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Duggars might adopt? Has this been discussed yet?


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I'm not generally anti-Duggar on the whole, but something really bothers me about this. I'm in favor of big families, and adoption, and don't even mind mega-families (so long as the parents are able to care for the kids), but...come on! There's something to be said for recognizing when it's time to move into a new season of life. Perhaps the end of fertility after bearing 20 children is as apt a time as any.

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For anyone to consider giving these people MORE children is just creepy... They don't raise the ones they have!! They just pass them on down to the next kid on the list. That's not parenting. Adoptive children, like all children, deserve PARENTS.

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It's like they've hitched a trailer to the back of their clown car.


Or a trailer to the back of the RV converted from a sports team bus.

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I'm not sure why it's any of our business at all. (???)


Besides, there are numerous studies that show that some "unadoptable" kids actually do better when adopted into large families.


And why is that...?


I know the answer and I think it says a lot about the culture of the duggars...

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I'm not sure why it's any of our business at all. (???)


Besides, there are numerous studies that show that some "unadoptable" kids actually do better when adopted into large families.


Yeah, well, we do discuss all sorts of things here that are none of our business at all. *shrug*


I would not think being the one child adopted after the birth of 20 bio kids would be a strong benefit to any child. And it remains to be seen if they will adopt and how "unadoptable" the kid(s) would have been.

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I've seen the Duggars criticized for NOT adopting, and choosing to have 20 kids, and now they're being criticized for considering for adopting.


I don't think anything they do is ever going to get unanimous approval, so they should do what they feel led, and what they can live w/themselves after.




I've got my hands full managing my own family to worry about what someone else is doing, unless it's dangerous/illegal.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!

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Guest inoubliable

Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!


Amy. :grouphug: I am so sorry.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!



I'm sorry. :grouphug: I hope your little one comes to you soon.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!


I'm sorry Amy. And that is part of what will bug me about it if they are approved and able to adopt.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!




I'm so sorry. That just stinks.

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I thought Bill Gothard and his followers were anti-adoption because of how they interpret the part of Scripture where it talks about the children being punished for the sins of the parents? I'm pretty sure I remember reading something about how one of Anna Duggar's sisters is an adoptive mom and that is a big reason why the sister is estranged from the rest of Anna's family.

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I'm not sure why it's any of our business at all. (???)




I'm not sure "our business" is quite how I'd describe it.


But they *choose* to make money by their private lives being public. They have no basis on which to claim privacy, and therefore they don't need the protection of random strangers in terms of discussing issues they themselves make public.

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I thought Bill Gothard and his followers were anti-adoption because of how they interpret the part of Scripture where it talks about the children being punished for the sins of the parents? I'm pretty sure I remember reading something about how one of Anna Duggar's sisters is an adoptive mom and that is a big reason why the sister is estranged from the rest of Anna's family.


I was just thinking the same thing. I hate to think this but I wonder if this is about ratings more.

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I'm not generally anti-Duggar on the whole, but something really bothers me about this. I'm in favor of big families, and adoption, and don't even mind mega-families (so long as the parents are able to care for the kids), but...come on! There's something to be said for recognizing when it's time to move into a new season of life. Perhaps the end of fertility after bearing 20 children is as apt a time as any.



I had almost exactly this thought as I read the title of your thread. There is a time to move to a different season of life. Difficult as that may be.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!



:grouphug: I am so sorry.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!




I'm so sorry, Amy. I'm sorry that these maniacs will be able to use their publicity when good parents cannot get their chid. It's a diseased system.

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They can certainly do what they want. They don't need my approval. But, I think Joanne hit the nail on the head when she said that they made themselves public and therefore have opened the door to people having opinions about their lives.

I don't know them personally, so I hope this is not the case, but it feels almost like a competition to see just how many kids they can have. Or maybe something for ratings or to keep the show going. I hope not, but I can't help but wonder.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!



Oh, no, I am so sorry.


I thought Bill Gothard and his followers were anti-adoption because of how they interpret the part of Scripture where it talks about the children being punished for the sins of the parents? I'm pretty sure I remember reading something about how one of Anna Duggar's sisters is an adoptive mom and that is a big reason why the sister is estranged from the rest of Anna's family.


Yuck, like all children up for adoption are the product of sin? I guess parents never die in their rosy world. That is just so disturbing. And what does society do with children of sin, anyway? Throw them into a pit and walk away??

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The Duggar's didn't say they were planning on adopting, they said they were open to it. They are the type of people who leave the door open to "God's will," and so they would adopt if they felt like it was God's plan for them.


I'm not a fan of the Duggar's, though I have no animosity towards them. I do find it annoying that they are poster children for the homeschooling community, but my annoyance is for the media not the family. I don't have strong feelings either way about this family, but it boggles my mind why so many other people do.


