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What my kids learned today...


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Everyone re-learned what smoke smelled like.




The 3yo learned that she really should have help when trying to make toast in the morning.




It was an unplanned day out of the house after we got all of the windows opened and the schoolwork and kids loaded in the car.


My three-year-old has more "accidents" than the rest of my kids combined...and that's including my daring and no-fear five-year-old boy!

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Wow! Everyone always complains about the terrible twos. It is the threes that are the tough ones. Twos say no. Threes can reason.


Glad everyone and your micro is okay.




This particular 3yo was also a handful at 2 (and under!). It was this time last year that she stuck her left hand in a shopping cart wheel, and it ripped off her nail and mangled her thumb. And then two days later she used her right hand to touch a hot burner. And then three days later she shoved a safety pin up her nose (luckily it was closed)!


She is the child that is always having "accidents."

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