but I have not given her Tylenol or other meds, in the hope that the fever and vitamin boosts would do the job. She is resting on the couch and drinking plenty, eating a little.


Should I take her to the doctor? We have just moved here and I have any doctors established for our family yet. Does anything I have said scream "worrisome" to you? Is this something she would need to be treated for? Help me decide if I should take her in or not.



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I appreciate all of your responses. I am a worrier by nature and my dh has to talk me off the fence quite regularly and naturally, he is now out of town while I deal with our sick baby alone. And he is not here to be the voice of reason.


My nephew is home from college, sick with something. She was at their house on Sunday :( before we knew he was sick. He has a severe sore throat and has been to the doc twice and they have ruled out strep (though that doesn't mean it's not).


I am just afraid I am missing something and she should be in the ER (irrational, I know). On top of that, I am really stressing because we just found out last week that I am pregnant with our 5th (completely unexpected and should be a whole 'nuther thread) and here I am worried about our big baby and this new one coming.


Again, thanks for your help. I have a call into a pediatrician friend (from where we used to live) and hopefully, she will get back to me soon.

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Can she move her head around on her neck? Can she lower her head to touch her chin to her chest (or close) w/o pain? My niece had meningitis - headaches and fevers make me nervous. I agree you need her checked for strep (which is far more likely). Listen to your Mommy Instinct. Our pediatrician always said if YOU think the child is "off" then odds are something it is more than a mere cold or bug.

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Can she move her head around on her neck? Can she lower her head to touch her chin to her chest (or close) w/o pain? My niece had meningitis - headaches and fevers make me nervous. I agree you need her checked for strep (which is far more likely). Listen to your Mommy Instinct. Our pediatrician always said if YOU think the child is "off" then odds are something it is more than a mere cold or bug.




I am taking her in. I had her move her head all around and down to her chest and it hurt. Her appt is at 1:45.


Thanks to you all!

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Can she move her head around on her neck? Can she lower her head to touch her chin to her chest (or close) w/o pain? My niece had meningitis - headaches and fevers make me nervous. I agree you need her checked for strep (which is far more likely). Listen to your Mommy Instinct. Our pediatrician always said if YOU think the child is "off" then odds are something it is more than a mere cold or bug.


I agree. Fever, headache and stiff neck would cause me to go to the ER for meningitis possibility, and I would have them check for strep.

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Thank you all for your concern. I took her in to my inlaws family doctor earlier this afternoon. He was very thorough in his exam of her and said she just has a virus that has to run its course. She feels terrible, but her fever has gone down significantly so I am hopeful it is almost over. The bad news is that my dd14 is now complaining of the same symptoms. :(. Not looking forward to the next few days. I am thankful I took her in, though, for the reassurance that she is okay. It is nighttime now and I know I would be sick with worry if I had not taken her in.


Thanks again!

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