I understand that people on tv will be talked about, I'm just not sure how a family can be so judged and have such harsh things said about them because of how many children they have.


Is it morally wrong to have that many children? Who gets to make the judgement call for how many children a couple should have? What are the criteria? Who should be responsible for enforcing that particular set of moral codes, churches? Society at large? Law enforcement? Should we institute a maximum family size, like China? Anyone with more than 2 children will have to pay a fine? Or is public derision enough of a punishment?


On the flipside, if it is possible to decide what family size is morally acceptable, is it morally wrong to only have one child? Studies have shown that there are benefits to having siblings, are parents who choose to only have one child even though they are able to have more depriving said child of the benefits of a brother or sister? Is that wrong?


I am trying to illustrate a point. I don't judge other people's family size, I've been getting heat from complete strangers and friends and family ever since dc number 4 was born. Why do people get to insult me because I choose to have more children then they would like? If there are no laws being broken, what do you care? Because you think it is wrong?


If it is not a moral issue, why are people attacking them? If it is a moral issue, please define the moral standards involved, and explain why they should apply to everyone.


The Duggars clothe and feed all their children, they seem well adjusted and loved. I don't agree with their religious beliefs or wish to copy their lifestyle, but why should I care about how they live their lives?


I am truly sorry for those experiencing pain because they cannot concieve, and going through the difficulty of adoption. There are a lot of kids out there, however, that are already in the system and need good homes, children who go from foster home to foster home. How do we know that this is not the type of child the Duggar's are considering?

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!


I'm sorry! I know what it's like to wait. We waited and waited and waited, too. I hope you get chosen soon.

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So many children need loving homes. If the Duggars can provide that, then I'm all for it. Some of our family members didn't think we should adopt a child since we already had three & that's "enough." :glare: :001_rolleyes:

And, truth be told, my little one, because of her significant special needs, would have been left to die in her orphanage. So, if the Duggars feel called to adopt, then that's wonderful.


ETA: Amy, I am sorry. I know how painful the waiting is. :grouphug:

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I understand that people on tv will be talked about, I'm just not sure how a family can be so judged and have such harsh things said about them because of how many children they have.


Is it morally wrong to have that many children?


I've never paid that much attention to them, and I have never (as far as I know) said anything harsh about them. I don't have a problem with large families. I think it's weird to try to have as many children as possible, and to me, lactation amennorrhea is a blessing rather than something horrible, and I think childbirth is very physically demanding on a woman, which I have seen first hand, including the sorrow caused by death in childbirth, and I don't understand what I've gleaned of the Duggars' church's beliefs about this, but otherwise, I wouldn't tell someone who didn't ask what to do. I have my own family member who thinks I have too many children (>1).

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The Duggar's didn't say they were planning on adopting, they said they were open to it. They are the type of people who leave the door open to "God's will," and so they would adopt if they felt like it was God's plan for them.


They said they were "praying about it," which in Christianese, means it is something they will most likely pursue if it appears to be an option. I'm "open to adopting," but at this point, being open to it is moot, because no babies have showed up my doorstep with a note pinned to their receiving blanket.


I'm not a fan of the Duggar's, though I have no animosity towards them. I do find it annoying that they are poster children for the homeschooling community, but my annoyance is for the media not the family. I don't have strong feelings either way about this family, but it boggles my mind why so many other people do.


I understand that people on tv will be talked about, I'm just not sure how a family can be so judged and have such harsh things said about them because of how many children they have.


Is it morally wrong to have that many children? Who gets to make the judgement call for how many children a couple should have? What are the criteria? Who should be responsible for enforcing that particular set of moral codes, churches? Society at large? Law enforcement? Should we institute a maximum family size, like China? Anyone with more than 2 children will have to pay a fine? Or is public derision enough of a punishment?


Personally, I don't judge them for how many children they have. I wish I had a few more myself. The concept of them adopting doesn't bother me in the sense that it makes their family bigger. It bothers me for other reasons. If one is "open" to God giving them children through all the years of fertility, why pursue more children when fertility has ended?


I would agree with a PP who said they hate to think it, but have to wonder if it is good for ratings. They wouldn't put the show back on and call it, "19 Kids and Probably Not Having Any More." I do believe a person can become overly attached to some particular way of life such that behavior looks addictive and I wonder about that with the Duggars.


On the flipside, if it is possible to decide what family size is morally acceptable, is it morally wrong to only have one child? Studies have shown that there are benefits to having siblings, are parents who choose to only have one child even though they are able to have more depriving said child of the benefits of a brother or sister? Is that wrong?


I am trying to illustrate a point. I don't judge other people's family size, I've been getting heat from complete strangers and friends and family ever since dc number 4 was born. Why do people get to insult me because I choose to have more children then they would like? If there are no laws being broken, what do you care? Because you think it is wrong?


If it is not a moral issue, why are people attacking them? If it is a moral issue, please define the moral standards involved, and explain why they should apply to everyone.


The Duggars clothe and feed all their children, they seem well adjusted and loved. I don't agree with their religious beliefs or wish to copy their lifestyle, but why should I care about how they live their lives?


I am truly sorry for those experiencing pain because they cannot concieve, and going through the difficulty of adoption. There are a lot of kids out there, however, that are already in the system and need good homes, children who go from foster home to foster home. How do we know that this is not the type of child the Duggar's are considering?



Apparently, their mentioning adoption came after having visited an orphanage in China. If they want to open up their home to some older children who are merely be passed from one foster care home to another, then great - bully for them. But I will be gobsmacked if that's what they do. The "buddy system" will probably not work with a troubled child.


Also, there are ways to be helpful to orphaned children other than hoarding, oops I mean adopting more of them.


I once visited a "crazy cat lady," when I was considering getting two cats. The situation was not good. There were hundreds of cats in her house. At what point did she truly cross over from a lady with a real heart for caring for abandoned cats to a bit of a nut who had more cats than she could adequately care for? Was it the 26th cat? The 37th? Would it be better if 150+ cats were euthanized, rather than crowded into her stinky house? I can't say for sure. All I know was it would not have made sense to me if she was seeking more abandoned cats to bring on.

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And who says they're not fertile anymore?


I don't have cable so can't watch, but did they make that announcement on TV?



No. It's a guess. Given their ages and given that the last 3 or 4 or so were a "surprise" to her because she (I guess) sees signs of waning fertility and given that there hasn't been a pregnancy in a while, it's a guess. I'm guessing it's not highly likely that they will conceive and have another viable pregnancy. I could be wrong of course.


It doesn't appear that they considered adoption 10 years ago, when fertility was in their favor.

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Maybe they feel "open" to adopting a special needs or hard to place child. There are many who would thrive in a loving and patient family like theirs. That said, I don't watch the show (no cable ) and haven't read their books. The little I have seen of their family seems positive and warm, albeit very different than my own.

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I'm not sure why it's any of our business at all. (???)


Besides, there are numerous studies that show that some "unadoptable" kids actually do better when adopted into large families.



They are public figures by choice. It's fair game to comment and criticize. It's really confusing to me when people say to mind our own business when talking about someone with a TV show. It's our business because the Duggars want it to be.

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No. It's a guess. Given their ages and given that the last 3 or 4 or so were a "surprise" to her because she (I guess) sees signs of waning fertility and given that there hasn't been a pregnancy in a while, it's a guess. I'm guessing it's not highly likely that they will conceive and have another viable pregnancy. I could be wrong of course.


It doesn't appear that they considered adoption 10 years ago, when fertility was in their favor.



I agree; they may not have any more biological children.


How do we know if in the privacy of their bedroom (where most folks talk away from the children) they didn't discuss/pray about adoption ten years ago?! And what if they DIDN'T. Maybe they didn't have the $$$ ten years ago to even think about adopting a child.


I know you were just trying to make a point w/ the cat lady, but many parents who have adopted will find it disturbing to read it in an adoption thread. I'll just leave it at that.

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Oh and I will actually say that I do have a problem with a couple with that many kids adopting a child. I've never seen a Duggar show but it's my understanding that they push a lot of their parenting responsibilities off on the older children. Now to bring in an adopted child who will most likely need a greater share of time and attention at the expense of their biological children seems seems extremely irresponsible. I hope they don't go through with it, or at least wait till their bio kids are quite a bit older.

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I am not comparing children to cats. I was making a point that having a "heart for" someone/something and not wanting to see any living sub-optimally can lead to over-acquiring of the someone/something you have a "heart for" to the extent that now it is more of a disservice than a service. The lady I met with the cats genuinely loved those cats. She had an amazing understanding of the nature, medical needs, etc. of individual cats to the point that I couldn't possibly question her love and devotion to the cats she had in her no-kill, home-based shelter. However, many of the cats also had respiratory infections. It's unavoidable with so many animals living in the same place. The house stunk severely. It's unavoidable with ten litter pans under the kitchen table.


I do think it is possible to develop an addiction/obsessive behavior surrounding mothering another child...and another...and another. Also, I believe that (as I am a mother who lost a baby and can speak from experience), Michelle Duggar may want another child to heal the hurt of losing baby Jubilee. This is certainly not the worst reason in the world. Still, she has many children who are still young enough to need years and years of active parental input. Maybe she isn't that interested in that facet of motherhood because she has always had the distraction of another baby coming along.


I don't hate on the Duggars. I never have and I don't now. But I don't think that because they are "good people," they are somehow immune from having wrong-headed motives. I agree with Mimm above that an adopted child will need a level of care that hasn't been their mode in the past. Adopting another child would not just give the other kids another playmate, in the fashion they seem to think from what I read on-line.

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No. It's a guess. Given their ages and given that the last 3 or 4 or so were a "surprise" to her because she (I guess) sees signs of waning fertility and given that there hasn't been a pregnancy in a while, it's a guess. I'm guessing it's not highly likely that they will conceive and have another viable pregnancy. I could be wrong of course.


It doesn't appear that they considered adoption 10 years ago, when fertility was in their favor.


Ummm...there are many adoptive families that didn't consider adopting before they discovered there were fertility issues. Does that make them wrong for adopting? There are many families that adopt after having genetic children, some due to secondary infertility, some not. Does that make their decision to adopt suspect?

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Considering how many people will not even think about adopting a child, no matter how few/many dc they have, if the Duggars have the heart to adopt then good for them! That many dc and there is room in their heart to love more? Awesome indeed. But then I would adopt in a heartbeat if my dh said 'yes', so I guess that makes me crazy/insane/irresponsible/(insert additional complimentary words here).

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Ummm...there are many adoptive families that didn't consider adopting before they discovered there were fertility issues. Does that make them wrong for adopting? There are many families that adopt after having genetic children, some due to secondary infertility, some not. Does that make their decision to adopt suspect?


No, but the Duggars didn't have "fertility issues." They are getting past the age of child-bearing. It's a whole different ball of wax. Having 20 kids and then deciding to adopt when you don't release eggs anymore is way different from trying to have a regular family. I wanted to adopt, after having four bio kids. I still would adopt, if it came up as a possibility. But I don't have a TV show that's based on and titled by having a whole bunch of kids and planning to have more.

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No. It's a guess. Given their ages and given that the last 3 or 4 or so were a "surprise" to her because she (I guess) sees signs of waning fertility and given that there hasn't been a pregnancy in a while, it's a guess. I'm guessing it's not highly likely that they will conceive and have another viable pregnancy. I could be wrong of course.


It doesn't appear that they considered adoption 10 years ago, when fertility was in their favor.


They said They knew God wanted them to have more children 10 years ago bc she kept getting pregnant. God's message about wanting them to adopt isn't as clear...

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I think a lot of people who say the Duggars appear very warm, loving and patient don't watch the show. Maybe they see them on the Today Show clips. On the show, it's very obvious the brunt of the child rearing and homeschooling has been passed off onto the older daughters. There have been episodes where they ask the parents to describe their children, and they struggle to come up with a description more than "sweet" or "patient". The younger children don't appear very attached to their parents. I don't think they spend very much quality time with them, which I think would be important when adopting a child.

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Well my answer is going to be b!tchy and unkind because DH and I just got word again that we didn't get picked to adopt a baby yesterday. Great! I hope they get to have 28 kids before I get to have a second one. Awesome!


I'm sorry, Amy. That's a big part of why their statement is so... wrong.



I can hear your pain through the b!tching (which wasn't really too b!tchy, honestly). Here's a b!tchy idea for you, though -- maybe if you let the adoption agencies know that you're looking to sign a deal to pimp out your children to a national media corporation, they'll toss a half dozen or so your way.

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They said They knew God wanted them to have more children 10 years ago bc she kept getting pregnant. God's message about wanting them to adopt isn't as clear...



Oh, I'm sure the show's Gods/Producers will round up someone who will give their unborn/newborn baby to the Duggars, and I'm sure it'll be an open adoption so everyone gets lots of camera time to cry and ooh and ahh and maybe they'll throw in a little salvation/conversion for the bio mom/parents and it'll be a whole year long series, plus three 2-hour specials.

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I think a lot of people who say the Duggars appear very warm, loving and patient don't watch the show. Maybe they see them on the Today Show clips. On the show, it's very obvious the brunt of the child rearing and homeschooling has been passed off onto the older daughters. There have been episodes where they ask the parents to describe their children, and they struggle to come up with a description more than "sweet" or "patient". The younger children don't appear very attached to their parents. I don't think they spend very much quality time with them, which I think would be important when adopting a child.



I don't watch the show often (no cable), but I watched last night, and the boys play with their dad, and the baby girls are often seen his in arms or lap, chat with eaach other etc. Same for Michelle. They look happy to me. They seem to laugh a lot.


Obviously, I don't know, as I don't live with them, and the producers can edit however they wish,


Now. That Abby Lee? She should never be around kids. Those poor girls are going to be diagnosed with PTSD one day.

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